The exact opposite of BGOL


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
I'll check it out the bat though it looks like a "freak" board...


now why did you post this here the atheists are gonna come out swinging so let me say i'm out and thanks for the info


I ain't no Atheist, But why are so many of my people so stupid? Let go of your mystery spook god, find the god in the mirror. We love masas fried religion..ummm ummm. Fucking fools.. let go of fear. I WILL NEVER EVER BE A GOD FEARING MAN!!!! FOR I AM NOT THE CREATORS ENEMY!! WE ARE ONE IN THE SAME. :yes: I never understood why people thought "god fearing " was a good thing>???....


Behold Freedom below!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :lol: :dance: :dance: :lol: :lol: :confused: :cool: :puke: :( :angry: :lol: :lol: :eek: :eek: :eek:

:lol: :lol:
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Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
It's funny you say that...I was watching this woman then started listening to her talk and it popped into my head that there's 3 things some Black people will believe in before they believe in themselves - God, the devil and white folks...I am not saying people shouldn't believe in God but that they should recognize they make up part of that force and they should believe in themselves as much...

kwazdog said:
I ain't no Atheist, But why are so many of my people so stupid? Let go of your mystery spook god, find the god in the mirror. We love masas fried religion..ummm ummm. Fucking fools.. let go of fear. I WILL NEVER EVER BE A GOD FEARING MAN!!!! FOR I AM NOT THE CREATORS ENEMY!! WE ARE ONE IN THE SAME. :yes: I never understood why people thought "god fearing " was a good thing>???....


Behold Freedom below!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :lol: :dance: :dance: :lol: :lol: :confused: :cool: :puke: :( :angry: :lol: :lol: :eek: :eek: :eek:

:lol: :lol:


Leroy Soup Nutz said:
It's funny you say that...I was watching this woman then started listening to her talk and it popped into my head that there's 3 things some Black people will believe in before they believe in themselves - God, the devil and white folks...I am not saying people shouldn't believe in God but that they should recognize they make up part of that force and they should believe in themselves as much...

True Indeed!... We are the Original man..or at least of the original African linage. The world is fucked up because we give away our spiritual power to western man on a daily basis. we could end this shit in one day with out even having to raise a gun. I always said that we (blacks and other people of color) If we were really just ignorant monkeys and mentally inferior to whites, there would be no need for racism. WOULD YOU HAVE TO OPPRESS A MONKEY TO WIN A AUTOMOBILE RACE??. No! lol...he would oppress himself himself because he does not have human fingers and feet :lol: . We have been brainwashed beyond belief. I don't think any race has been given as much "special treatment" and psychological suppression as black Americans...


Potential Star
Yep. This is black girl online and that's a Christian site dedicated to worshipping a white guy online. :lol:


Rising Star
OG Investor
I never knew that so many blacks were "atheists" until I came on BGOL.


Most "atheists" are atheists only to a certain point...

Atheism was created to just frustrate those who are religious.

Anyone who labels him or herself "atheists" is just as fanatical as someone who adamantly proclaims Christianity or Islam.

Their God is just "no-God".

And their "religion" is just unorganized.


OG Investor
Dr. Munhihausen II said:
I never knew that so many blacks were "atheists" until I came on BGOL.


Most "atheists" are atheists only to a certain point...

Atheism was created to just frustrate those who are religious.

Anyone who labels him or herself "atheists" is just as fanatical as someone who adamantly proclaims Christianity or Islam.

Their God is just "no-God".

And their "religion" is just unorganized.
damm thats deep


just avoid organized religion and believe in God or a higher power and call it a day

all businesses were founded for a reason.. don't think church isn't one either...


Dr. Munhihausen II said:
I never knew that so many blacks were "atheists" until I came on BGOL.


Most "atheists" are atheists only to a certain point...

Atheism was created to just frustrate those who are religious.

Anyone who labels him or herself "atheists" is just as fanatical as someone who adamantly proclaims Christianity or Islam.

Their God is just "no-God".

And their "religion" is just unorganized.

Thats almost exactly what i said to someone else in another thread. I dont see it as unorganized just less time consuming and involving.

