Now that you've dropped this, I DO have all the time in the world now to raise my own chickens now that it's allowed in the city limits.I have a friend that has an Organic/Free Range Halal meat and poultry business. When I compare the local supermarket, Tesco British Whole Medium Chicken 1.3-1.5Kg costing £3.00 (£2.15/kg) per bird and then their free range product, Tesco Finest British Cornfed Free Range Whole Chicken 1Kg-2.3Kg costing £5.00/kg so a 1.65kg bird is £8.25 and then his is a 1.5kg bird at £13.00 I am amazed that his does the business that he does, BUT when you taste his chicken you know where your money has gone. Not only the flavour but the texture of the meat and the smell of it is superior to any supermarket product every time. He hand selects and slaughters all the animals his self, looking for any problems, defects, injuries and does not slaughter them if they are not fit.
Tesco British Whole Medium Chicken 1.3-1.5Kg - Tesco Groceries
Tesco Finest British Cornfed Free Range Whole Chicken 1Kg-2.3Kg
Buy Free Range Chicken Whole (1.6kg) - Abraham's (
Just because something looks like the next thing on the shelf/box don't mean it is. You have to know what you are buying and what is a superior product to an inferior product.
Last year in preparing for a food shortage because of the pandemic I grew a lot of vegetables, my mother and I had fresh tomatoes for almost 4 months. When she went back to buying the supermarket tomatoes she was not happy and said that we had been spoiled, to which I replied "No we have been getting conned!"
I haven't raised any fowl since my childhood down in Tennessee.
I'm tempted to get some.