The Fattest Ass EVER on a Volleyball Player Belongs to Falyn Fonoimoana

Kwame Coltrane

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jesus Christ, we out here Pre-Hating bitches now, like fucking minority report? :smh: What part of the game is that?

Niggas been doing that shit on here for years.

Like here is a pic of a fat ass:

BGOL: She's gonna blow up, wait till she's 40, she's one burger away..

WTF just enjoy the picture nobody is asking you to wife the broad or monitor her when she hits middle age


The Big Brain

She's a 6' 4" amazon of Black, Samoan, Tahitian, and White descent.

I imagine she got that big blubber butt from her Samoan side of the family.
Would I fuck ?...... Most definetly I would but she's gonna look like that WWE wrestler Yokozuna in a few years if
she discontinues being active and monitor her diet .

6'4"! I still likes very much.


BootyEnthusiast; Ass-preneur
BGOL Investor
I remember a chick like this on our volleyball team in college....Se was like 6 feet and built just like this chick and i would say a tad more attractive. Her ass a thing of beauty too....just a big ole super round ball of flesh...It's still a top 5 ass that I've ever seen in my life. The thing was though, she had this really manly walk and kind of masculine look with the way she dressed and no dudes used to try to get with her because of it. I mean she walked hard as fuck. There's really no way to explain it in the same way to paint the visual. Anyway, I was getting with her roomate and big booty Trudy was throwing me all kind of signs that it was mine for the taking if just asked for it....I never did because my dumb ass was worried about what people would say if they found out about it....I regret that decision until this very day