The 19-year-old healthcare worker seen dancing on multiple patients heads has been arrested and charged with exploiting a disabled person.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
She prollly was fucking on them retarded peolple too. Wouldnt be surprised if they found some "other" videos in her phone as well.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
If I was disabled she could exploit me all she wants.
How do you know that you aren't disabled to the point that all this shit you are reading right now, is one big old mind concoction your screwed-up head came up with to cope with the trauma in the real world, where some smelly cunt, mad. woman is dancing over your drooling disabled head while sitting in the tub and posting it on social media.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
the thread title does not even come close to what I was expecting… wow wow.. shorty is crazy for doing that shit, they obviously didn’t do a background check on her mental health.. wow wow..smh
I was expecting them to be in a bed and her to be standing with her feet on their heads



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's her mother's company. Well that's what the internet said.
That’s what I heard as well, her Mom runs a cut rate assisted living service and she let this dumbass look after patients. Not only should she do time, the state needs to revoke the Mom’s business license.