Terrorist attack in NYC?

Multi - Personality

Rising Star

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
One witness (on CBS News) is saying the suspect is Hispanic and that its gang related :dunno:
Yo yeah you know what we need to wait and see the full details before we jump to any conclusions I’m going to delete my last comment


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Yo yeah you know what we need to wait and see the full details before we jump to any conclusions I’m going to delete my last comment

lol at BGOL's "Henny Penny" saying this shit here




American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
No sense jumping to conclusions but this being BGOL mofos leaping like Bob Beamon.

50/50 whether this cat gets ventilated or taken alive.

NY strong cause errbody did their job, it could have been much worse.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

why are you acting surprised?? these stupid cacs running the show, filled the country

with chinese and russians trying to get their "white" population numbers up..
now there are all types of russian and chinese sleeper cells...all over the country


mad russian and chinese agents operating out of brooklyn bruh...

and they got the money power and influence...

to hire the less influential to carry out their dirty work,

not saying thats what happend here..

for sure..

just saying if not now russian and chinese sleeper cells

rearing their heads in brooklyn is more than a reality...

its a matter of time

Joe Grind

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because the train cars are so long that on curves the gap is enormous. People trying to cross between cars would fall right onto the tracks.

Everybody in New York knows that.

I lived in NYC most of life and I didn't know that was the reason

Tha Baldavenger

Rising Star
Platinum Member
One random black person doing some shit doesn't justify stop and frisk and racial profiling

that's the problem, it is not just 1.....living the the NYC area it is incident after incident after incident. I am looking at ways to really impact our youth, to help find alternatives for our young men. Through my Lodge and other organization we do mentoring, but some of the mindsets tha tis being engrained in our young black men...is really troubling