THIS JUST IN: Teena Marie has passed away.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
Re: Teena Marie ... Dead? .. CSI Needed A.S.A.P. ..

RIP, Soul Sista

Square Biz

Behind the Groove

Out on a Limb

Fure and Desire


Her and Rick up there firin' it up and funkin' it right now! :dance::dance::dance:


BGOL Investor
It's hilarious. The only time BGOL wants a confirmed source on some shit is when someone allegedly dies. Anything else is taken as gospel no questions asked.
wrong thread to get on your high horse, but either way you are wrong. Every story or gossip without a link, the next post is always "link?"


female pimp
BGOL Investor
Damn one of my favorite female performers of all time, this is how i got my user name from her except she spelled it lady t :( damn wdas dedicating the night to her, im so damn sad