The Coon Catalogue

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
So, you're actually advocating for the killing of young Black people he can't reach or control?
To put those young Black men and boys to sleep... "FOR GOOD!!!".:hmm:
How in the fuck is he even qualified to chose who comes and who goes?

Plus, who decides whether or not he stays?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How in the fuck is he even qualified to chose who comes and who goes?

Plus, who decides whether or not he stays?
Umar ain't "qualified" to do anything but to use a spoon to eat pancakes.

It's been long established that he's full smoke and bullshit.
- He's never shown or produced any his "alleged" 6 degrees.
- He lied about being a direct descendant of Frederick Douglass.
- He's always trying to subtly drive a wedge between Black men and women.
- He refuses to work with other real activists, advocates or accredited leaders 'cuz of his own immense ego & 'cuz they'll see right through him and his bullshit and call him out on it.
- He refuses to get financial aide from "white" institutions such as: established banks, credit unions or even federal grants because he knows they'll eventually see he's a criminal, a con-man & a fraud and they'd have no problems sueing him or having him arrested. This is the real reason he's so adamant about seeking "donations" from only Black people.
- He's popular with some celebrities and is a frequent guest on their news or entertainment venues, and even though they'll allow him on their platforms to spew his vile shit, they themselves NEVER publicly make donations to his school nor do they publicly endorse it or tell others to do so.

Bottomline: The dude is a vile con-man who preys on desperate, single Black mothers & takes advantage of well meaning but ignorant Black people, in general.

Screw him... :hmm:
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Umar ain't "qualified" to do anything but to use a spoon to eat pancakes.

It's been long established that he's full smoke and bullshit.
- He's never shown or produced any his "alleged" 6 degrees.
- He lied about being a direct descendant of Frederick Douglass.
- He's always trying to subtly drive a wedge between Black men and women.
- He refuses to work with other real activists, advocates or accredited leaders 'cuz of his own immense ego & 'cuz they'll see right through him and his bullshit and call him out on it.
- He refuses to get financial aide from "white" institutions such as: established banks, credit unions or even federal grants because he knows they'll eventually see he's a criminal, a con-man & a fraud and they'd have no problems sueing him or having him arrested. This is the real reason he's so adamant about seeking "donations" from only Black people.
- He's popular with some celebrities and is a frequent guest on their news or entertainment venues, and even though they'll allow him on their platforms to spew his vile shit, they themselves NEVER publicly make donations to his school nor do they publicly endorse it or tell others to do so.

Bottomline: The dude is a vile con-man who preys on desperate, single Black mothers & takes advantage of well meaning but ignorant Black people, in general.

Screw him... :hmm:
Great summary. That fucker is a disgrace and I don't see how anyone can know all of these facts about him and still follow him, send him money or hold him up as a positive figure in black struggle in America.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Fuck that guy Byron Donalds. If your against reparations for Black Americans/FBA/ADOS. I can't fuck with you at all.... at all. Fuck you and all the tethers who agree with this bs.