
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LOL. That's why a like a team like The Gunns. They're a pure tag team thru & thru. I don't ever recall a legit women's tag team.
Not even comparing the men to the women! All their tag teams consist of: I don't like that bitch! And I don't like that other bitch!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So, they've had 2 women's titles for at least the past 7 or 8, so what are they doing that patterned after AEW?
...fcuk you...

Trying to start some shyt and here you come with facts and logic

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
This is pretty dope. When Dom turns face, I expect the pop he'll receive will be ridiculous...

Those early Rey vs Psicosis matches is what got me into WcW in the 1st place. Before the NWO came in and took up 80% of the runtime, the cruiseweight division was the life's blood of Nitro.

This might be an epic turn when it happens

This could have been even more epic if they would have pull that trigger at least 3 years ago. You know, back when people still cared about the New Day.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Those early Rey vs Psicosis matches is what got me into WcW in the 1st place. Before the NWO came in and took up 80% of the runtime, the cruiseweight division was the life's blood of Nitro.

This could have been even more epic if they would have pull that trigger at least 3 years ago. You know, back when people still cared about the New Day.

I'm of the opinion they need go ahead and have them break up and have the match so they can challenge in singles competition. This isn't the shield breaking up. I'm like Marlo when it comes to this "Either do it or dont, but i got somewhere to be..."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those early Rey vs Psicosis matches is what got me into WcW in the 1st place. Before the NWO came in and took up 80% of the runtime, the cruiseweight division was the life's blood of Nitro.

This could have been even more epic if they would have pull that trigger at least 3 years ago. You know, back when people still cared about the New Day.
I think the break up means more waiting so long. It’s the end of an era. They’ve lasted longer then most stables I can think of.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I'm of the opinion they need go ahead and have them break up and have the match so they can challenge in singles competition. This isn't the shield breaking up. I'm like Marlo when it comes to this "Either do it or dont, but i got somewhere to be..."
That's funny.
I find myself sometime quoting Avon to avoid unwelcomed invitations.
"Psss, later for that man. I got elsewhere to be."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Women were only showcased in GLOW until the DIVA era and the women's evolution.for 50 of those years there were about 5 women wrestlers.

It's a little late but definitely needed
Just to be clear, I COULD have replied this route. But I generally try to go for the funny instead. Honestly I thought @EPDC or @God-Of-War-420 would have responded first, but I like the end result with @Nochturnal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm of the opinion they need go ahead and have them break up and have the match so they can challenge in singles competition. This isn't the shield breaking up. I'm like Marlo when it comes to this "Either do it or dont, but i got somewhere to be..."
I think E comes back tries to repair the relationship, but Xavier turns on them both. Now if you REALLY want to fcuk with everybody you should have KOFI turn heel, beat up X and E (targeting his neck) and get this bastards reaction on camera: