The Obama Attack Mechanism has just gotten worse fam - now accused of being homo


Transnational Member

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But y’all keep talking about the gay agenda from Dems but you’re quoting a gay guy with an agenda and no proof.
Another generalization...I didn't say anything about any gay agenda from anybody. If Obama likes penis he likes's not a big deal.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I was a security guard in West Hollywood for several years. I've been around all types of gay men.

Obama has always given off that gay vibe to me. If he is, does it affect his ability to govern? No, it does not. He's a thoughtful, intelligent, and compassionate man? He seems to be to me anyway.

I'm going to be 100% - I don't give a shit about an adult person's sexual preference unless that preference is for children. If you're a pedo, I hope you hang. Other than that: No Fucks Given!

Bawse Nigguh

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Translation please? Because I don't get the joke if it is one.
I’ll take this one…you see those two gentlemen as you may know are Camron and Mase and you see they now have a show in which they talk about sports. And every time someone says something that could be construed as gay you have to say pause. if you don’t say pause, it is implying that you are gay. A prime example would be how I started this little paragraph…when I said I’ll take this one I was supposed to say pause after,but I didn’t so it’s assumed that I’ll be taking a dick..

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor

"This February, the website reportedly offered Sinclair $100,000 if he could pass a polygraph test verifying his claims. He took them up on it, and the site said in a press release that the polygraph organizers said his results “indicated deception.” Sinclair then suggested the polygraph’s sponsors had been bribed to skew the results against him, an allegation his lawyer, Sibley, said he would expand on at his press conference.

Sibley is best known as the lawyer for the “D.C. Madam,” the late Deborah Jeane Palfrey. Earlier this year, the Florida Bar Association suspended Sibley’s license to practice law, in part for being a “vexatious litigant,” a suspension that applies in Washington, D.C., as well.

Wednesday, has scheduled a competing press conference outside the National Press Club to discuss the results of the polygraph.

Sinclair’s brushes with the government long predate his recent interest in Senator Obama. The details of his criminal record surfaced after he filed a defamation suit in federal court in Washington, D.C., against three anonymous online critics with names like TubeSockTedD who had written, among other claims, that he was living in a mental institution at the time he allegedly met Obama. Sinclair denies the claim.

In response to his suit, a lawyer for the anonymous bloggers hired local attorneys and private investigators, and dug up details of Sinclair’s criminal record from Colorado, Florida, and South Carolina. The lawyer, Paul Levy of the nonprofit Public Citizen Litigation Group, provided his client’s filings in federal court, which are publicly available, to Politico.

The records tell the story of an itinerant life of small-time crime and bad checks, punctuated by stretches of jail time in two states.

He was first arrested on a larceny charge in 1981 in Denver, according to his Colorado arrest record, as filed in federal court. In 1985, he was convicted of theft and of forging a check in Florida, and sentenced to a year in jail, according to Florida records filed in federal court.

After the Florida episode, according to the records, he returned to Colorado, where he faced check fraud and credit card charges in 1986. Then, in 1987, he was convicted in Colorado on more serious forgery charges, and sentenced to 16 years in jail.

In prison, according to state records filed in federal court, Sinclair was disciplined 97 times for infractions including assault, threats, drug possession, intimidation, and verbal abuse, most recently in

“He has not institutionalized well,” a spokeswoman for the Colorado Department of Corrections, Liz McDonough, told the Denver Post in 1996 after a month-long Sinclair hunger strike. She said he had served time in prisons in Buena Vista, Delta, Limon and Canon City before being transferred to the state’s maximum security penitentiary in 1993.

In the summer of 1996, according to Colorado’s state court database, he began proceedings to formally change his name from LA Rye Viz. Avila to Larry Wayne Sinclair. By 1999, according to a mention in a local newspaper, he was out of jail and living in Pueblo, Colo.

The Public Citizen investigator in Colorado stated that Sinclair’s outstanding legal troubles there appear to date from 2001, and that Sinclair’s effort to convince the judge in 2004 to dismiss those charges failed. The Pueblo County Sheriff’s website, which pictures Sinclair under the word “Wanted,” cites felony theft and forgery charges.

Sinclair was also arrested and charged with disorderly conduct in South Carolina last September, according to state records filed in federal court.

