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Didn't know online screen names denote intelligencequeersocialism? That’s who y’all want to align with now? Lmbaoooooo
But y’all keep talking about the gay agenda from Dems but you’re quoting a gay guy with an agenda and no proof.Didn't know online screen names denote intelligence
Another generalization...I didn't say anything about any gay agenda from anybody. If Obama likes penis he likes penis..it's not a big deal.But y’all keep talking about the gay agenda from Dems but you’re quoting a gay guy with an agenda and no proof.
queersocialism? That’s who y’all want to align with now? Lmbaoooooo
I was a security guard in West Hollywood for several years. I've been around all types of gay men.
Translation please? Because I don't get the joke if it is one.
I’ll take this one…you see those two gentlemen as you may know are Camron and Mase and you see they now have a show in which they talk about sports. And every time someone says something that could be construed as gay you have to say pause. if you don’t say pause, it is implying that you are gay. A prime example would be how I started this little paragraph…when I said I’ll take this one I was supposed to say pause after,but I didn’t so it’s assumed that I’ll be taking a dick..Translation please? Because I don't get the joke if it is one.
Gotcha... So basically O'le Boy was inferring that I'm gay because of where I used to work. I find that to be quite idiotic.I’ll take this one…you see those two gentlemen as you may know are Camron and Mase and you see they now have a show in which they talk about sports. And every time someone says something that could be construed as gay you have to say pause. if you don’t say pause, it is implying that you are gay. A prime example would be how I started this little paragraph…when I said I’ll take this one I was supposed to say pause after,but I didn’t so it’s assumed that I’ll be taking a dick..
Why would anyone be surprised? Look at what his top agenda was as president. Look at what Dems have said their top agenda is. Look at the types of Black men, and types of Black ppl, who the Dems prop up and finance generally.
Why would anyone be surprised? Look at what his top agenda was as president. Look at what Dems have said their top agenda is. Look at the types of Black men, and types of Black ppl, who the Dems prop up and finance generally.
Of course he does. Same way that Tom Cruise and Will Smith do.I was a security guard in West Hollywood for several years. I've been around all types of gay men.
Obama has always given off that gay vibe to me. If he is, does it affect his ability to govern? No, it does not. He's a thoughtful, intelligent, and compassionate man? He seems to be to me anyway.
I'm going to be 100% - I don't give a shit about an adult person's sexual preference unless that preference is for children. If you're a pedo, I hope you hang. Other than that: No Fucks Given!
FWIW, last week I was listening to The Bulwark podcast with Tim Miller, who is on MSNBC all the time and probably the most prominent gay conservative in politics.
He did a segment on Candace Owens claiming on her podcast-- one of the top 5 in America-- that a Secret Service agent under Obama (whose name she forgot) talked about sneaking young men into the White House for him:
The link takes you to the start of the segment. At 33:20, he says "I have many DC friends who probably wish Barack Obama was gay but he's not." I think he would know-- It isn't easy to keep that sort of thing secret!
When you blow up, women and now gay men always want to expose your kink. Women have come forward inventing stories about me that are not true at all.
They have unlimited access to the media that want to hear all the salacious details, and can't resist the temptation. Meanwhile a women is protected from her kink coming out in most cases.
Gay men in a position of power keep gay eye candy around them. I would hire big booty women to stare at at his level. You attraction to a person will overwhelm picking the best person for a job.
Obama was lean and fit, but he wasn't six pack abs overly concerned about his body. Can anybody show somebody on his staff that was gay eye candy? Did he hire gay eye candy for a position that he was not qualified for?
What type of women did he jump at to hire?
Now President Biden with picking Mayor/Secretary Buttigieg is a red flag, he has the academic pedigree and experience as a mayor; but there are other heavyweight choices. Him flaunting the gay pride flag over the U.S. flag. He might be a person that fantasized about a gay sexual encounter but never had one. Mayor/Secretary Buttigieg could be Biden gay eye candy.
It remind me of the many black women that wanted a cornball white man but due to the miscengenation laws couldn't and just was unhappily married to somebody black. Biden growing up in the 50's and 60's couldn't risk his political career, the times were less tolerant.
So, someone drops a bombshell like this, and she can't remember their name? Aight.one of the top 5 in America-- that a Secret Service agent under Obama (whose name she forgot) talked about sneaking young men into the White House for him:
What about Mike Pence???