Tesla Driver Charged With Killing Motorcyclist After Turning on Autopilot and Browsing His Phone


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was thinking about this robo taxi shit
That Elon keeps saying, its coming soon

I'm trying to figure this shit out.....
So for example, if I had a Tesla with FSD, could I just let it drive itself for Uber?
While I'm chillin athome getting paid
Multitasking like a mofo

Elon stated this was goal years ago, and promised it would happen soon. If it does, the cost of rides will eventually drop so much that it might not be worth having your car self-drive. In the short term, people will make money and boast about it, but the market will become saturated. Used Teslas will be everywhere, driving themselves. Ultimately, this will benefit TSLA stock
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Transnational Member
Tesla Vision using AI to detect and recognize an object in front of you based on a camera image.

Radar or Ultrasonic is picking up reflected energy bouncing off of an object. If there is a conflict, you should get an alert.

This is what should have happened...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This is a problem with any car with electronic locks, not just Tesla.

A man and his dog died in a Corvette because he didn't know about the manual over ride to open the door.
Customers should have to sign a waiver stating that they know where the override handle is when they buy a car w/ these types of doors releases.


Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Plenty of motorcyclist get hit by non-self driving cars everyday........................it never makes the news.
I hit one last September. Totaled my shit.

Edit* Found a pic. Ol boy's dome went through that broken back window there. Damage don't look bad, but that turned out to be $23k in damage
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Transnational Member

Tesla Vision or a human being would look at this as stairs, while sensors using ultrasonic or radar would see nothing. There would be no way to fool these sensors.