The official ** KEVIN SAMUELS ** discussion thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

"MEN"??? Have an unrealistic view on their penis?!?!? Yeah okay! Yes porn fcuks up a lot of sex for men...if they're dummies! But most women don't know their bodies well enough to know how to make themselves cum so they only focus on the clit while the G-Spot goes through life unused.

Also didn't she just do the same thing with women and vagina? A woman can be ran through a hundred gangbangs and unless that shyt JUST happened her shyt "snaps" back! Have you seen a vagina during birth?! That is a woman pushing something the size and weight of a watermelon out of a hole the size of a lemon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A few of us have BEEN saying this shyt about her, but nobody wanted to listen. This is that Miley Cyrus shyt! Culture Vultured the space all the while slowly dropping seeds of her bullshyt here and there. Now that she's got the money and notoriety I don't need the blacks anymore. She'll be a correspondent on OAN or Newsmax. I am interested how the black folks that work on her channel feel about this. And the motherfcukers that she had on her channel, to ME, they're just as foolish as the modern women that they clowned on her channel!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

****disclaimer****I am not talking about you @darth frosty I am referring to this El Chapo cat****disclaimer**** a clown for believing this shyt!!!! My grandmother tried to tell me the broad I broke up with back in my teens put a root on me, cause she had family that were Gullah.

Motherfcukers can't commit to a two year university let alone a witch lifestyle. If this shyt was even REMOTLEY true Sam and Dean would be a real thing!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Yeah, cause there aren't any degrading videos of black men on social media. But keep the division going and take yo dumb ass to another country and get robbed by the women or the government of that country. Anyone not showing their face while calling a group of people demons and creatures is ALWAYS suspect to me.

Cats that think like this are the Passport Bros that get a passport and go to another country and can't speak the language, don't have any game to begin with, where women have to do 90% of the lifting when it comes to interactions and know NOTHING about the government or social life of that country.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
So the whole girls trip wasn't a problem but, passport bro are. These single and bitter women are bitch about guys going elsewhere that they probably would give the time of day to. Kevin might be gone but, his words are still carrying weight and these bottom bitches know and hate it. Real black men have found real black women out here the reason we don't hear about it all the time cause these real women don't live their life on social media, don't live in a fantasy world of reality tv and aren't toxic or associate with toxic people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the whole girls trip wasn't a problem but, passport bro are. These single and bitter women are bitch about guys going elsewhere that they probably would give the time of day to. Kevin might be gone but, his words are still carrying weight and these bottom bitches know and hate it. Real black men have found real black women out here the reason we don't hear about it all the time cause these real women don't live their life on social media, don't live in a fantasy world of reality tv and aren't toxic or associate with toxic people.

Don't know if this was directed at me or not. I will reply as if it wasn't directed towards my response. Your post is poorly worded (don't mean that as a diss as it is early and you could be just coming back from work and tired or heading out and in a rush) so I have to assume a lot of what you're saying. Please correct me if I get something wrong. The girls trip was a problem if your girl went on a trip. I have NO problem with someone going on a vacation and has sex while vacationing.

*****speaking in generals*****

The "girls trip" was hanging out with friends and putting ones self out to get dyck. The trip wasn't ruined if dyck didn't present itself. Now the Passport Bros are generally a cat or two going to other countries strictly for sex. These are two entirely different things. Even if you put it on par with the Girls Trip sex is secondary, one woman in a group of women, she doesn't get sex on the trip, yeah that sucks but the overall trip isn't ruined. That dude in a group of other dudes, if HE doesn't fcuk he just wasted his money and he is PISSED!!!

Keep in mind my post wasn't directed at "all" Passport Bros. Just this dude: "Cats that think like this are the Passport Bros " So I find it funny that you took offense with me singling out this one brotha versus him grouping ALL US black women as demons and creatures. Homie starts off the video on a 870,000 difference between 1990 and 2021 like this is a lot (to me 1 black family is too much, but that is me and how I move) Over a twenty year span and as starving for attention as our society has become this isn't a lot especially when the total numbers of black families are over 15million, but that's funny how homie left that out that there are over 10million black families and keep in mind that single mother household number will also include widows as well. Granted that number will generally be small, but if 870,000 over twenty years is a large number then you have to also give weight to ALL the numbers in his scenario. But that doesn't fit into his scenario of division that he is trying to push.

Look I have nothing against Girls Trips or Passport Bros, do you homie/boo. I have a problem when people want to keep division between the black man and the black woman. One isn't going to make it without the other.

Keep in mind that yes Kevin may be gone, but his words still ring true when he was talking to men as well. We don't get a free pass just cause we're men.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If that shit was real then why are majority of them dependent on the government or a private corporation to sustain their life? Them spirits won’t stop a damn asteroid from crashing into Earth.

The ironic part about this are the countries or type of women that black men are flocking too are places where they really practice “occult” - like rituals, yet it’s easier dealing with them than American women.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that's cold as ice! Like you gotta be a SHYTTY parent for the grandparents to NOT be excited about you bringing kids into the world and have that kind of energy! She's like; 'I can't stand your bad ass kids now and you're gonna bring <DJKhaled>"another one"</DJKhaled> into this world?!?!?

Sound like mom tired of daughter dropping her kids off. You can tell who really taking care of the kids


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

IT'S NEW TO YOU!!!! You don't cheat on your girl with "used" pussy. Generally it is someone that you haven't fcuked before. Do women get used dyck when they get with you? I get the need for a term like Sexual Market Value, but we HAVE to stop looking at relationships as a business. Business is emotionless and callous. A relationship is supposed to be the EXACT opposite of that.

Worlds full of shytty men and women, last thing we need is to be these robots in a relationship! Families let alone BLACK families don't thrive if the mother and father are treating their relationship as a business partnership. Ol' Corporate Espionage ass dude. Hiring a man-whore to catch your wife cheating so you can get a divorce and make yourself seem like a saint. Hostile Takeover ass motherfcuker. Removing your spouse from all finances and moving accounts overseas. Having your children being taken by your parents so that your spouse can't see them.