Sinclair has said that he tried to contact Obama in 2007 to discuss his claims and was ignored, forcing him to go public. On January 18, 2008, a one-minute-and-42-second video was posted to YouTube. It features Sinclair, speaking in a high voice and wearing a red shirt and blue baseball cap, reciting his allegations and addressing Obama.

“I challenge you to take a polygraph test,” he says in the video.

Since then, he’s promoted and elaborated on his claims, and engaged in intense online exchanges with infuriated Obama supporters on his blog and in federal court, where Sinclair and Sibley’s defamation claim has suffered a series of legal setbacks.

Obama’s spokesman declined to comment on any aspect of Sinclair’s story, or his appearance at the press club.

Despite the warrant for Sinclair’s arrest, he appears likely to stay out of jail, as long as he stays out of Colorado. Pueblo County Undersheriff J.R. Hall said that the warrant doesn’t allow for extradition from out of state."


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I’ll take this one…you see those two gentlemen as you may know are Camron and Mase and you see they now have a show in which they talk about sports. And every time someone says something that could be construed as gay you have to say pause. if you don’t say pause, it is implying that you are gay. A prime example would be how I started this little paragraph…when I said I’ll take this one I was supposed to say pause after,but I didn’t so it’s assumed that I’ll be taking a dick..
Gotcha... So basically O'le Boy was inferring that I'm gay because of where I used to work. I find that to be quite idiotic.
But, it's BGOL. I shouldn't expect anything else from some of these cats.

Thanks for clearing that up, Brother.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Why would anyone be surprised? Look at what his top agenda was as president. Look at what Dems have said their top agenda is. Look at the types of Black men, and types of Black ppl, who the Dems prop up and finance generally.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Why would anyone be surprised? Look at what his top agenda was as president. Look at what Dems have said their top agenda is. Look at the types of Black men, and types of Black ppl, who the Dems prop up and finance generally.

I think his top agenda was health care and the recession. :rolleyes:

I don't even like Obama but this is a ridiculous non-credible claim and he didn't fight for LGBT people just like he didn't fight for black people. Because he was not a fighter.



Rising Star

All of this dumb shit stems from this picture. GOP/coons/idiots thought they had him on something Bill Clinton style and it didn't stick. Consequently, they went full US Cold War aka the lack of existence of something is proof that it actually exists in a super secret form. :smh: First, it was that he was secretly a gay Muslim with a Pakistani lover, then it was this dumb shit that pops up every few years. :smh: The hilarious thing is that in Europe a while back the "rumeur" was that he was fucking Beyoncé.



Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Why would anyone be surprised? Look at what his top agenda was as president. Look at what Dems have said their top agenda is. Look at the types of Black men, and types of Black ppl, who the Dems prop up and finance generally.

It wasn't his top agenda at all. In fact, by the time he'd been elected Obama already went on record saying that he was against gay marriage.

It wasn't even him that legalized it. That was the Supreme Court. He and the rest of the Democrats took a victory lap on other people's work.

Anything the Democrats have done or said since then has nothing to do with Obama. That would be like blaming George w bush for Donald Trump.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I was a security guard in West Hollywood for several years. I've been around all types of gay men.

Obama has always given off that gay vibe to me. If he is, does it affect his ability to govern? No, it does not. He's a thoughtful, intelligent, and compassionate man? He seems to be to me anyway.

I'm going to be 100% - I don't give a shit about an adult person's sexual preference unless that preference is for children. If you're a pedo, I hope you hang. Other than that: No Fucks Given!
Of course he does. Same way that Tom Cruise and Will Smith do.

I believe all three of those men are straight, but they know that shouting it from the rooftop is going to alienate a lot of their supporters. So instead they just go about their lives and let people think what they want.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
FWIW, last week I was listening to The Bulwark podcast with Tim Miller, who is on MSNBC all the time and probably the most prominent gay conservative in politics.

He did a segment on Candace Owens claiming on her podcast-- one of the top 5 in America-- that a Secret Service agent under Obama (whose name she forgot) talked about sneaking young men into the White House for him:

The link takes you to the start of the segment. At 33:20, he says "I have many DC friends who probably wish Barack Obama was gay but he's not." I think he would know-- It isn't easy to keep that sort of thing secret!


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
FWIW, last week I was listening to The Bulwark podcast with Tim Miller, who is on MSNBC all the time and probably the most prominent gay conservative in politics.

