This simp going on a rant about dudes not wanting to date single mothers


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Men, especially black men are sick of getting burned by that stepfather shit. Is it noble? Yes, I've done it with an ex and loved those kids to life. I still do. I'm glad I played a hand in raising & training them, but after the relationship was over, I had invested a few hundred thousand dollars(over the course of 6 years) into making sure they had a quality education, living situation, family trips, AAU, etc. I had basically raised another cat's family while he was unemployed and sat a home all day. Think about that, man. I invested a qtr of a million dollars into another nigga's kids.

If you want a family, I recommend that you go start your own. Fuck all that blended shit.

The problem really lies with women and their choices before you. Having multiple children by random dudes that are rarely present. That creates a parental and financial void that the new man has to deal with in some capacity.....and in many cases, it's just not worth the headache.

God's Gift

The best of the majority of you niggas.
BGOL Investor
So when GM, Ford, and Chevy leave, will Detroit be famous for making Tubi movies and simps?

Is the name Simp City - /= Motor city?

I can respect that everyone has a right to their opinion. All I would ask the of brother is to take off the Detroit hat on the next video.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Men, especially black men are sick of getting burned by that stepfather shit. Is it noble? Yes, I've done it with an ex and loved those kids to life. I still do. I'm glad I played a hand in raising & training them, but after the relationship was over, I had invested a few hundred thousand dollars(over the course of 6 years) into making sure they had a quality education, living situation, family trips, AAU, etc. I had basically raised another cat's family while he was unemployed and sat a home all day. Think about that, man. I invested a qtr of a million dollars into another nigga's kids.

If you want a family, I recommend that you go start your own. Fuck all that blended shit.

The problem really lies with women and their choices before you. Having multiple children by random dudes that are rarely present. That creates a parental and financial void that the new man has to deal with in some capacity.....and in many cases, it's just not worth the headache.
Yeah the big issue is investing your resources particularly time and money into some other dude's seed and legacy.

Hard work and sacrifice to obtain those resources should be 100% for the advancement of your own seed and legacy.


Rising Star
When I was younger I have dated older women with kids that were almost same age as me as an adult. Don't judge me lol you just can't help who you like though. But anyway so because them kids were grown and lived their own lives, we never really crossed path unless it was at the rare on occasion family gathering or some shit.

So for me to date a woman with a kid, the cut off point or minimum age would be about 16 years old. Cause at that age your kinda acting, doing or getting involved in adults activities. Anything under 16 your gonna have to be some form of guardian or role model that might require emotional & financial responsibility that your not prepared for.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The problem really lies with women and their choices before you. Having multiple children by random dudes that are rarely present. That creates a parental and financial void that the new man has to deal with in some capacity.....and in many cases, it's just not worth the headache.

The problem also lies with the fact that we just can't have a real conversation about the choice some Black women make when it comes to who they choose to be with because the conversation gets sidetracked into talking about incels, lames and simps and dudes being bitter about not get any pussy.


Mr. Pool
YouTube and social media got every ninja believing he/she needs to be heard. Trying to to viral on overly regurgitated shit. I’ve unsubscribed to so many kats recently—same topic, new ninja. The culture is in a serious rut and these lames have no solutions.
Describes the state of bgol as well


Mr. Pool
:lol:What annoys me most about the board is everyone wants credit (their own thread) for what could be a running theme. 7 Trump threads and 5 Kamala threads per day. One good thread could be a one-stop shop for memes, info, etc. Nobody uses the search feature, just new threads on the same shit.
And let's not get started on a certain mod who has to be a lonely 70 year old who makes 28 threads a day no one gives a shit about so he just replies to himself and post Facebook comments as replies.

Actually that one is kinda sad lol


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Date women with grown kids.
Yeah, that's the only way, don't nobody got time nor care about raising another person's kid especially if that person doesn't have kids themselves.

Some of us just want some of that pussy and titty milk and keep it moving.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga I love all my "God" children. LOL I got about 5 kids (non biological) from past relationships. If your mom been in the stable for 3-5 years and I done watched you grow up it's only natural to have love for the kid. Shit they can call me for 20 for a pizza it's all good. LOL. I be going to graduations and shit lol.

And God daughters are the greatest they will have your back better than their momma would.

So don't pass up the opportunity to be in a kids life part time just like you in their mom life part time lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Men, especially black men are sick of getting burned by that stepfather shit. Is it noble? Yes, I've done it with an ex and loved those kids to life. I still do. I'm glad I played a hand in raising & training them, but after the relationship was over, I had invested a few hundred thousand dollars(over the course of 6 years) into making sure they had a quality education, living situation, family trips, AAU, etc. I had basically raised another cat's family while he was unemployed and sat a home all day. Think about that, man. I invested a qtr of a million dollars into another nigga's kids.

If you want a family, I recommend that you go start your own. Fuck all that blended shit.

The problem really lies with women and their choices before you. Having multiple children by random dudes that are rarely present. That creates a parental and financial void that the new man has to deal with in some capacity.....and in many cases, it's just not worth the headache.
I’m at the tail end of a similar situation. “Tail end” meaning one is a HS senior and the other is a HS Sophomore.

Their bio is in their lives, but he gets to be the “fun” parent while doing dumb shit that complicates our job at home, and their mother and I do the real heavy lifting and having to make unpopular decisions for their benefit.

I have paid very close attention to patterns and noticed they don’t respect their mother (and a lot of that is her doing…) and their loyalties are to him at the end of the day despite him being very inconsistent and manipulative.

It has driven a wedge between us to the point where I’m simply going to see the mission through (get them to their higher education institution of choice or best fit) and then make my move.

That blended shit is for the fukn birds, bro…

Establish your OWN legacy because you will not (CANNOT) get the time and resources back. In my case - because there are plenty of stories where this works out - the alleged feeling of seeing them thrive does not outweigh the resentment caused by their lack of loyalty and disrespect towards their mother.

It is not worth the headache.