The Wire’ actor Michael K. Williams found dead in NYC apartment


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You fucking abuser
its a real spill and a cautionary tale, i give him props for even acknowledging it, it couldv'e eaten him up & sent him to jail or an early death but he recognized it earlier & man'd up like a boss, it takes a real warrior to not succumb to his demons! u know how many brothers lying in a cold grave or in jail right now wishing they caught themselves in that moment?! that one singular moment that changed EVERYTHING
@godofwine :bravo::thumbsup:
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
wow brother! thats some real spill u just dropped there, not to lie , ive learned that too ,to never be drawn to women who feel they need a man to put them in their place becos theyre gonna pull it out of you and for me ,ive always felt it wont go well, i just cant do it ! i gladly humbly bow out , i know what lies within and the thought of unleashing that unto another human over EGO just isnt me .give me a boring cooperative cute chick and im fine...
Thanks man. I appreciate it. Taught me a lesson. It was a helluva experience to go through
You fucking abuser
Did you read? When people are conditioned to believe something is normal you accepted even though it is wrong

I accept what I did and it only happened once


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
Michael K. Williams: A Life in photos


Yolonda Ross and Michael K. Williams at the premiere of the 2002 romcom "Brown Sugar" at the Ziegfield Theater.

Henry McGee/MediaPunch


Sonja Sohn and Michael K. Williams at the premiere of HBO Film's "Live From Baghdad" in 2002.

Corbis Sygma


Michael K. Williams appeared in 41 episodes of the the critically acclaimed HBO drama "The Wire" as gay Robin Hood-style stick-up man Omar Little.

Paul Schiraldi/HBO


Michael K. Williams appeared in the 2009 movie "The Road," a post-apocalyptic survival film.

Macall Polay


Steve Buscemi and Michael K. Williams at the premiere of the fifth season of Boardwalk Empire in 2014. Williams played Chalky White, one of the head gangsters in the Prohibition-era series.

Jimi Celeste/


Angie Martinez, Michael K. Williams and Rosie Perez attend ROC Nation Boxing at the Theater at Madison Square Garden in 2015.

Anthony J. Causi / New York Post


Michael K. Williams and Hank Azaria at Madison Square Garden, where the Knicks pulled out an overtime win over the Jazz on January 20, 2016.

Charles Wenzelberg/New York Post


Mayor de Blasio and Michael K. Williams perform at the 94th annual Inner Circle dinner in 2016, in which reporters lampoon politicians.

Mandatory Credit David Handschuh


Michael K. Williams speaks out after The Black Wall Street was vandalized in January 2017.

Robert Miller


Alec Bladwin, Emilio Estevez, Gabrielle Union, Taylor Schilling and Michael K. Williams at the 2019 New York premiere of "The Public," in which homeless library patrons refuse to leave as a cold front makes its way to Cincinnati.

Kristina Bumphrey/Starpix


Michael K. Williams in a scene from the horror drama 'Lovecraft Country,' his final TV performance, in which he plays the father of a Korean War veteran.

Eli Joshua Ade/HBO


Michael K. Williams in his award show look for the 27th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in March 2021.

Getty Images


Michael K. Williams received five Primetime Emmy award nominations in his versatile career, during which he gained legions of fans.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



International Member
The story that he tells at 1:45 where an angel and a devil is sitting on your shoulder.

He said that it scared him so bad that he had that kind of evil in him that he ran out of the house it did say anything to anyone.

I had a similar moment.

My father was like Mister. M.I.S.T.E.R. Period, from the Color Purple. One of the reasons I can't watch that movie today.

I tell people my father was like a combination of Ike Turner and Hitler. Oppressing the mind and spirit. He beat my mother, he beat my brother and I. He used my sister as his personal snitch.

I once saw him throw my mother down the stairs, run behind her as she tumbled, and punch her in the mouth bottom of the stairs knocking out her front tooth

Seeing that a child has an effect on you. You know it's wrong, but unbeknownst to you a part of it becomes normal. Acceptable in a way.

It lies dormant in some, and is more visible in others.

Just at the high school in 1995 I was dating a girl named Ryan O'Bryant. She was light skin and gorgeous. Red bone.

