The hoes are descending on Tampa

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Niggas coming up with all da nonsensical excuses in da world as to why it should be okay to have somewhere to shake their ass at during a goddamn global health crisis.
:smh: Just stupid shit.



Rising Star
Niggas coming up with all da nonsensical excuses in da world as to why it should be okay to have somewhere to shake their ass at during a goddamn global health crisis.

Nope. Everything should be the same as before. fuck a pandemic and fuck endangering the lives of your loved ones. :rolleyes: :smh:

The crazy thing to me is that the main advocates of living life "normal" would be the main ones talking about the "fraud" that is bars/restaurants/clubs sans pandemic. :smh::smh::lol::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sniffing coke and getting someone sick in the same sentence? Really?

I know your point is they are both "bad decisions". That is what you think?

Even if you take the vaccine you need to still wear a mask and socially distance.

Getting the vaccine doesn't mean you won't GET AND SPREAD covid.

It just means that there is a 95% chance that you will not get very sick/and or die from it.

It says nothing about the people you may infect.

Also, do you think all the people in the video got the vaccine? That is what you are implying. Really.

Knock it off. You know black people don't wanna take the vaccine.

You saying all this to be a contrarian. You think I got something mental going on? So do you!

I want black people to be great so much. I don't want no black person dying.
That is why I am so hard on you man. You are a very smart person. I just wanna help you and guide you so you can be great.

After this pandemic is over, I would like to meet up and be your mentor.

You sniff coke b4 but I would never want you to die from it though.. but that’s me ,wishing death on black people for making bad choices ain’t my thing.. but I see that’s where we differ... funny thing is every single person in those vids could have taken the covid test and been negative, some could even had took the vaccine, which mean it could be a room full of clean people, but most of ya think the worst in black people and hope they infested and all die.. bunch of so called black people with negative energy towards all black people


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are many more strains. People dont know about viruses. I know 5 is all we have seen but there are more.
Let me 'splain statistics to you bruh. You know there are like 5 KNOWN and distinct strains. Right. That's what we KNOW....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's how he do. He takes your words and twist it to suit his needs.

2 years from now he will tell you how you were protecting drunk drivers and that you are for the killing of kids.

I did not make an excuse
Is saying an elephant weighs more than a dog making an excuse?
I pointed out they are not the equivalent.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That's how he do. He takes your words and twist it to suit his needs.

2 years from now he will tell you how you were protecting drunk drivers and that you are for the killing of kids.
You crave my attention it’s really gay... you literally seek out threads to try to conversate with me it’s really weird..but you know I already know you a habitual liar and a part time schizo and a full time troll


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1 sick person in that picture can theoretically kill way more people in 30 days than any drunk driver.

1 sick person in Wuhan China killed over 1 million people in 11 months.

That is why viruses are dangerous.

That is why bad information is a virus to communities.

It keeps people DUMB.

It’s same category as reckless behavior that can cause harm to oneself and others.. this is about decision making that can do that.. see how you can connect the 2.. one drunken night can change people lives forever just like not wearing a face mask in arenas with contagious people.. people are trying to minimize a scenario cause it’s not as big as the other 1 but act like it isn’t a serious situation in itself


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
1 sick person in that picture can theoretically kill way more people in 30 days than any drunk driver.

1 sick person in Wuhan China killed over 1 million people in 11 months.

That is why viruses are dangerous.

That is why bad information is a virus to communities.

It keeps people DUMB.
I want you to know stalker fag I’m pretty much not gonna read anything you say to me..I told you b4 you got gay stalker vibes fall back


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok wow. Now you taken it too far.

You crave my attention it’s really gay... you literally seek out threads to try to conversate with me it’s really weird..but you know I already know you a habitual liar and a part time schizo and a full time troll


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Ok wow. Now you taken it too far.
Stop trying to get my attention.. stop responding to me.. stop trying to insist that you want to meet up.. shits beyond weird with you.. told you b4 weirdo.. don’t like habitual liars and trolls


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You just mad cause you look stupid with your comments.

You grasping at straws with your analogies.

You can't make an argument without giving a lame example.

Then you get crushed and hold grudges and catch feelings.

You falling apart man. Get a grip.

I want you to know stalker fag I’m pretty much not gonna read anything you say to me..I told you b4 you got gay stalker vibes fall back


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You just mad cause you look stupid with your comments.

You grasping at straws with your analogies.

You can't make an argument without giving a lame example.

Then you get crushed and hold grudges and catch feelings.

You falling apart man. Get a grip.
Still not reading..last other threads when you get weird ill just not respond To you...this is another 1