They gave me a list of names—beautiful names. He gave me the names and he said “You know, these names, you should keep them. Don’t let it out!” is what he said. And I’m not gonna let it out. I have no reason to say any of the 8 names. Would be wrong. So wrong. The 5 guys and 3 women wouldn’t feel safe. Wouldn’t feel safe. Especially since the married couple lives just up the road. Right up the road. Too close for comfort. I worry about the safety of their 4 kids, especially their disabled daughter. She’s got a special hand; it doesn’t do much, the hand. Just dangles. In a way you could say we’ve both been dealt a bad hand, only, both of my hands work and her is like a noodle—a Puerto Rican noodle. But anyway, you won’t hear a word from on them or the other losers.