The Kevin McCarthy "Cuckoo CaCa Chaos Caucus" begins today.... buckle-up...... KEVIN IS OUT !!!! Glue ain't even dry on his office sign!!!


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Two dirty feral cats having a pussy fight.... :lol:

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Boebert a ‘Little Bitch’ on the House Floor

A feud has been boiling between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert for months. It finally reached a new level on Wednesday.

The messy feud between two of MAGA world’s biggest stars burst into public view on Wednesday, when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) called Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) a “little bitch” to her face on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The angry exchange came as the two lawmakers have been swiping at each other over their competing resolutions to impeach President Joe Biden. But tensions came to a head on Wednesday after Boebert leveraged a procedural tool to force a vote on her own impeachment resolution within days—undercutting Greene, who had offered her own resolution, but not with the procedural advantages of forcing a vote.

Greene apparently cursed out Boebert while the House was voting Wednesday afternoon, as the two spoke in a center aisle of the House floor; part of their interaction was captured on C-SPAN’s cameras.

According to two sources that saw the exchange and a third familiar with the matter, the back and forth began when Boebert approached Greene—then seated in the chamber—and confronted her over “statements you made about me publicly.” All three of the sources said Greene called Boebert a “bitch.” One of the sources said Greene called her “a little bitch.”

According to two of the sources, Greene then stood up and alleged that Boebert “copied my articles of impeachment,” to which the Colorado lawmaker fired back that she hadn’t even read Greene’s resolution.

“I’ve donated to you, I’ve defended you. But you’ve been nothing but a little bitch to me,” Greene told Boebert, according to a source who witnessed the exchange. “And you copied my articles of impeachment after I asked you to cosponsor them.”

The name-calling was confirmed by another GOP lawmaker and another source who witnessed the exchange.

“I heard Marjorie call Boebert a bitch right to her face,” one GOP lawmaker said, granted anonymity by The Daily Beast to speak freely about the argument.

“OK, Marjorie, we’re through,” Boebert then said, shrugging her shoulders.

With Boebert’s back turned, Greene responded: “We were never together.”

Reached for comment about the exchange, Boebert didn’t deny the back and forth.

“Marjorie is not my enemy. I came here to protect our children and their posterity. Joe Biden and the Democrats are destroying our country,” she told The Daily Beast. “My priorities are to correct their bad policies and save America.”

Boebert subsequently told CNN: “Like I said, I’m not in middle school.”

As for her part, when asked about their exchange, Greene told The Daily Beast: “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.”

Earlier in the day, Greene said she has long championed articles of impeachment against Biden—and strongly suggested Boebert is late to a push that she herself already owns.

“Lauren Boebert never addressed the conference,” Greene said. “I made it clear to the conference that I have introduced articles of impeachment, literally since Joe Biden’s first day in office.”

“I have been talking about it with everybody forever,” Greene continued. “Literally, everyone. Forever, ‘til I’m blue in the face. You see me? I’m blue in the face.”

She later explained to Semafor how the exchange went down: “I was sitting down, and so I stood up and I said, ‘I’m happy to clarify my public statements to your face.’ “I told her exactly what I think about her.” Greene revealed she told Boebert she was annoyed that rather than support her own impeachment effort, she overtook it. “It’s purely for fundraising,” she told Semafor. “It’s throwing out red meat so that people will donate to her campaign because she’s coming up on the end of the month, and she’s trying to produce good fundraising numbers.”

Boebert declined to speak to the GOP conference on Wednesday about her fast-tracked impeachment resolution, after Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) invited her to do so ahead of a Wednesday morning, closed-door conference meeting. McCarthy has already come out against the impeachment resolution.

It’s not just McCarthy, however, who has spoken out against Boebert’s impeachment articles. Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL)—a fellow House Freedom Caucus member—disagreed with Boebert’s decision to force a vote so quickly on such a weighty matter.

“We do have a process of doing things,” he told The Daily Beast. “Impeachment is at such a high level that you know there should be some process for that.”

