Man I gotta watch that show. Heard it's excellent
That mofo said I dont appreciate the undertonethats some good shit from a white person to another white person, for real...
I'm confident she won't tell my wife I got her pregnantBy the way tell her to leave that dress on cause it's gonna get wet and messy.
Imma rock that honey like a hurricane
That man will do all he can to play. He won't Ben Simmons it. I respect thatEmbiid is trying to play tonight
Word. Dude is putting it on the line. I respect that. Can't question his will to win.Props to Embiid for even playing. He's face is really fucked up.
You guys are off to a good startWord. Dude is putting it on the line. I respect that. Can't question his will to win.
I'm wondering if it has something to do with the concussion being allowed to wear a black maskI thought the NBA banned the Black Mask...?
LeBron was the last to wear it....