The new world's largest cruise ship/floating petri dish just hit the ocean — the gargantuan 7,600-guest vessel ahead of its 2024 debut


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
A virtual amusement park of germs.....








Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Germs... y u say dat
Norovirus.... COVID and God only knows what else man... get that Norovirus (highly contagious) and you're throwing up, shitting explosive diarrhea for a week
Cruise ship travel presents a unique combination of health concerns. Travelers from diverse regions brought together in the often crowded, semi-enclosed shipboard environment can facilitate the spread of person-to-person, foodborne, and waterborne diseases.



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
When Light Bright says worlds largest we already know what he’s really dreaming of.
Your second post of the day and your second gay post of the day after riding Truth's gun...... you rat on yourself early in the morning.... showing everyone your true desires that you wake up with
FAIL..... EPIC FAIL.... in so many ways



Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Norovirus.... COVID and God only knows what else man... get that Norovirus (highly contagious) and you're throwing up, shitting explosive diarrhea for a week
Cruise ship travel presents a unique combination of health concerns. Travelers from diverse regions brought together in the often crowded, semi-enclosed shipboard environment can facilitate the spread of person-to-person, foodborne, and waterborne diseases.


Oo ok..i never been on a cruise ship.. n dont plan on it... but i wouldnt care about no germs...i dont give a care bout that just like i dont give a care about covid...jus some mo shit


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Oo ok..i never been on a cruise ship.. n dont plan on it... but i wouldnt care about no germs...i dont give a care bout that just like i dont give a care about covid...jus some mo shit
When you get the Norovirus for a week..... spend that week hugging the fucking toilet throwing up and trying to hurl when theres nothing left to come out...... bouts of explosive diarrhea where you feel like there's nothing, but your intestines left to come out and it feels like your body is trying to do just that.... your view will change.....

:itsawrap: :itsawrap: :itsawrap:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Lol lot of scary ass niggaz in here I see. Sign me up. Cruise is my favorite kinda vacation
I've had the Norovirus before, caught it at work from someone that got it on a cruise..... I'll pass..... cruises are well known for that shit..... visiting other countries with lax health protocols etc.... and now they made and even bigger petri dish.... the largest



PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
I've had the Norovirus before, caught it at work from someone that got it on a cruise..... I'll pass..... cruises are well known for that shit..... visiting other countries with lax health protocols etc.... and now they made and even bigger petri dish.... the largest

Been on about 5. Nothing less than a 7 day cruise. And the only issue I've had was 1 ship hadn't sailed in a while and it took extra time for security to clear it which had us off schedule so the captain was flooring that bitch. 1st few hours was rough. Anybody you came across in the halls were complaining about being sea sick. Once he got back on track shit was cool. Me and my crew have never had any virus issues. And I stay at the buffets when I'm on that bitch.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
My wife has been clamoring to get on this boat for a couple years now. There are 2 of their boats in this class we've haven't sailed on yet.
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Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I only go out n water for fishing trips all that deep sea sailing shit is for the birds. Storms still make them ships rock like crazy and the Noro virus is real


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
I only go out n water for fishing trips all that deep sea sailing shit is for the birds. Storms still make them ships rock like crazy and the Noro virus is real
I've only cruised in November so I miss all the storm shit. Aside from the incident I mentioned in my previous post, those ships be so smooth I forget I'm in the ocean until I hit the deck and look over.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I've only cruised in November so I miss all the storm shit. Aside from the incident I mentioned in my previous post, those ships be so smooth I forget I'm in the ocean until I hit the deck and look over.
What’s the point of being in a floating hotel? If I want to get to a destination I’m flying .


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
post like this make BGOL niggas run in here and brag on how they scared to leave the house....

....that being said that bitch do look a little top heavy LOL!