Normally I am Team Dark Skin but with this girl she was just, wow.

We were standing on the second floor at the two family house Ryan thought that she could say something to me and she thought... well I don't know what the fuck she thought.

What I do know is she would never think that shit again.

There were about seven of us on that porch.

Ryan leaned against the railing and told me, "That's why I'm pregnant. AND IT AIN'T YOURS."

I don't know what damn fool thought goes into a woman's head to say something like that to a man. I don't know what she was thinking.

I don't know what I was thinking.

The next thing I know I am having an out-of-body moment where I am looking at myself from the outside.

Like a panther I crossed a 6-foot spans of ground in a flash that would make that big cat proud.

I grabbed Ryan by the neck and lifted her bodily in the air. Her feet dangled a good foot off the floor. Her feet kicked like joyous child as they enjoyed an ice cream.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I heard myself growl.

Her arms flailed, and her hands feebly tried to grab me, but I was unaffected.

Her friends were frozen in place. I heard gasps behind me but I heard no words. The look of unadulterated Terror in her eyes was palpable.

I looked her in the eye...and threw her off the balcony

I heard the screams behind me. Someone said, "Oh my God," as Ryan fell in slow motion.

The way she fell it was like when the Ancient One pushed Bruce Banner from the body of the Hulk.

She fell backward into the day not knowing if there would be more days for her. Realizing far too late I wasn't the man to say such a thing to.

For minutes it seemed I watched her fall as a ln evil mask covered my face.

I heard the screams and I just stood there watching her fall into Oblivion.

Her calves hit the balcony sending them flying into the air and at the last possible moment I grabbed them.

I reached out and grabbed Ryan by her ankles with one arm.

I was 18 and nowhere near as strong as I am now. Where I summoned the strength to do this I have no idea.

I held Ryan by the ankles with one arm and pointed at her with the other. I screamed and barked at her and I couldn't tell you if you paid me $1000000 what I said to her.

She wore the same horrified look as Hans Gruber.

Like in the movie The Dark Knight, her friends yelled, "Let her go," the same way Batman did when The Joker held Rachel.

Poor choice of words, indeed.

I pointed at her with my left hand, pointed in their face and barked words I do not remember.

Her friends grabbed and clawed at the clothes on my back and my neck but I was completely unbothered by the movements of those sheep. I was a wolf and I had the Sheep I wanted in my grasp.

Then I came to my senses.

I pulled her up. I pulled her up and I ran from the house, down the stairs the same way Michael K. Williams said he did with his situation.

I ran down the street toward E. 116th street.

A #50 bus was coming going Southbound toward my home and I ran for it, chasing it down.

I paid my fare, went to the back of the bus and stood on the back stairs.

Most city buses have a mirror by The Back Stairs.

I told you before that I witnessed my father beat my mother on numerous occasions. When I was a child there is no greater horror then for me to be compared to my father in any way.

I hated that man.

I've looked into the mirror above the back stairs... and I saw my father's face instead of my own. I don't know how it was possible, what witchcraft, but I saw my father's face instead of my own standing there on the back of the bus.

All the air I thought I owned escaped my lungs and I collapsed on the floor of the RTA bus and I bawled in such a manner and fashion that one would assume someone died.

But someone did die.

I died.

I was replaced by one of the most vile human beings I'd ever met.

M.I.S.T.E.R period.

I wasn't sobbing, and I wasn't quiet. I cried so loudly as if I was being attacked, and I was. I was being attacked by the realization that I had become my father.

That I had become what I'd hated.

I felt crushed like an aluminum can being stepped on. I couldn't find my breath, and I cried reaching out for that breath. Every time I will get a hold of it it would leave me again, drained.

I reached out for that breath Again and again and again and again and again the entire 20-minute ride home and every time the breath of slipped from between my grass leaving me shriveled reaching for it again and again and again.

I didn't even realize the bus had reached it's Final Destination. The end of the line

I wailed hard for well over 20 minutes reminiscent of John Coffey in the Green Mile when he found those blonde headed girls.

I felt an arm up on my shoulder and felt someone sit next to me. They put their arm around me and gently squeezed and I fell into their shoulder, still crying.

Tears streamed down my face, they continued to fall, and they drenched the shoulder of this person. I didn't know who it was, I didn't care.

"I'm turning into my dad. I'm turning into my dad," I said.

She wrapped her arms around me and rocked me, cooing softly that it was going to be alright, but I wasn't hearing any of it and my wailing continued.

She clutched me tighter, as if I was hers rather some stranger on a city bus crying for reasons she didn't know.

I had never been held so tightly.

After minutes, it could have been 3, or 10. We sat there with our arms around each other until I began to feel comforted enough and I let go.

She used her hands and her sleeves to wipe away my tears as if I was her child.

We stood, she walked me to the front of the bus. She asked where I lived, I told her just around the corner and she offered to drive me.

We stopped at my house, the fifth house from the corner, and she parked the bus, stood and hugged me again. A good 30 second hug.

She told me everything would be alright and that I should pray on it.

I got off the bus , waved at her and headed inside.

I never saw that woman again. A part of me I wondered whether she was even real or a figment of my imagination. Whether she was an angel that God placed on this Earth to help me in my deepest moment of need.

I have never hit a woman sets. I've never raised my hand to a woman at all in any way since then.

I also refuse to date volatile women who are destructive, you know the type. Any woman with that nasty attitude that make you want to hit them to correct their shity attitude and actions.

Seen my father's face in the mirror that day saved my life. I could have been like him, probably would have been like him had it not been for that one incident and that terrified me.

I understand exactly where Michael K. Williams was talking about with a situation.

May he rest in peace

damn godofwine, you've been through some shit... and your writing is definitely getting better with time


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
damn godofwine, you've been through some shit... and your writing is definitely getting better with time
Thanks bro I appreciate the love

A lot of hard lessons. A lot, too many. I still got a woman I let get away I'm trying to get back

I should have my Naughty Nurse Chronicles Volume 1 published this year.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The story that he tells at 1:45 where an angel and a devil is sitting on your shoulder.

He said that it scared him so bad that he had that kind of evil in him that he ran out of the house it did say anything to anyone.

I had a similar moment.

My father was like Mister. M.I.S.T.E.R. Period, from the Color Purple. One of the reasons I can't watch that movie today.

I tell people my father was like a combination of Ike Turner and Hitler. Oppressing the mind and spirit. He beat my mother, he beat my brother and I. He used my sister as his personal snitch.

I once saw him throw my mother down the stairs, run behind her as she tumbled, and punch her in the mouth bottom of the stairs knocking out her front tooth

Seeing that a child has an effect on you. You know it's wrong, but unbeknownst to you a part of it becomes normal. Acceptable in a way.

It lies dormant in some, and is more visible in others.

Just at the high school in 1995 I was dating a girl named Ryan O'Bryant. She was light skin and gorgeous. Red bone.

Normally I am Team Dark Skin but with this girl she was just, wow.

We were standing on the second floor at the two family house Ryan thought that she could say something to me and she thought... well I don't know what the fuck she thought.

What I do know is she would never think that shit again.

There were about seven of us on that porch.

Ryan leaned against the railing and told me, "That's why I'm pregnant. AND IT AIN'T YOURS."

I don't know what damn fool thought goes into a woman's head to say something like that to a man. I don't know what she was thinking.

I don't know what I was thinking.

The next thing I know I am having an out-of-body moment where I am looking at myself from the outside.

Like a panther I crossed a 6-foot spans of ground in a flash that would make that big cat proud.

I grabbed Ryan by the neck and lifted her bodily in the air. Her feet dangled a good foot off the floor. Her feet kicked like joyous child as they enjoyed an ice cream.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I heard myself growl.

Her arms flailed, and her hands feebly tried to grab me, but I was unaffected.

Her friends were frozen in place. I heard gasps behind me but I heard no words. The look of unadulterated Terror in her eyes was palpable.

I looked her in the eye...and threw her off the balcony

I heard the screams behind me. Someone said, "Oh my God," as Ryan fell in slow motion.

The way she fell it was like when the Ancient One pushed Bruce Banner from the body of the Hulk.