I see it like, Being in one of the mainstream religions you have to have a few personal qualitys. Two of them being 1. Wanting to be a part of a group(and not feeling right otherwise), and 2. Wanting to believe you have less and less controll in life... having someone "Above" who will somehow magicly make things better without you doing anything.. Theres more to the second one than that but ill stop there cus thats not my point.

Athiest dont have the second one, but still have the first.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
not all organized religion is bad.

the fucked up things people do in the name of God isn't the fault of the religion NOR God...they're the fault of evil people who use religion to control others and advance thier private agendas.

there are real prophets and false ones, real religion and false teachings.

always has been, and always will be until the end of time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought this was going to be a white porn board where they talk about whiteboy shit and post pics of women of color to fuck with the militant whiteboys.

I don't know if I am considered athiest or agnostic, but I am against religion for me. I do recognize that its helpful for a lot of folks and if it makes their lives better, more power to them. I just think its straight bullshit. The last time I went to church, I couldn't take it and walked out.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
BigDaddyBuk said:
not all organized religion is bad.

the fucked up things people do in the name of God isn't the fault of the religion NOR God...they're the fault of evil people who use religion to control others and advance thier private agendas.

there are real prophets and false ones, real religion and false teachings.

always has been, and always will be until the end of time.

:yes: :cool:


Dr. Munhihausen II said:
I never knew that so many blacks were "atheists" until I came on BGOL.


Most "atheists" are atheists only to a certain point...

Atheism was created to just frustrate those who are religious.

Anyone who labels him or herself "atheists" is just as fanatical as someone who adamantly proclaims Christianity or Islam.

Their God is just "no-God".

And their "religion" is just unorganized.

I'm not an atheist, but what you said makes no sense.

An atheist doesnt believe in god, mythology of the supernatural.

Theyre not members of an organization that doesn't believe in the supernatural.

An atheist cant commit an atrocity for something they dont believe in, that's simply foolish.

Oh Shit

Potential Star
Dr. Munhihausen II said:
I never knew that so many blacks were "atheists" until I came on BGOL.


Most "atheists" are atheists only to a certain point...

Atheism was created to just frustrate those who are religious.

Anyone who labels him or herself "atheists" is just as fanatical as someone who adamantly proclaims Christianity or Islam.

Their God is just "no-God".

And their "religion" is just unorganized.



OG Investor
Mr.Bizkits said:
I'm gonna do a mega porn post on the site and see what kind of reaction I'm gonna get.
LOL.. i bet some of the dudes on there are members here or watch just as much porn as we do


Rising Star
OG Investor
mcboob said:
I'm not an atheist, but what you said makes no sense.

An atheist doesnt believe in god, mythology of the supernatural.

Theyre not members of an organization that doesn't believe in the supernatural.

An atheist cant commit an atrocity for something they dont believe in, that's simply foolish.


I make perfect sense.

You just dont get it.

Do a web search on atheism to find numerous groups and organizations who proclaim that "belief"...or is it "unbelief"?

They just enjoy not-believing that it?

No one can persecute you for a belief that you refrain from displaying.

Anyone who feels that it is necessary to say that they are _______ (fill in this blank), already lost the battle of belief discretion.


LinuxGawd & BOFH
BGOL Investor
Atheism is simply a lack of belief. No more, no less. There is no dogma, book or creed to follow. The only thing any atheist has in common with another atheist is lack of belief in deity. Hell, you, yourself are atheistic. You are atheistic to all other gods except your own.

Ever single human who has ever lived has been an atheist at one point in their lives. It's called Birth. :D It's the default. Belief is taught.

Personally, I have no problem with a person's religious beliefs. Just keep that stuff a personal matter and don 't try to legislate my behavior and outlook on life.


da_monumental_1 said:
Atheism is simply a lack of belief. No more, no less. There is no dogma, book or creed to follow. The only thing any atheist has in common with another atheist is lack of belief in deity. Hell, you, yourself are atheistic. You are atheistic to all other gods except your own.

Ever single human who has ever lived has been an atheist at one point in their lives. It's called Birth. :D It's the default. Belief is taught.

