{The Official 2021-22 NBA Thread} - Finals: Warriors vs Celtics…{4-2 advantage warriors } Dubs NBA champs, Curry MVP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Harden will be aight, he just needs to focus on scoring instead of drawing fouls.

He also doesn’t look to be himself, but I’m not gonna say anything about him getting in better shape :lol:
Yeah he outta shape but that fat bastard will still go out there and drop 40 on you any given night....


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I’m gonna save you from saying it this time because they came through with the win, “The District”…



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

It's another hit article,Sexton never asked for that,matter of fact,it was already debunked by a beat reporter that actually follows the Cavs.

Jason Lloyd hates Collin,he never has anything nice to say about him. He's still upset that the Cavs didnt trade that pick to keep Lebron. On top of that,he's angry that the organization wont give him access to the team because they got tired of him writing bullshit articles. Im pretty sure,he has sources still in the organization but it's very limited at best.

He's wrong most of the time.