The Gangsta Gardener of Los Angeles. Ron Finley Teaches Gardening


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

6 Organic Ways to Prevent and Kill Cabbage Worms​

Immediately STOP Cabbage Worm Damage with THIS Solution - Also Tomato Hornworm and Cabbage Looper​



Rising Star

Why The U.S. Isn’t Growing Enough Food​

I didn't watch the whole vid, but I know the answer. It's because of unbridled capitalism that's only objective is maximizing short term profits. The mass scale industrial farmers, commodity traders, conglomerate food stuff manufactures, wholesale distributors, and big chain retailers. We get only what its most profitable for them to provide, nothing more and nothing else.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Christmas lights hack



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Little man working. Smart move. He got to collab with the other lawn guys and girls.
Endorsements are coming

Kid DISCOVERS city sidewalk under YEARS of Debris​
