
Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just finished SNME... @XXXplosive I hope you had a good time. I remember you saying you were gonna be there

Good Match with Nia and Rhea. I know I keep harping on this, but Nia just doesn't move around well and I think it's the weight. I was watching Kevin Owens and he has a beer belly but that guy moves very well in the ring for a big guy. some people can carry extra weight and still move around well. Zion is another example of this, but he tires quickly. Nia just doesn't move well at all with the extra weight and for her wrestling for championships and stuff, she needs to move better..ok rant over on that because i'm beating a dead horse at this point.

Sheamus and Bron should start a feud because they work well together in the ring. They are both mass monsters and I found it interesting that sheamus has never held the IC belt for as long as he's been wrestling in WWE. Jesse Ventura needs to be commentating the entire SNME..."I know he has it physically, but when it comes to a Steiner 2+2 = 5" :lol:

Strowman and Fatu is going to be just like Strowman and Bronson Reed feud.

Good match with Jey and Gunther. I like the quality of matches that WWE has been putting on since the start of the new year. Even on Smackdown, it looks like everyone is trying to step their game up.

Sidenote: Superkicks just aren't sold like they used to be. When Shawn Michaels superkicked KO, he sold it like anyone i've seen. I see the USOs do superkicks and people just get right back up like it's nothing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look at her legs. She looks like a midget. She ain't a midget. She got fat.
Okay, but what is Nia Jax, if Toni Storm is fat? Now, I'll give you two cheeseburgers away, but she ain't fat. She doesn't need a waist trainer like that Nikkita broad.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just finished SNME... @XXXplosive I hope you had a good time. I remember you saying you were gonna be there

Good Match with Nia and Rhea. I know I keep harping on this, but Nia just doesn't move around well and I think it's the weight. I was watching Kevin Owens and he has a beer belly but that guy moves very well in the ring for a big guy. some people can carry extra weight and still move around well. Zion is another example of this, but he tires quickly. Nia just doesn't move well at all with the extra weight and for her wrestling for championships and stuff, she needs to move better..ok rant over on that because i'm beating a dead horse at this point.

Sheamus and Bron should start a feud because they work well together in the ring. They are both mass monsters and I found it interesting that sheamus has never held the IC belt for as long as he's been wrestling in WWE. Jesse Ventura needs to be commentating the entire SNME..."I know he has it physically, but when it comes to a Steiner 2+2 = 5" :lol:

Strowman and Fatu is going to be just like Strowman and Bronson Reed feud.

Good match with Jey and Gunther. I like the quality of matches that WWE has been putting on since the start of the new year. Even on Smackdown, it looks like everyone is trying to step their game up.

Sidenote: Superkicks just aren't sold like they used to be. When Shawn Michaels superkicked KO, he sold it like anyone i've seen. I see the USOs do superkicks and people just get right back up like it's nothing
Yep, had a good time at SNME. Overall a decent show once you set your expectations that it's a show onto its own and not a PLE.
My son and I got to take pictures with Rey Mysterio, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Million Dollar Man, Madusa/Alundra Blaze and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. No Hogan there to boo :lol:
Also got to talk briefly with Braun Strowman when he came in to take over for Rey taking pictures with the fans.
Crowd was pretty hot the whole night.
I really thought Jey was gonna beat Gunther last night since they had his face all over the promotional materials for the show at the arena and even on the tickets.
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Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor

Now hear me out. This could work. They shouldn't do it, but it could work.

They want to make Bron a monster heel who gets booed, but his moveset is too bad ass to get that reaction.

Just picture a RR spot where 3 or so wrestlers are in the ring beating Bron down and about to toss him out. Only for Scott's music to hit and he comes down for the save. The crowd would go wild to see Bron & Scott clear the ring.

And they'll get the heat reaction they want when Bron flips the situation and throws Scott out the ring. "Fuck you Unc, there can be only one."

How racist ass Michael Hayes still be coming around?
Hogan's racist ass was being booed off stage so hard, the story was covered by all the major new outlets ....

And his voice is still on the narration to begin SNME.

SNME was a decent show. I would have loved to see Jey win but they aren't pulling the trigger on a glorified house show. They are saving his moment for a big spot on a PPV.
I knew Jey wasn't winning, but I'm happy that gave the match time to breathe. I thought both guys came away looking better.

They are trying their hardest to make Jacob to new/bad monster heel on the scene, but shoutout to San Antonio. That Texas crowd was loving every moment of that beatdown. Jacob seems over as hell right now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look at her legs. She looks like a midget. She ain't a midget. She got fat.
I think that picture doing something though I don't know if its the lens or what but it got her looking much winder then she is. She do got a funny shape she thick with no ass or hips. No bueno.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Respectfully? Yall like Toni Storm? I don’t see no ass or titties want am I missing?
Toni used to look better when she was a little thinner and the ass looked a little fatter.
Then she lost weight and damn near lost her ass.
Now she's gained the weight back but it looks like a lot if it went to her hips and legs.
She's always been one of those "curvy" more hips than ass girls, but she could still definitely get the business from me. :sleazy: