Man, this shit is deceased. Soft reboot? They minus whale give Witcher purple hair and have him declare his pronouns before taking a job.
Have him get yelled at for mansplaining how to mix potions. Where is the strong woman witcher to save him?
Come on Netflix. Reboot it for the 'modern audience'. When it fails, just yell and call all the fans gamer bros.
I don't understand,why Netflix put someone in charge that hates the books. It makes no sense at all. If,you're adapting something can you at least put someone in charge that enjoys or understand the source material.
Hollywood has a habit of putting people in charge of that doesn't understand or hate the source material. And,wonder why people hate the TV show or movie.
While,I never read or play any of the games(even,though I have the third game still in its sealed package..just waiting for me to play it)I was looking forward to the series because I heard great things about the game. I thought this could have been Netflix's Game of Thrones but now it's turning into another fantasy shit show.
Fantasy as a genre have this thing that people hate because it has magic,magical races and etc. It doesn't get the same respect scifi does when it comes to TV.