The Murder of Eric Garner! [MERGED]


Young OG
Platinum Member
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. Cause of Death.....?

probably will be a short trial..and if he found not guilty the riots may extend all the way to Times Square :smh:

Riots won't happen. That would take organization and outrage at the establishment, 2 things that seem to have left us as a community decades ago


Young OG
Platinum Member
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. Cause of Death.....?

All we need to do get is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton involved. :D:yes:

Once they start singin we shall over come, the pig devils will get scared and that will change the game! :dance::dance::dance:

I'm actually good on them brother. I went out to lunch with a couple other black attorneys, my father being one, the garner case came up and one of the first things said was "if sharpton gets involved watch him give it RIGHT to a white boy." Sure enough that's what he did, the attorney's name escapes me at the moment, no hate on him but, yeah...

Ruff Ryder

Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

"The autopsy identified Garner’s asthma, obesity and hypertension as contributing factors in his death"


BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

Crying shame that our tax dollar pay for the police. Where else do you employ people to brutalize you against your will & at their whim & behest?



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

I don't know why people expected any different response from the PBA.

Why would you expect any different from a guy whose last name is "LYNCH"???


Though it did shock me a bit that he was a little apologetic to The Garner Family in that response. But that was only because it's all on video. And he still blame Garner's health.

Dude is Phil Caruso-lite.
And Caruso was one of the ULTIMATE RACISTS in this city.
Older, REAL Black NY'ers here know who I'm talking about.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

Cop puts black man in a choke hold which is against policy and therefore illegal

Black man dies and medical examiner determines death is from the chokehold.

Black man will be turned into the aggressor at the trial and cop will be victim

Cop will get off

Wash, Rinse, Repeat


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

A man was murdered. We know who murdered the man. This story should lead to a second story of a man being arrested for murder.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

A man was murdered. We know who murdered the man. This story should lead to a second story of a man being arrested for murder.

They have nothing to fear. No consequences. There will be a march and that's it. :smh: Shit is depressing. Police kill. We march and beg for justice. Police kill. We march and beg for justice. Same thing over and over.

They literally have nothing to fear. On occasion, they throw us a bone so that we think marching works. They don't want any real civil unrest.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. Cause of Death.....?

I'm actually good on them brother. I went out to lunch with a couple other black attorneys, my father being one, the garner case came up and one of the first things said was "if sharpton gets involved watch him give it RIGHT to a white boy." Sure enough that's what he did, the attorney's name escapes me at the moment, no hate on him but, yeah...

Sanford Rubinstein...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

A man was murdered. We know who murdered the man. This story should lead to a second story of a man being arrested for murder.

His death was ruled a homicide and that is different than murder..

There have not been any criminal charges made yet so there is no reason to cheer the ME's ruling.


The killing of one human being by another human being.

Although the term homicide is sometimes used synonymously with murder, homicide is broader in scope than murder. Murder is a form of criminal homicide; other forms of homicide might not constitute criminal acts. These homicides are regarded as justified or excusable. For example, individuals may, in a necessary act of Self-Defense, kill a person who threatens them with death or serious injury, or they may be commanded or authorized by law to kill a person who is a member of an enemy force or who has committed a serious crime. Typically, the circumstances surrounding a killing determine whether it is criminal. The intent of the killer usually determines whether a criminal homicide is classified as murder or Manslaughter and at what degree.

English courts developed the body of Common Law on which U.S. jurisdictions initially relied in developing their homicide statutes. Early English common law divided homicide into two broad categories: felonious and non-felonious. Historically, the deliberate and premeditated killing of a person by another person was a felonious homicide and was classified as murder. Non-felonious homicide included justifiable homicide and excusable homicide. Although justifiable homicide was considered a crime, the offender often received a pardon. Excusable homicide was not considered a crime.

Under the early common law, murder was a felony that was punishable by death. It was defined as the unlawful killing of a person with "malice aforethought," which was generally defined as a premeditated intent to kill. As U.S. courts and jurisdictions adopted the English common law and modified the various circumstances that constituted criminal homicide, various degrees of criminal homicide developed. Modern statutes generally divide criminal homicide into two broad categories: murder and manslaughter. Murder is usually further divided into the first degree, which typically involves a premeditated intent to kill, and the second degree, which typically does not involve a premeditated intent to kill. Manslaughter typically involves an unintentional killing that resulted from a person's criminal negligence or reckless disregard for human life.

All homicides require the killing of a living person. In most states, the killing of a viable fetus is generally not considered a homicide unless the fetus is first born alive. In some states, however, this distinction is disregarded and the killing of an unborn viable fetus is classified as homicide. In other states, statutes separately classify the killing of a fetus as the crime of feticide.

Generally, the law requires that the death of the person occur within a year and a day of the fatal injury. This requirement initially reflected a difficulty in determining whether an initial injury led to a person's death, or whether other events or circumstances intervened to cause the person's death


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. Cause of Death.....?

I'm actually good on them brother. I went out to lunch with a couple other black attorneys, my father being one, the garner case came up and one of the first things said was "if sharpton gets involved watch him give it RIGHT to a white boy." Sure enough that's what he did, the attorney's name escapes me at the moment, no hate on him but, yeah...

Sharpton was involved with Trayvon martin and there wasn't a white boy attorney.

Rubinstein represented Sean Bell and Rhamarly Graham and seems to be one lawyer that has no problems going after the police and winning judgements on a contingency basis.

