The Trump Dump (Take em. Post em)

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Trump's self-described 'love letters' to Kim Jong-un seized from Mar-a-lago have been published



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Trump's self-described 'love letters' to Kim Jong-un seized from Mar-a-lago have been published

:lol: Gah-damn!

“I’ll go first. I’ll … Let me just—and I mean this, big time! So much. Greatly.

Deer, Kim Jang Ooonh!

Dude! :yes:As I am sure you’ve heard or red it somewhere, I’m a Precident now. I won. Bigly! I’ll send you a picture, a really nicccce picture of me winning. It was great. So great. Kim, I… no, no that’s rrude. Dr. OOONH, I saw your missles from our spy base off the coast of Poland; really big. YUGE! Great food in Poland. Kaababs, I think. Skip the bread. Huge mistle, still. Don’t launch that big thing my way. LOL! (That was a joke. Write back that you got the joke.) I’m always joking. In fact, many people—people in very big positions of power say “You know, Trump, he tells GRRREAT jokes!” Anyway, Captain OOONH, on behalf of myself-Trump, who, by the way, is who you’re talking to, I’m the new Precident of the United States….of white people. Kidding! Kidding! (I’ll probably edit that out.) Hell, these are classified so nobody will ever—and I mean EVER see them. You’re secrets are safe with me, my housekeeper, gardener, butler, visitors and Jerome. (He’s my black. Great fried chicken! Amazing! I know he stole my wallet but the fried chicken is so good that I decided not to press charges on him because the foods so damn good and many say he’s a great guy.) Look at me, the leader of the free world babbling like a school girl at my friend Jeff’s house. Lmao! I’ve gone on, some would say in some very big circles, way too long.

Chow for now.
(Let me know if that’s racist. The Chow thing. You guys make the best rice, that I can tell ya. I..I wanna see you. Have I said that, because we’re so close. I’m at our mighty, mighty military based stationed just off the coast of your country hidden inside a mountain, they have chow lines. So I’ve always wanted ask if that is racist. I don’t think it because it’s an American word. Chow down!!!! Can’t say anything anymore or they call you racist. But this is classified, so….) Aaaaah, can’t wait. Can’t wait!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Deer, Kimh Jonh Oonh

Not that i’m mad at you, I'm not. Just sayin, I’ve written you twice, maybe some would say much more, that I can’t tell ya. You missed a great party, a really great party. Did you get the pics? Of the girls? And, by the way, if you’re worried you have a tiny “Jong” these girls are, well…, let me just say—and you haven’t heard this from me because I’m not one to talk because I hate talkers. Not a fan of talkers. The smartest thinnnnng…any person can do is not talk so much. Oh, incase you don’t recognize that number, I wasn’t using the WHITE (God I love saying that) House number, I used a burner phone from Costco. Use em once, throw em away. But I keep em. Waste of a phone, besides nobody knows I have it. But check your phone for the pictures of the girls on both our phones. And check out Jeff’s pool in the background. You gotta meet Jeff. I barely know him, but he’s connected.

Which is what we all want, really.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

KJU: Woochinowa?
Trump: Ooonh? Is this Ooonh?
KJU: Whooooisthis?
Trump: This guy! Can I speak to Ooonh, please? There, I said please.
KJU: How you get numbahhh?
Trump: We’re spying on you. I have the folder on my desk.
KJU: HANG UP! Not safe!
(Audible noise of FaceTime chime on KJU’s cell)
Trump: It’s Trump. This better? I mean…
KJU … You take foldah home? Take picture?
Trump: DONE! So Done.
KJU: CLICK! (hangs up)
(FaceTime chime again.)
Trump: I’m at McDonalds, you want anything? Great burgers!
KJU: …..