The Wire’ actor Michael K. Williams found dead in NYC apartment


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To be honest, I hated Omar in the Wire, and how he fucked over Stringer Bell and his crew. But Boardwalk, can’t praise him enough. RIP young man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What's the point of putting Fent in cocaine?? shit is getting out of hand that's basically selling instant death, someone died a few days ago because of this

Fent is an opioid so I don't know why anybody would put in cocaine unless they speedballing.

They put it in heroin because you can make more money , add a little to some whacked up boy and because fent is so strong mofokrs think the boy was great


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They had an issue?


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Fent is an opioid so I don't know why anybody would put in cocaine unless they speedballing.

They put it in heroin because you can make more money , add a little to some whacked up boy and because fent is so strong mofokrs think the boy was great
And it's cheaper for the cartels.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
is it me, or this epidemic spiking drug use? People in successful position taking drugs for no reason. I know Africans poor as shit but extremely happy with their lives. This is what happens when your happiness is materialistic based. Seek a therapist first.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This was a shocker today when i heard this!!...RIP to him..He was a very good actor and I like him in every scenes he did!!...This is truly sad!!..RIP to Micheal K Williams...He will be miss!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
RIP to Michael.

Damn. So he had a beef with him and that's why he acting like he did. Meanwhile, we in the age where people gladly cheering on deaths of those who they never met and it's all cool but 50 the problem.
Yea Im not mad at 50 for not being fake sad over someone who was cool with his enemy