The Legacy of FBA & ADOS


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another weak azz thread filled with kindergarten research and videos to elicit emotional reactionary responses. The same cast of characters arguing the same shit they have created nearly 100 threads about. :smh: enjoy!
yet u didn't ignore the thread like many others threads on bgol u ignore but rather chose to click in & join the thread !!

but not to debunk the facts of the hate cult movement but to cry about why we should in others words ignore them & let ppl who are spreading xenophobia disguised as activists continue unopposed... yeah got it :giggle::giggle:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yet u didn't ignore the thread like many others threads on bgol u ignore but rather chose to click in & join the thread !!

but not to debunk the facts of the hate cult movement but to cry about why we should in others words ignore them & let ppl who are spreading xenophobia disguised as activists continue unopposed... yeah got it :giggle::giggle:
You have many threads beating this shit into the ground you should change your name to dead horse. I'm done!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have many threads beating this shit into the ground you should change your name to dead horse. I'm done!
sure .. :rolleyes: yet ure here crying about a thread u & ur co-hatecultists dont care about , so ,..yes , ill keep quiet when ur fba ados hatecult concentrate their energies on the very ppl disenfranchising them from healthcare, educational access, housing , banking, employment , political power, etc


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why don’t you immigrants go back to your homeland and fix it up instead of worrying about Black Americans delineating all of the time. You’re so use to eating off black Americans plate that you feel entitled now that we want to separate from you. You know you need us we don’t need you. You know you’re fucked once we finally and completely delineate!
Umm, auditioning for a higher position in a certain society - by shitting on us?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You do nothing but post randoms from Twitter and act as if they speak for all of Black America. Why don't you condemn what that Congolese guy had to say?
u post randoms ppl & xenphobic white supremacist boosting account & their stories from twitter about folks all the way in Africa that have nothing to do with ur fba ados life but u want to tell us this about american business


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why don’t you immigrants go back to your homeland and fix it up instead of worrying about Black Americans delineating all of the time. You’re so use to eating off black Americans plate that you feel entitled now that we want to separate from you. You know you need us we don’t need you. You know you’re fucked once we finally and completely delineate!
there are more european & latin immigrants in the usa who have more power over ur politics ur life ur economy in ur everyday life than black immigrants do, but yall only cry about black immigz who hold no power over ur life, black people born in america arent immigrants,
if u want american born citizens to go back to the coutry of their parents then ur orange god will have to also with millions of euros to be removed and we know yall dont want that, u only want black immig kids removed..

again with the "fix ur homeland" , the homeland ur american govt has plundered rped & stole from for decades to bring back & build ur america ?

show me one time i have asked u not to "delineate" yall have to manufacture that bs narrative to justify ur bs

they "need u" for what ?: jobs, education, healthcare ? wealth ? culture? religion? langauge ?

again we ask u to delineate but it seems u think delineation means making up lies about africa& sharing white supremacist narratives about african & africans

delineation would mean to to go ur way, dont associate with africa ,forget africa, disconnect from anything africa, remove anything africa from ur life but u refuse to do it..
.... whenever u get exposed u always reply with the same bs u say its becos u want to delineate but never show u actually doint it or how that is a logical answer

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
there are more european & latin immigrants in the usa who have more power over ur politics ur life ur economy in ur everyday life than black immigrants do, but yall only cry about black immigz who hold no power over ur life, black people born in america arent immigrants,
if u want american born citizens to go back to the coutry of their parents then ur orange god will have to also with millions of euros to be removed and we know yall dont want that, u only want black immig kids removed..

again with the "fix ur homeland" , the homeland ur american govt has plundered rped & stole from for decades to bring back & build ur america ?

show me one time i have asked u not to "delineate" yall have to manufacture that bs narrative to justify ur bs

they "need u" for what ?: jobs, education, healthcare ? wealth ? culture? religion? langauge ?

again we ask u to delineate but it seems u think delineation means making up lies about africa& sharing white supremacist narratives about african & africans

delineation would mean to to go ur way, dont associate with africa ,forget africa, disconnect from anything africa, remove anything africa from ur life but u refuse to do it..
.... whenever u get exposed u always reply with the same bs u say its becos u want to delineate but never show u actually doint it or how that is a logical answer
Learn how to write first. You created this thread but it seems you hate when people respond.

This thread isn’t about whites or Latinos. They get that work from ados when the thread is about them! You keep making threads about black Americans but hate the responses. What sense does that make???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only hate group in bgol is mango cause Mango is the only guy constantly starting threads on bgol about this stuff. What’s wrong with this guy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only hate group in bgol is mango cause Mango is the only guy constantly starting threads on bgol about this stuff. What’s wrong with this guy
yet u flood bgol with tariqs & ur fellow cultists fba ados antiAfrika anti black immigrant posts but cry when i post exposing ur hate post , what u really mean is ,u dont want me to post those threads & posts from blackfacing white supremacist black neonazi shit fba ados hatecultists post

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Ever since son showed up to his 4th grade class wearing church shoes, shorts, a bowl cut and a Pele jersey in 1984 fresh off the inner tube and the young FBA brothers clowned the fuck out of him, he's been salty since....

Seek therapy mangoslob69

The only hate group in bgol is mango cause Mango is the only guy constantly starting threads on bgol about this stuff. What’s wrong with this guy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yet u flood bgol with tariqs & ur fellow cultists fba ados antiAfrika anti black immigrant posts but cry when i post exposing ur hate post , what u really mean is ,u dont want me to post those threads & posts from blackfacing white supremacist black neonazi shit fba ados hatecultists post
I don’t create threads. I just respond “in” hate threads you create.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Why don’t you immigrants go back to your homeland and fix it up instead of worrying about Black Americans delineating all of the time. You’re so use to eating off black Americans plate that you feel entitled now that we want to separate from you. You know you need us we don’t need you. You know you’re fucked once we finally and completely delineate!

You never explained why you fly to Spanish countries to fuck trannies.


Surviving Kamala Emhoff
BGOL Investor
uh oh mungo is bumping his anti-black american threads...dnc polling numbers must be trash af.