The Gangsta Gardener of Los Angeles. Ron Finley Teaches Gardening


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I have a friend that has an Organic/Free Range Halal meat and poultry business. When I compare the local supermarket, Tesco British Whole Medium Chicken 1.3-1.5Kg costing £3.00 (£2.15/kg) per bird and then their free range product, Tesco Finest British Cornfed Free Range Whole Chicken 1Kg-2.3Kg costing £5.00/kg so a 1.65kg bird is £8.25 and then his is a 1.5kg bird at £13.00 I am amazed that his does the business that he does, BUT when you taste his chicken you know where your money has gone. Not only the flavour but the texture of the meat and the smell of it is superior to any supermarket product every time. He hand selects and slaughters all the animals his self, looking for any problems, defects, injuries and does not slaughter them if they are not fit.

Tesco British Whole Medium Chicken 1.3-1.5Kg - Tesco Groceries
Tesco Finest British Cornfed Free Range Whole Chicken 1Kg-2.3Kg

Buy Free Range Chicken Whole (1.6kg) - Abraham's (

Just because something looks like the next thing on the shelf/box don't mean it is. You have to know what you are buying and what is a superior product to an inferior product.

Last year in preparing for a food shortage because of the pandemic I grew a lot of vegetables, my mother and I had fresh tomatoes for almost 4 months. When she went back to buying the supermarket tomatoes she was not happy and said that we had been spoiled, to which I replied "No we have been getting conned!"
Now that you've dropped this, I DO have all the time in the world now to raise my own chickens now that it's allowed in the city limits.
I haven't raised any fowl since my childhood down in Tennessee.
I'm tempted to get some. :idea::hellyea:


International Member
Well said - I've bought some halal products in recent years. Quite tasty (chicken and beef).

Totally agree re: homegrown stuff. Flavor is sometimes out of this world. Especially when it's had time to grow, without all the manipulation.

One of my best memories growing up (food-wise) was being at a friend's place one spring or summer. We were out back playing sports, etc. His mom asked us what we wanted for lunch. We were indifferent. She made up BLT sandwiches with some locally grown tomatoes out in the valley about an hour away. Hell ... we had a few of them and the follow-up sandwiches were nearly all tomato. Toast up that bread, throw a bunch of tomato in there, pepper, etc. Excellent.

Way better than the stuff in stores. Like you said - "No we have been getting conned"


I am going to be starting my seeds for this year over the next couple of weeks, I was late starting the tomatoes last year and they did not all ripen in time. I also grew potatoes which I have never done before and they were fantastic, to the point that I have bought a kit which has 3 containers fertiliser and 3 varieties of seed potatoes. What else which was nice was (we live in a rural area now) because I grew the tomatoes along the dividing wall to the side of our driveway in the front and built a raised bed for other vegetables neighbours saw what I was doing and when they passed and I was out there working they would offer to swap things that they had grown.


International Member
Now that you've dropped this, I DO have all the time in the world now to raise my own chickens now that it's allowed in the city limits.
I haven't raised any fowl since my childhood down in Tennessee.
I'm tempted to get some. :idea::hellyea:

Fresh meat, eggs you'll thank yourself, the guy behind us keeps chickens and the farm at the top of the road does to. Their eggs are totally different to the pale yellow yolks and watery whites of the supermarket eggs. That, and you know what you are feeding and treating your birds with, no breast enhancing hormones making you grow tits!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Miracle Gro All Purpose Garden Soil 5 for $10



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
All the still ads on my phone in the YouTube feed are gardening-related for the last few weeks. My phone and desktop are supposedly not linked but I know damn well that it has to do with coming in and out of this thread. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wood mulch will be on sale tomorrow




FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I had a commercial run an hour ago for freeze-drying equipment. I went to look up the commercial thinking it was new but it's a year old now.
The ad pitched what you have to do with the abundance left over from your garden. Of course, it touts freeze-drying over canning but I'd never thought about anything other than dehydrators in the past.

This is only relevant to the thread in that shit is being thrown at me concerning gardening and has overtaken tools and automotive suddenly. :lol:
Harvest Right - YouTube



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Home depot stepping up big time this year. Last year they fucked up everyone orders, now they shipping items out in two to three days. Bought two plants from them, both came today in perfect condition. :yes: Sale is still active.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
EGO Bare Powertools: EGO Power+ 15" String Trimmer $89, 56V Electric Leaf Blower

I was about to get happy and proclaim how much I needed one of these in my life but they're all bare tools and the battery is the bulk of the cost.
Hell, a battery costs as much as a new unit with a battery included. :lol:


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I need another battery. These fucker refuse to drop the price lol.
Gemini negotiating with EGO for a discount on batteries for BGOL members while they have us by the balls...


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
I was about to get happy and proclaim how much I needed one of these in my life but they're all bare tools and the battery is the bulk of the cost.
Hell, a battery costs as much as a new unit with a battery included. :lol:
I've felt like I was hustled a couple times by these cordless tool makers, because I've found that the battery that comes with the unit is often not very good and doesn't last very long. Then you need to buy a new one, and as has been pointed out, its about equal to buying a whole new unit.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I can get it dumped for free by a tree trimming business.
That's what this business is hoping for, except for the $20 fee. If they don't have to take it to a landfill and pay a fee themselves. They'd love to be able to shred some trees and dump the mulch in the nearest yard in the neighborhood. They'd be winning.