Do the lawyers you had lunch with have the resources to take on a case like this with no money down and follow it through for the years they usually take ? And give it the attention it deserves ?

But at the end of the day Sharpton isn't picking the lawyers the families are..and in some cases Sharpton isn't asked to get involved until after the lawyer is already in place.

Ruff Ryder

Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

His death was ruled a homicide and that is different than murder..

There have not been any criminal charges made yet so there is no reason to cheer the ME's ruling.

There will be no charges in this case.

Ruff Ryder

Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

thats my state charges

there may be some federal civil rights charges

I don't see it.

Garner resisted arrest, cops used force to subdue him, he later died as the result.

In addition to his overall bad health I don't see this case going anywhere.



༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
Re: The Murder of Eric Garner: Updates, Reactions and Predictions: TTL SHOW 1:59:20

Man falsely arrested by Officer Daniel Pantaleo in 2012 ‘shocked’ cop was back on duty

Tommy Rice, 43, who sued the NYPD after Pantaleo strip-searched him in public, said he was ‘kind of stunned’ when he saw the video of the officer putting a deadly chokehold on Eric Garner.

Tommy Rice (center), who settled a suit with the city after a false arrest by Officer Daniel Pantaleo in 2012, says he was disappointed that the cop — caught on video using a deadly chokehold — had been let back on duty.
One of the men who filed a lawsuit against the NYPD after Officer Daniel Pantaleo falsely arrested him two years ago said he was “shocked and disappointed” the cop had been let back on the streets.

“I was kind of stunned,” said Tommy Rice, 43, of the moment he saw video of Pantaleo putting a deadly chokehold on Eric Garner.

“I went to Internal Affairs two years (ago) and they did nothing to this cop,” he said. “They let him back on the streets.”

Rice, a welder, was one of four men stopped in a car by Pantaleo and another officer on March 22, 2012, in the New Brighton section of Staten Island — about one mile from where Garner was killed.

Officer Daniel Pantaleo (pictured) was seen on video putting Eric Garner in a chokehold before he died.

Video shows Officer Daniel Pantaleo using a banned chokehold move on Eric Garner.

Officer Daniel Pantaleo (pictured left, and in green shirt) was seen on video putting Eric Garner in a chokehold before he died.
According to the civil rights lawsuit filed by Rice and his friend Darren Collins, Pantaleo falsely arrested them and strip-searched them in public, pulling down their pants and slapping their genitals while he searched for drugs.

The city settled the suit for $30,000.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

I don't see it.

Garner resisted arrest, cops used force to subdue him, he later died as the result.

In addition to his overall bad health I don't see this case going anywhere.

They used an outlawed method to subdue him.

They have a history of harassing him and that harassment resulted in his death

They had no justifiable cause on that day to detain him

no valid reason to place him under arrest..

they violated his civil rights...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. Cause of Death.....?

Sharpton was involved with Trayvon martin and there wasn't a white boy attorney.

Rubinstein represented Sean Bell and Rhamarly Graham and seems to be one lawyer that has no problems going after the police and winning judgements on a contingency basis.

Do the lawyers you had lunch with have the resources to take on a case like this with no money down and follow it through for the years they usually take ? And give it the attention it deserves ?

But at the end of the day Sharpton isn't picking the lawyers the families are..and in some cases Sharpton isn't asked to get involved until after the lawyer is already in place.

Thanks always wondered how that worked.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: The Murder of Eric Garner: Updates, Reactions and Predictions: TTL SHOW 1:59:20

How does selling cigarettes on the sidewalk become worthy of arresting someone ?

just another reason to jail someone. I'm assuming because of taxes

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

thats my state charges

there may be some federal civil rights charges

Did they ever find 'loose' cigarettes on him? Wouldn't that play some part in their bullshit cover story? Without cigarettes, the case of harassment is even clearer.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

I don't see it.

Garner resisted arrest, cops used force to subdue him, he later died as the result.

In addition to his overall bad health I don't see this case going anywhere.


The chokehold was illegal and did you see anyone, police or EMT's give him any sort of medical treatment :confused:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Eric Garner's Death Ruled a Homicide. [MERGED]

Did they ever find 'loose' cigarettes on him? Wouldn't that play some part in their bullshit cover story? Without cigarettes, the case of harassment is even clearer.

Usually you won't find loose cigarettes anyway but you would find a pack or two.

The question is does he smoke ?

And is selling lossies enough to be arrested ? They been selling loose cigarettes for 50 years usually in stores.

shit cigarettes are 10 or more per pack in Chicago now and if somebody asks for a cigarette they usually offer to buy one for a dollar.

but finding cigarettes is just like the bullshit they do if they come in your house for drugs....they count foil and baggies as paraphernalia.. baking soda in the freezer or laundry room too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
just another reason to jail someone. I'm assuming because of taxes

From my understanding, most times cats get a citation and summons for selling looseys like if a cop gave a citation for jaywalking. Def didn't think it was an arrest worthy offense

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My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Man...I just don't see how black people can see this shit happen right before our eyes in this so-called "It's 2014" era and still be on some assimilation shit. Fuck this shit. If we stay on this ship it's our fault when we drown with it.


BGOL Investor
It's not coincidence 7 of the most sued police officers work out of Staten Island

I never liked those cock suckers out there to begin with