The bitter impeachment spat is just the latest in a string of deteriorations that have turned a once warm relationship between Boebert and Greene ice cold.

After beginning their respective congressional careers in 2021 as MAGA rabble-rousers fighting a Democratic majority, Greene and Boebert’s paths began to diverge as the GOP zeroed in on control of the chamber.

Once a pariah in the Republican ranks, Greene made herself an indispensable ally to McCarthy, boosting his credibility with the far-right while she began to win over some former detractors in the party mainstream.

Despite winning re-election in 2022 by just 500 votes, Boebert has tacked even harder to the right. She has aligned herself with a small faction of conservatives who opposed McCarthy’s speakership, and appears determined to undermine him wherever possible.

In January, The Daily Beast reported that Greene confronted Boebert in the women’s bathroom off the House floor, accusing her of being disloyal to McCarthy, whom Boebert was refusing to support for Speaker.

“You were OK taking millions of dollars from McCarthy but you refuse to vote for him for Speaker, Lauren?” Greene asked, according to a source familiar with the interaction.

Both Greene and Boebert have since become vocal proponents of impeaching Biden and other Democrats—to the delight of the MAGA base—but their jostling to be the first and loudest Republicans to own the push has resulted in a major escalation of their feud.

Last month, Greene kicked off what she called an “impeachment week,” filing articles of impeachment against Biden and several of his cabinet officials.

Not to be outdone, Boebert filed her own articles of impeachment against Biden, and she leveraged a parliamentary tool on Tuesday—called a privileged resolution—to force an impeachment vote on the House floor.

Despite her alliance with McCarthy, Greene told Politico on Tuesday that she would be doing the same thing, pointedly noting that her plans were laid “before this weekend.”

That indirect back-and-forth, conducted through press releases and quotes to media outlets, seems to have provided the kindling for Greene and Boebert’s tense exchange on Wednesday.

In the broader GOP conference, many members believe it is hardly the right time to push for Biden’s impeachment, and they worry that Boebert and Greene’s tactics will expose Republican disunity on the issue.

But to Republicans who are supportive of the impeachment push, the obvious infighting between two of the most vocal and influential conservatives was met with concern.

A GOP lawmaker warned The Daily Beast about “bad blood” stemming from the impeachment fight.

“I personally don’t think it’s helpful in any way,” this lawmaker said.



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Once again.... credit to @darth frosty

Right now, Special Counsel Jack Smith is working with prosecutors to determine whether Donald Trump and his aides violated federal wire fraud statutes by raising as much as $250 million by saying they needed money to reverse election fraud even though they had no evidence to back up those claims. Now, it could be Marjorie Taylor Greene’s turn next.
The accusation stems from Marjorie Taylor Greene’s recent fundraising that uses potentially baseless and misleading claims against President Biden. Here are the details
One recent fundraising effort promoted by Greene on Twitter accused President Biden of bribery. The fundraiser attempts to raise money for Win Red and states “Joe Biden received a $5,000,000 BRIBE from a BURISMA EXECUTIVE in exchange for BIDEN to use his power to get the UKRAINIAN PROSECUTOR investigating BURISMA fired.” While prosecutors are looking at the inner workings of the committee, Save America PAC, and at the Trump campaign’s efforts to prove its baseless case that Trump had been cheated out of victory, Democratic candidate John Burrows says Greene should he investigated herself. “How long have you used baseless lies to raise money? You should be the target of a major investigation for fraud.” Campaign finance crimes and wire fraud is no joke. Someone found guilty could serve up to two years for less serious offenses and even up to five years in prison for more serious crimes.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Kevin McCarthy was just humiliated for calling it a “grave injustice” for Trump to be charged with violating the Espionage Act… …now that Trump was caught on tape violating the Espionage Act. When Trump was indicted, McCarthy wrote: “I, and every American who believes in the rule of law, stand with President Trump against this grave injustice.” Now that tapes of Trump were released, Democratic candidate John Burrows was quick to remind McCarthy what he was defending: “What the entire country heard last night was tantamount to Donald Trump admitting that he violated the Espionage Act. And you defended him. That makes you complicit.”
Burrows continued: “You didn’t condemn his crimes. You didn’t speak out against his behavior. You know why, sir? You’re a coward.” DAMNNNNNN! Is it just me, or do we need more powerful young Democrats like John Burrows in Congress to hold cowardly Kevin McCarthy accountable?