She fell backward into the day not knowing if there would be more days for her. Realizing far too late I wasn't the man to say such a thing to.

For minutes it seemed I watched her fall as a ln evil mask covered my face.

I heard the screams and I just stood there watching her fall into Oblivion.

Her calves hit the balcony sending them flying into the air and at the last possible moment I grabbed them.

I reached out and grabbed Ryan by her ankles with one arm.

I was 18 and nowhere near as strong as I am now. Where I summoned the strength to do this I have no idea.

I held Ryan by the ankles with one arm and pointed at her with the other. I screamed and barked at her and I couldn't tell you if you paid me $1000000 what I said to her.

She wore the same horrified look as Hans Gruber.

Like in the movie The Dark Knight, her friends yelled, "Let her go," the same way Batman did when The Joker held Rachel.

Poor choice of words, indeed.

I pointed at her with my left hand, pointed in their face and barked words I do not remember.

Her friends grabbed and clawed at the clothes on my back and my neck but I was completely unbothered by the movements of those sheep. I was a wolf and I had the Sheep I wanted in my grasp.

Then I came to my senses.

I pulled her up. I pulled her up and I ran from the house, down the stairs the same way Michael K. Williams said he did with his situation.

I ran down the street toward E. 116th street.

A #50 bus was coming going Southbound toward my home and I ran for it, chasing it down.

I paid my fare, went to the back of the bus and stood on the back stairs.

Most city buses have a mirror by The Back Stairs.

I told you before that I witnessed my father beat my mother on numerous occasions. When I was a child there is no greater horror then for me to be compared to my father in any way.

I hated that man.

I've looked into the mirror above the back stairs... and I saw my father's face instead of my own. I don't know how it was possible, what witchcraft, but I saw my father's face instead of my own standing there on the back of the bus.

All the air I thought I owned escaped my lungs and I collapsed on the floor of the RTA bus and I bawled in such a manner and fashion that one would assume someone died.

But someone did die.

I died.

I was replaced by one of the most vile human beings I'd ever met.

M.I.S.T.E.R period.

I wasn't sobbing, and I wasn't quiet. I cried so loudly as if I was being attacked, and I was. I was being attacked by the realization that I had become my father.

That I had become what I'd hated.

I felt crushed like an aluminum can being stepped on. I couldn't find my breath, and I cried reaching out for that breath. Every time I will get a hold of it it would leave me again, drained.

I reached out for that breath Again and again and again and again and again the entire 20-minute ride home and every time the breath of slipped from between my grass leaving me shriveled reaching for it again and again and again.

I didn't even realize the bus had reached it's Final Destination. The end of the line

I wailed hard for well over 20 minutes reminiscent of John Coffey in the Green Mile when he found those blonde headed girls.

I felt an arm up on my shoulder and felt someone sit next to me. They put their arm around me and gently squeezed and I fell into their shoulder, still crying.

Tears streamed down my face, they continued to fall, and they drenched the shoulder of this person. I didn't know who it was, I didn't care.

"I'm turning into my dad. I'm turning into my dad," I said.

She wrapped her arms around me and rocked me, cooing softly that it was going to be alright, but I wasn't hearing any of it and my wailing continued.

She clutched me tighter, as if I was hers rather some stranger on a city bus crying for reasons she didn't know.

I had never been held so tightly.

After minutes, it could have been 3, or 10. We sat there with our arms around each other until I began to feel comforted enough and I let go.

She used her hands and her sleeves to wipe away my tears as if I was her child.

We stood, she walked me to the front of the bus. She asked where I lived, I told her just around the corner and she offered to drive me.

We stopped at my house, the fifth house from the corner, and she parked the bus, stood and hugged me again. A good 30 second hug.

She told me everything would be alright and that I should pray on it.

I got off the bus , waved at her and headed inside.

I never saw that woman again. A part of me I wondered whether she was even real or a figment of my imagination. Whether she was an angel that God placed on this Earth to help me in my deepest moment of need.

I have never hit a woman sets. I've never raised my hand to a woman at all in any way since then.

I also refuse to date volatile women who are destructive, you know the type. Any woman with that nasty attitude that make you want to hit them to correct their shity attitude and actions.

