The Handmaid's Tale: the 2nd best thing you’ll watch all year


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
blogs have been debating all the feminist pov - I left it alone because of slow release of episodes

oh yeah allow me to retort "best you'll see after HoC"





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I heard one of the white women newscasters on KTLA hyping it up. That Made it suspect to me, but I'm open minded & curious. I like the show, it's okay. Watch it w/ my wife. Haven't read the book. But the tv show plot is too unbelieveable despite its positive analogies to totalitarian society.

Funny how there is talk of Underground being cancelled. It is a better more relevant show that is inclusive of the struggle of women. If u haven't seen the episode where harriet tubman does a speech for the entire length of the episode, do urself a favor and check it out. That shit was high art & prophecy.

Funny how they can't see how every aspect of the New Deal that made america prosperous was overturned by associating it with black people and counting on the racist sentiment of white america to consent. now even women's rights is fair game. They can see the threat to women's rights but that is the extent of their vision.

Funny how they can't see totalitarianism in regard to the state of black america which was parlayed into being the general state of america. They crying about taking their country back, why u stupid fucks u gave it away. This handmaids show is part of the delusion. I'd rather watch the show Harlots. now i love them hoes.

I like American Gods better too.


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
I can not relate emotionally to the lives of white people;
I therefore do not indulge their fictions... For this
reason, I rarely watch TV or movies. I do read history
of all people religiously, because it is true...


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Slavery for whitefolks....
No enslaving white women....

I had to go back to the beginning of the trailer to figure out what year that was supposed to be... Make sure my it wasn't the 1500's or something..


Gutta Queen Super Star***
BGOL Investor
The thing that confuses me is that it would seem that the women that could still have children should be put on the top of the totem pole. I mean God saw fit to leave them fertile. They should be the ones with the husbands and the big houses. And the other women should be the servants. Just my opinion.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yup. They watch that and have empathy but still say fuck-off to black folks
no empathy - not even close
I swear in the blogs I come across the NOW and other femdom crowd are pushing this as Roots for feminists
They are saying women were slaves, property, 2nd class citizens w/o rights in the past and could be again if steps aren't taken

BGOL Investor
The thing that confuses me is that it would seem that the women that could still have children should be put on the top of the totem pole. I mean God saw fit to leave them fertile. They should be the ones with the husbands and the big houses. And the other women should be the servants. Just my opinion.

I thought the same thing

Art Vandelay

There were a fair number of Handmaiden-themed healthcare protests. That's where I learned of this.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Just started watching this ....I’m late but it’s good.

Strong paralels to antibellum slavery

The distortion of the Bible is powerful

The thing that confuses me is that it would seem that the women that could still have children should be put on the top of the totem pole. I mean God saw fit to leave them fertile. They should be the ones with the husbands and the big houses. And the other women should be the servants. Just my opinion.

That’s due to toxic mix of Christian dogma and European classism.

A odd interpretation of Genesis 30:1-3 (the story of Jacob and Rachael) is mostly to blame