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

BREAKING: Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell gets into a volcanic, profanity-riddled fight with Speaker Kevin McCarthy — and the details are just too juicy to pass up.

Buckle up, because this showdown was even more explosive than the Lauren Boebert VS. Marjorie Taylor Greene fight...

According to a new report, on June 21st, the day Republicans voted on their sham censure of Representative Adam Schiff, Democrats stood up on the House floor to yell "Shame!"

Swalwell was standing near the Speaker's podium and let loose on McCarthy—

"This is pathetic. You’re weak. You're a weak man," Swalwell said to him, giving voice to the opinion that most Americans share of McCarthy.

McCarthy grew so visibly upset that he had a "vein popping out of his forehead" and he stared down Swalwell for "about 10 seconds before walking away."

Things heated back up the next day.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Capitol for a joint address to Congress. Right before he stepped up to the Speaker's podium, McCarthy spotted Swallwell and confronted him—

"If you ever say something like that to me again, I’m gonna kick the shit out of you," McCarthy said to Swalwell.

The two men got up "in each other's faces" so that they were "basically nose-to-nose" and Swalwell said "Are we really gonna do this?"

The two argued back and forth until finally McCarthy puffed up his chest and threatened physical violence again—

"Call me a pussy again, and I’ll kick your ass," said McCarthy.

Swallwell, never afraid to stand up to fascist bullies, looked him dead in the eye and clearly enunciated his response: "You. Are. A. Pussy."

The two men stared each other down until McCarthy caved like a coward and stepped aside to let Swalwell pass.

Yet again, we see that McCarthy is a craven, yellow-bellied, spineless, cowardly jellyfish masquerading as a man. He's scared to stand up to Donald Trump and he's not even a tenth of the man that Eric Swalwell is.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
It's off to the races again for congressional rodeo clown Jim Jordan... :smh: :hmm:

Jim Jordan launches probe into Georgia Trump prosecution

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) fired off a sweeping request for documents dealing with former President Trump’s prosecution for election interference in Georgia, asking Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) to turn over all records relating to the case.

Sent hours before Trump is expected to surrender at the Fulton County Jail, the letter cites “concerns about [Willis’s] motivation” in bringing the case and suggests her sprawling racketeering indictment against the former president and 18 others highlights “the threat that such state prosecutions can pose to the operations of the federal government.”

The letter also asked whether Willis at any point communicated with the team of special counsel Jack Smith, who earlier this month brought federal charges against Trump related to his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
The letter mirrors those the committee has sent related to other criminal cases against Trump and echoes the former president’s frequent complaints that all of the charges leveled against him are motivated by politics rather than any wrongdoing.

“The timing of this prosecution reinforces concerns about your motivation,” Jordan wrote.

“You did not bring charges until two-and-a-half years later, at a time when the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is in full swing,” he continued. “Moreover, you have requested that the trial in this matter begin on March 4, 2024, the day before Super Tuesday and eight days before the Georgia presidential primary.”
Willis’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Jordan’s panel has frequently sought information on criminal probes into Trump at key junctures.

He sent a letter to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) before he had even brought charges against Trump, writing that he was “reportedly about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.”

He’s also sent two letters to Attorney General Merrick Garland concerning Smith’s investigation.

Thursday’s letter lays out a case for Trump, arguing the actions he took in Georgia — asking the secretary of state to “find” enough votes for him to win and assembling a slate of fake electors — could be considered official actions taken by a president.

“When states rely on acts like these—apparently taken in connection with official duties—to criminally prosecute federal officers, it raises serious concerns under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution and poses a threat to the operations of the federal government,” Jordan writes.