Seen my father's face in the mirror that day saved my life. I could have been like him, probably would have been like him had it not been for that one incident and that terrified me.

I understand exactly where Michael K. Williams was talking about with a situation.

May he rest in peace

Damn brother... Kudos to you being so open about that. We all got some of our parents ways in us, whether good or bad. Glad you was able to recognize early and try your best to not continue the cycle.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That scene from Lovecraft country probably fucked him up

He mentioned that his role on "The Night Of" was triggering for him.

He did this interview with Marc Maron earlier this year.....February I think. I never got around to listening to it when it was posted. After seeing his DMX tribute I remembered seeing it, so I did download.....but again never got around to listening......Marc reposted it.......I listened.

Dude said some real's so fucked up that he couldn't shake that damn demon.....

Whoever is stepping on their work with that Fent......they deserve to be tortured long and slow before dying......

Also apparently they sell fentanyl test strips....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Yoooooo his breakdown around the 8:30 mark........yoooooo if that's what's happening?!

Mfkrs don't stand a chance......that is wild. Cuz lactose and whatever else they usually use to "cut" is apparently hard to get......but how the fuck is fent so damn prevalent?!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thanks bro I appreciate the love

A lot of hard lessons. A lot, too many. I still got a woman I let get away I'm trying to get back

I should have my Naughty Nurse Chronicles Volume 1 published this year.
go for it and drop a link when its ready we'll support !


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
You his breakdown around the 8:30 mark........yoooooo if that's what's happening?!

Mfkrs don't stand a chance......that is wild. Cuz lactose and whatever else they usually use to "cut" is apparently hard to get......but how the fuck is fent so damn prevalent?!

shit gets stepped on so much fent keeps up the potency ...smh


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Damn brother... Kudos to you being so open about that. We all got some of our parents ways in us, whether good or bad. Glad you was able to recognize early and try your best to not continue the cycle.
I'm not shy about my past.

In the end, I believe I'm better off having that situation when it happened and how it happened. Without having being broken like that I would not have been able to rebuild myself in a way that repaired AT LEAST that part

I was talking to a woman and she told me something about how she was unnecessarily argumentative, something she'd gotten from her parents and that a former boyfriend pointed it out to her and she made it a point to

I took that time to explain this about myself to her. Telling her that I were they able to conquer something like this from ever coming out again. Her response was, "I don't think I want to continue this."

Fucked up women ALWAYS talk about how men lie lie lie to them, but the moment you are honest you get this shit.

Anyone who read that post could see that that moment scared me too much to potentially repeat it, but I won't tell anyone else.

Your past is your past and you learn from the mistakes to make yourself stronger.

I learned I cannot date a passive woman who won't stand up for herself (my mother, and how she let my father get away with beating her) and I can't fuck with a woman who makes me put her in her place

I need more of a Claire Huxtable, a strong Yin to my Yang or Yang to my Yin. Soft and tough, regardless of who makes the most money.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
go for it and drop a link when its ready we'll support !
forreal his writing is legit ! i was truthfully transfixed reading reading it, @godofwine keep that writing shit up bruh! shit was flames
damn godofwine, you've been through some shit... and your writing is definitely getting better with time
Thank y'all seriously. I appreciate the love/support. Is because a dudes like you on here that I got the confidence to know that I could actually do it

I entered a contest on here back in 2009 and someone said, if I'm on the fence about doing it I need to get off the fence and do it. That I had some real talent.

Thank you again


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I didn't see this when i posted about him and typecasting yesterday. RIP brother. Another gem lost to the powdered demons.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unbelievable. So sad. Burns me up how drugs have such a hold on us as a nation. Not sure what the answer is. God? Counseling? But I hope we as a people figure it out. Between this and guns we r losing far too many brothas and sistas.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh I got my eyes open now.

Believe that.

Just keep watching my 6

My eyes been peeped the "current state" for many more to disappear this year...they snatching our BEST...on an illusion of drugs and pre-existing bullshit...I ain't no body fool...this has been planned... while they bout to stop abortion....and bring more homosexuality to a hood near you...brah