
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed. That shit is gay as hell
Ehhh, not so much gay...just unnecessary. If you look at the pose Randy Orton does there is a level of dominance that it gives off. Ricky's pose gives nothing or homosexual vibes for you..but I mean that's you and maybe a conversation you should have with a therapist...JOKING!!!!!


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Ehhh, not so much gay...just unnecessary. If you look at the pose Randy Orton does there is a level of dominance that it gives off. Ricky's pose gives nothing or homosexual vibes for you..but I mean that's you and maybe a conversation you should have with a therapist...JOKING!!!!!
Gay as in corny. Reminds me of TJ Perkins wack ass pose he used to do. Shit was corny as hell.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thunder Rosa

She's trying to hard to be sexy just be natural and iit will happen


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thinking about Ricky Starks new name, I think it would sound better if they called him "Ricky Saint" instead.

Ricky Saint sounds better than Ricky Saints. "Saints Row"....that actually sounds cool.

...who??? Who are the saints in Saints Row? Is this a faction, are these the fans? It wasn't Babe Ruth that just called himself Murderers Row. Saint(s) just seems like he's trying too hard. Is he gonna have Farmer Fran from Waterboy as his manager? We get it you're from Louisiana! A female wrestler named Deborah Flint...from Flint, Michigan. It's just too on the nose.

I probably sound like I'm hating, but I honestly want him to succeed like the motherfcuker is related to me! The amount of time it took him to get to WWE is inspiring and he's not done. The program of him and Seth is what I am waiting for.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gay as in corny. Reminds me of TJ Perkins wack ass pose he used to do. Shit was corny as hell.

Calling something "gay" and not meaning homosexual was such a good adjective. It should be rebranded as Ghey, like Phat.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lolz is Mercedes using a gmail account?
Yeah, I agree it looks tacky and I cringe whenever I see other small business owners like myself using Gmail and other personal email addresses for their business. But just saying it's not uncommon in wrestling. A lot of these wrestlers ain't exactly the technical types, lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's actually not uncommon for a lot of wrestlers to promote themselves with personal email accounts, especially those in AEW that are allowed to take independent bookings on the side.
Lolz is Mercedes using a gmail account?
I mean it's common for a LOT of entertainers to use personal/professional email accounts for bookings.

Are you expecting WRESTLERS to know using gmail instead of buying a domain, using that domain for your email? A reoccurring cost that THEY have to maintain and what happens when you forget to reup your domain? I mean you're on the road 300 days of the year doesn't seem impossible that a person whose trade isn't in tech might miss that. Someone else swoops in and buys your domain so now you no longer have your domain and have to buy it back from a stranger. So it just seems easier to use gmail.

But maybe that is a job opp for someone just setting up cloud services for entertainers like websites, email services, etc...
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