“The threat of future state prosecution for official acts may dissuade federal officers from effectively performing their official duties and responsibilities.”

He also posits that such prosecutions could have a chilling effect on presidents while in office.

“To the extent that presidents fear that they may be subject to politically motivated prosecutions after they leave office, this could impact the policies they choose to pursue while in office,” Jordan said.

“And because this former President is a current candidate for that office, the indictment implicates another core federal interest: a presidential election.”

For her part, Willis has denied having any contact with Smith.

“I don’t know what Jack Smith is doing, Jack Smith doesn’t know what I’m doing. In all honesty, if Jack Smith was standing next to me, I’m not sure I would know who he was. My guess is he probably can’t pronounce my name correctly,” Willis told local media ahead of filing charges.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's off to the races again for congressional rodeo clown Jim Jordan... :smh: :hmm:

Jim Jordan launches probe into Georgia Trump prosecution

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) fired off a sweeping request for documents dealing with former President Trump’s prosecution for election interference in Georgia, asking Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) to turn over all records relating to the case.

Sent hours before Trump is expected to surrender at the Fulton County Jail, the letter cites “concerns about [Willis’s] motivation” in bringing the case and suggests her sprawling racketeering indictment against the former president and 18 others highlights “the threat that such state prosecutions can pose to the operations of the federal government.”

The letter also asked whether Willis at any point communicated with the team of special counsel Jack Smith, who earlier this month brought federal charges against Trump related to his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
The letter mirrors those the committee has sent related to other criminal cases against Trump and echoes the former president’s frequent complaints that all of the charges leveled against him are motivated by politics rather than any wrongdoing.

“The timing of this prosecution reinforces concerns about your motivation,” Jordan wrote.

“You did not bring charges until two-and-a-half years later, at a time when the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is in full swing,” he continued. “Moreover, you have requested that the trial in this matter begin on March 4, 2024, the day before Super Tuesday and eight days before the Georgia presidential primary.”
Willis’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Jordan’s panel has frequently sought information on criminal probes into Trump at key junctures.

He sent a letter to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) before he had even brought charges against Trump, writing that he was “reportedly about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.”

He’s also sent two letters to Attorney General Merrick Garland concerning Smith’s investigation.

Thursday’s letter lays out a case for Trump, arguing the actions he took in Georgia — asking the secretary of state to “find” enough votes for him to win and assembling a slate of fake electors — could be considered official actions taken by a president.

“When states rely on acts like these—apparently taken in connection with official duties—to criminally prosecute federal officers, it raises serious concerns under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution and poses a threat to the operations of the federal government,” Jordan writes.

“The threat of future state prosecution for official acts may dissuade federal officers from effectively performing their official duties and responsibilities.”

He also posits that such prosecutions could have a chilling effect on presidents while in office.

“To the extent that presidents fear that they may be subject to politically motivated prosecutions after they leave office, this could impact the policies they choose to pursue while in office,” Jordan said.

“And because this former President is a current candidate for that office, the indictment implicates another core federal interest: a presidential election.”

For her part, Willis has denied having any contact with Smith.

“I don’t know what Jack Smith is doing, Jack Smith doesn’t know what I’m doing. In all honesty, if Jack Smith was standing next to me, I’m not sure I would know who he was. My guess is he probably can’t pronounce my name correctly,” Willis told local media ahead of filing charges.

i wonder how she is going to word her


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Interesting, but most saw this coming.
Is Gaetz making a beeline for his incumbency?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So let me get this straight. Matt "pedo" Gaetz leaves his paperwork in a fucking bathroom in mid September tipping his hand that he wants KM out.....

KM does nothing for 3 weeks and sits by and let's it happen?!..

I wish I would let that smug, punch-able face ass mfkr telegraph what he is gonna do, and then sit on by for 3 weeks and let him do the shit!!!

Mayne this mfkr never saw West Wing, 24, Scandal....shit any damn political TV show?!!

I'd have that dweeb ass mfkr "holding my pockets," and dare him to try that shit again.

Damn KM really was a pussy.....smdh