He did a segment on Candace Owens claiming on her podcast-- one of the top 5 in America-- that a Secret Service agent under Obama (whose name she forgot) talked about sneaking young men into the White House for him:

The link takes you to the start of the segment. At 33:20, he says "I have many DC friends who probably wish Barack Obama was gay but he's not." I think he would know-- It isn't easy to keep that sort of thing secret!

So let me get this straight. Candice Owens is one of America's biggest news commentators. Owner of the biggest right wing social media platform in the country. She finds out from an inside source that Obama is a closeted homosexual and what does she do?

Does she perform some investigative journalism? Tip off Republican cronies in purple States? Sit down with Rupert Murdoch to plan the biggest expose that Fox News has done in over 20 years?

No. She forgets the guy's name.

This could have catapulted her to becoming the next Walter Cronkite and she forgets the guys name! This report could have put Ron Desantis into the White House with a landslide victory and she forgets the guy's name!


Not only that, but her source was in the secret service. These guys do more than run around with sunglasses, pistols and earpieces. They actively protect the president's secrets and reputation so that they can't be used by foreign enemies. Leaking this information to a political rival would be an army tank commander firing at fort bragg.

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Transnational Member
When you blow up, women and now gay men always want to expose your kink. Women have come forward inventing stories about me that are not true at all.


They have unlimited access to the media that want to hear all the salacious details, and can't resist the temptation. Meanwhile a women is protected from her kink coming out in most cases.

Gay men in a position of power keep gay eye candy around them. I would hire big booty women to stare at at his level. You attraction to a person will overwhelm picking the best person for a job.

Obama was lean and fit, but he wasn't six pack abs overly concerned about his body. Can anybody show somebody on his staff that was gay eye candy? Did he hire gay eye candy for a position that he was not qualified for?


What type of women did he jump at to hire?

Now President Biden with picking Mayor/Secretary Buttigieg is a red flag, he has the academic pedigree and experience as a mayor; but there are other heavyweight choices. Him flaunting the gay pride flag over the U.S. flag. He might be a person that fantasized about a gay sexual encounter but never had one. Mayor/Secretary Buttigieg could be Biden gay eye candy.

It remind me of the many black women that wanted a cornball white man but due to the miscengenation laws couldn't and just was unhappily married to somebody black. Biden growing up in the 50's and 60's couldn't risk his political career, the times were less tolerant.
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Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
When you blow up, women and now gay men always want to expose your kink. Women have come forward inventing stories about me that are not true at all.


They have unlimited access to the media that want to hear all the salacious details, and can't resist the temptation. Meanwhile a women is protected from her kink coming out in most cases.

Gay men in a position of power keep gay eye candy around them. I would hire big booty women to stare at at his level. You attraction to a person will overwhelm picking the best person for a job.

Obama was lean and fit, but he wasn't six pack abs overly concerned about his body. Can anybody show somebody on his staff that was gay eye candy? Did he hire gay eye candy for a position that he was not qualified for?


What type of women did he jump at to hire?

Now President Biden with picking Mayor/Secretary Buttigieg is a red flag, he has the academic pedigree and experience as a mayor; but there are other heavyweight choices. Him flaunting the gay pride flag over the U.S. flag. He might be a person that fantasized about a gay sexual encounter but never had one. Mayor/Secretary Buttigieg could be Biden gay eye candy.

It remind me of the many black women that wanted a cornball white man but due to the miscengenation laws couldn't and just was unhappily married to somebody black. Biden growing up in the 50's and 60's couldn't risk his political career, the times were less tolerant.

What about Mike Pence???



Transnational Member
What about Mike Pence???


This is/was President Trump lawyer, this is atypical behavior of a hetereosexual male. I am just not seeing this with Obama or Biden that hard. Biden is hiring gay eye candy. When you are dealing with an OG, they were forced into behavior due to the consequences at that era.

Many black women were unhappily married to black man and wanted biracial children with a white man. Some intentionally used their relationship with a black man to stage what they intended all along. It is better to say you dated black and it did not work out, than to immediately run to a white man from the jump.

It is not that he seeking a relationship with that person, they could if right opportunity presented themselves, but there is a physical attraction which made them hire that person over their qualification due to their sexual orientation.