Personally, I have no problem with a person's religious beliefs. Just keep that stuff a personal matter and don 't try to legislate my behavior and outlook on life.

precise and well said

JD Walker

Dr. Munhihausen II said:
I never knew that so many blacks were "atheists" until I came on BGOL.


Most "atheists" are atheists only to a certain point...

Atheism was created to just frustrate those who are religious.

Anyone who labels him or herself "atheists" is just as fanatical as someone who adamantly proclaims Christianity or Islam.

Their God is just "no-God".

And their "religion" is just unorganized.

You stay postin bullshit.

I'm an Atheist.

A = Without
Theist = Religion

We worship no one/nothing
Just as simple as that.

We live in peace in until dumbfucks like Munihausen wants to talk shit.

Atheism wasn't "created" to frustrate religions, we existed long before religion existed.

You assholes say "Hey, God exists"
We ask you to prove it.
You can't.
The best you can do is create strawman arguments like this bullshit you posted.

The burden of proof is on the one who is making the claim.

If I said there a little purple man under my steps telling me to post on BGOL you will ask for proof. If the only proof I have to offer is "I don't have any, I can't see him, I can't take pictures of him, I can't hear him, but I know he exists" you'd call me insane.

The same applies to you xtians and muslims.

And for those who don't think we are organized, just do a search on freethinkers and Black freethinkers.

Pussy Krook

da_monumental_1 said:
Atheism is simply a lack of belief. No more, no less. There is no dogma, book or creed to follow. The only thing any atheist has in common with another atheist is lack of belief in deity. Hell, you, yourself are atheistic. You are atheistic to all other gods except your own.

Ever single human who has ever lived has been an atheist at one point in their lives. It's called Birth. :D It's the default. Belief is taught.

Personally, I have no problem with a person's religious beliefs. Just keep that stuff a personal matter and don 't try to legislate my behavior and outlook on life.



Dr. Munhihausen II said:

I make perfect sense.

You just dont get it.

Do a web search on atheism to find numerous groups and organizations who proclaim that "belief"...or is it "unbelief"?

They just enjoy not-believing that it?

No one can persecute you for a belief that you refrain from displaying.

Anyone who feels that it is necessary to say that they are _______ (fill in this blank), already lost the battle of belief discretion.

I have more or the less "Retired" from active and prolonged debates on this board. However, I will get in this one for old time's sake...

There is an intersecting subset between mankind's desire to belong to a group and mankind's desire to believe in something he can blame for the bad times and thank for the good because of the overwhelming experience life can be. But one should not be confused with the other because both can just as well be mutually exclusive. Those people on the sites you mentioned/ linked are no more guilty than 49'er fans who pain their faces orange or wear Bonds throwbacks to the games. Simply put? People who share things in common WILL come together and form bonds in most cases.

Like one brother said, atheist, at most, are one but not necessarily the other, if you are following me here. Devout faithfuls are, more than likely, at ground zero of this subset. They have both needs and find them fulfilled via religious service and fellowship.

On the converse? It isn't fair to say these people lack self determination or do no good for humanity or whatever. Every hospital that there is was founded by some religious mission or order or what have you. Notwithstanding the increased costs of inaccessible to most health care, but that is another story and a latter evolution of things. What I am getting at? Is that hardly any atheist or non-religious foundations or groups are as charitable or compassionate as the religious outfits.

Then there are other subsets, right? People who feel as if they want to know an ancient secret. You know? People who believe because it makes them feel connected to those who have believed through out time, or even those who inherit religion from their parents and family, or their culture at large. They feel "connected" and in tune with mankind's destiny and ancient history (the world is only 6000 years old??? WTF??? :confused: ) Same could be said of some atheist who will claim to have discovered some great finding proving the Bible/ Qur'an or whatever is false or altered. Or some alternative medicine guru who claims to have discovered the herbal combinations that make the Dogun able to see the far away stars (just an abstract random example...)

Atheist or theist, I think it is best to live and let live on these issues. Proselytizing in either case is rude and tacky, in my opinion. And on that note? Theists are much more aggressive. I have never had an atheist knock on my door first thing in the morning, hassle me to read pamphlets or buy newspapers on a corner, etc, etc, etc...

Just my take...

Carry on...
