{The Official 2021-22 NBA Thread} - Finals: Warriors vs Celtics…{4-2 advantage warriors } Dubs NBA champs, Curry MVP

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor

All those nice Canadians.




Rising Star
Platinum Member
They started 1-12

Handled the not having Zion, dealt with the daily bullshit from ESPN, and made a run and put up a fight.

Chris Paul had to go 100% in part to win.
Nigga STFU!

Moral victories are for minor league coaches. Bitch Nigga.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
One of my mans said CP3 is the Ric flair of basketball. Literally dirtiest player in the game. He will cheat any way he can to get an advantage but he gonna get that win
More bitching. Tell your "mans" to STFU and praise the Gawd. Recognize greatness when you see it.