This bitch told Vivek Ramalamadingdong she COULDN'T vote for him because he's indian and he smiled in her face and thanked her for her honesty...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember the video of a female Indian politician being told to go back to your country


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ramalamadingdong is a Doo wop song...has nothing to do with racial anything...if anything it's been subverted as slang/insult for the muslim holiday Ramadan... Vivek is Hindu.

And coulter is racist AF...she told him that all US presidents can trace they're lineage thru WASP heritage...even Obama who is half white.

So by her calculation as it stands Vivek could never be president just off those two factors alone...not white in some way...not Christian.

I'm not insinuating anything...I'm saying she's racist as fuck and Viv's party PROVED IT by choosing a twice impeached one termer who under at last half a dozen indictments and they wanted that guy over the intelligent articulate indian American.

Yea but thats NOT his name tho, YOU RACIST!!! :lol:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Ramalamadingdong is a Doo wop song...has nothing to do with racial anything...if anything it's been subverted as slang/insult for the muslim holiday Ramadan... Vivek is Hindu.

And coulter is racist AF...she told him that all US presidents can trace they're lineage thru WASP heritage...even Obama who is half white.

So by her calculation as it stands Vivek could never be president just off those two factors alone...not white in some way...not Christian.

I'm not insinuating anything...I'm saying she's racist as fuck and Viv's party PROVED IT by choosing a twice impeached one termer who under at last half a dozen indictments and they wanted that guy over the intelligent articulate indian American.

And Vivek comes from a caste in a religion that supports discrimination based on lineage! So fuck him all the same!

A Silicon Valley lawsuit reveals caste discrimination is rife in the US​



Transnational Member
In January 1976 … board members of the Association of Indians in America (AIA) and their legal counsel met with the Federal Interagency Committee's representatives in Washington D.C. with the purpose of effecting a change in the Indian classification from the "White" category into the "Asian or Pacific Islander" category. Dr. Manoranjan Dutta, president of the AIA, said that his organization began its campaign for the reclassification in the wake of numerous complaints by Indians of alleged discrimination. According to Dr. Dutta,

Indians were not getting equal opportunity in jobs, for example, and any discrimination which they faced was being covered up under the guise of their "White" classification—a sort of "hidden" discrimination. Only if they were classified in the "correct" category of "Asian" could they seek immediate legal redress in cases of discrimination. Furthermore, the Asian category appeared to be more appropriate due to geographical reasons—India is a part of Asia.

In August 1976, a review of the five categories was indeed made, and the Federal Interagency Committee agreed by consensus to move the Indian immigrants from the "White" category to the "Asian and Pacific Islander" category… Dr. Dutta announced later in November of 1976 the finalization of the classification change to the Indian media, but it tended to be largely ignored by the American press.

This also gives you some insight into the logic of Indians who consider themselves White sadly but faced discrimination. They identified themselves as Asian for legal protection and benefits. Some wanted to continue the status quo of being called white. They used this same logic with court filing on immigration, identifying as Aryan.

When you see Kamala Harris, it is no different than President Obama, being raised by an Indian parent. She adopts an Asian minority status for the benefits and legal protection, she does not consider herself one of us.

You might run across them claiming to be a minority, don't be fooled.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Indians represent many things the Republican party hates. Immigrants, Brown skin, plant-based diets, religions that don't center on Jesus, folks that don't speak flawless unaccented English the moment they step on American soil. Yet, with the exception of our vice president, it seems like practically all Indian politicians are Republican. Bobby Jindal, Visek, Nikki Haley, etc.

I have to wonder, what has the Democratic party done to fail Indians so badly?
have too many black members

He doesn’t necessarily want to be Cac equivalent; he wants more distance from his complexion. Asians and Indians and many Hispanics simply want ZERO proximity to blackness.