That boy is a 16-year-old rapper named Lil Woadie, and his fiancée is 26 years old. These are the pictures she takes before dropping him off at school

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You're right dawg
OG Investor



R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Child protection, prison off she goes and I hope the bar of soap doesn't go missing.

If she has much in common with him then she's retarded and hasn't really done shit with her life.


I just looked him up and they live in Alabama where the legal age of consent is 16 :smh:

I remember when I first started going to Alabama to visit family and being shocked at how grown ass men were openly fucking 16 year olds.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
At least it's in a place where it's legal. It is sick, especially to flaunt it, but fucking 16-year-olds is legal in Alabama I guess

I just looked him up and they live in Alabama where the legal age of consent is 16 :smh:

I remember when I first started going to Alabama to visit family and being shocked at how grown ass men were openly fucking 16 year olds.

Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
Where are his motherfucking parents? This is as bad as a 16 year old I heard that got 4 different baby moms, one bitch is 32 and used to drop him off at school.