This what $7600 a month can get you in Atlanta


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lifestyle… some people don’t want the responsibility of taking care of a home… some people live the single lifestyle or don’t have no kids.. the area The place is, might be around the night life,shopping, entertainment, the food scene, close to their job, bizz.. some people don’t want to live in the countryside.. all comes up to the individual person and how they move
Foolishness. I haven’t rented over 25 years. That’s a broke person’s mentality. I’ve moved twice with this job and I bought in each state. I bought my place in Nevada and sold it for 40k more than I bought it for, which set me up to put 60k down on my altanta high rise. If I sell my atlanta condo today I will walk with nearly 200k, which means I have lived in two homes for 13 years for free. Not wanting the hassle of owning a home is dumb shit. Rent in my building can be $2500 for a one bedroom but I own mine for $1400 plus the HOA, which comes out less than rent. People allow their laziness to dictate their finances and will always complain that shit ain’t fair. Rent is for lazy people. I’ll never rent as long as I live in America. The homey is a passport bro and he pays $600 a month in Brazil for a fly ass condo, but that’s $7200 a year and he retired early. That makes sense because he sold everything and dipped. By that metric, I could sell my place in atlanta and live 10 years in Brazil and not touch my 401k or collect social security. That all comes from NOT renting after age 28.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So nobody gonna ask guess I'm a brokie, WTF she do for a living to afford $7600 a month just in rent??

I was thinking the same thing!!...
My guess is....



Rising Star
Foolishness. I haven’t rented over 25 years. That’s a broke person’s mentality. I’ve moved twice with this job and I bought in each state. I bought my place in Nevada and sold it for 40k more than I bought it for, which set me up to put 60k down on my altanta high rise. If I sell my atlanta condo today I will walk with nearly 200k, which means I have lived in two homes for 13 years for free. Not wanting the hassle of owning a home is dumb shit. Rent in my building can be $2500 for a one bedroom but I own mine for $1400 plus the HOA, which comes out less than rent. People allow their laziness to dictate their finances and will always complain that shit ain’t fair. Rent is for lazy people. I’ll never rent as long as I live in America. The homey is a passport bro and he pays $600 a month in Brazil for a fly ass condo, but that’s $7200 a year and he retired early. That makes sense because he sold everything and dipped. By that metric, I could sell my place in atlanta and live 10 years in Brazil and not touch my 401k or collect social security. That all comes from NOT renting after age 28.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
If I'm paying 7600 a month for rent..first of all i ain't never "renting" nothing for that kinda money

And it sure as hell wouldn't be in Atlanta lol..


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Foolishness. I haven’t rented over 25 years. That’s a broke person’s mentality. I’ve moved twice with this job and I bought in each state. I bought my place in Nevada and sold it for 40k more than I bought it for, which set me up to put 60k down on my altanta high rise. If I sell my atlanta condo today I will walk with nearly 200k, which means I have lived in two homes for 13 years for free. Not wanting the hassle of owning a home is dumb shit. Rent in my building can be $2500 for a one bedroom but I own mine for $1400 plus the HOA, which comes out less than rent. People allow their laziness to dictate their finances and will always complain that shit ain’t fair. Rent is for lazy people. I’ll never rent as long as I live in America. The homey is a passport bro and he pays $600 a month in Brazil for a fly ass condo, but that’s $7200 a year and he retired early. That makes sense because he sold everything and dipped. By that metric, I could sell my place in atlanta and live 10 years in Brazil and not touch my 401k or collect social security. That all comes from NOT renting after age 28.
I know millionaires that lived that lifestyle I just said.. I’m pretty sure if they woke up with your money they would kill themselves… also know individuals who make several hundreds thousands a dollar a yr that live like that to… people that been seeing no less than a quarter million a yr since they were like 20 who are now close to 40. People who been driving Ferrari since early 2000… So throw the broke shit out the window some people just live different lifestyles.. diff condos in diff states.. people who got different bizz in diff states.. some individuals just don’t want a’s funny how individuals think life is just one way and can’t think some people move differently. Some people like being employees while others are independent / self employed or bizz owners, you can be either or and even both


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know millionaires that lived that lifestyle I just said.. I’m pretty sure if they woke up with your money they would kill themselves… also know individuals who make several hundreds thousands a dollar a yr that live like that to… people that been seeing no less than a quarter million a yr since they were like 20 who are now close to 40. People who been driving Ferrari since early 2000… So throw the broke shit out the window some people just live different lifestyles.. diff condos in diff states.. people who got different bizz in diff states.. some individuals just don’t want a’s funny how individuals think life is just one way and can’t think some people move differently. Some people like being employees while others are independent / self employed or bizz owners, you can be either or and even both
“They would die if they woke up with your money”
I’ll keep my money and intellect and turn it into what they have.

A millionaire is a false equivalent. Yeah, many NBA players get traded often, so they rent; but many own a home somewhere and just rent where they play. That’s different than a blue collar person. Rich people don’t have to concern themselves with building a future—they’re already won. A blue collar person doesn’t write their rents off on their taxes; it’s what they HAVE to do. Meanwhile, NYC ninjas rep their city hard, renting, and but down own shit. That’s how cacs took Brooklyn from you ninjas. Jews owned all that shit you all rented for $4000 a month. Same with Cali. Can’t afford a home where they rep. But, but…had someone in their fucking family gotten out of the broke ass mentality of renting, homes could be passed down. The homey ok San Diego lives in a 1,300,000 house because his parents owned it 40 years ago. Now he and his wife own TWO houses worth a total of a million because they owned one when his mom died. Now, her parents are still alive so that’s ANOTHER free house because she’s an only child. His son will an automatic million when they die and own 3 homes in the most difficult market to buy in on whatever salary he earns.. These are hardworking blacks worth $2 million in their early 50’s. Rent enriches your oppressor, but keep trying.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
btw the apt is dope as fuck, and I know folks that pay three to four times what their dwelling is worth,

only because SOMEBODY ELSE like their company or insurance is paying for it...

but in nyc... UPPER EAST SIDE, you get about HALF THAT for TEN THOUSAND a month...

that apt in manhattan would be worth about fifteen to twenty geez a month...

the views and natural light in that apt is off the chain tho!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
btw the apt is dope as fuck, and I know folks that pay three to four times what their dwelling is worth,

only because SOMEBODY ELSE like their company or insurance is paying for it...

but in nyc... UPPER EAST SIDE, you get about HALF THAT for TEN THOUSAND a month...

that apt in manhattan would be worth about fifteen to twenty geez a month...

the views and natural light in that apt is off the chain tho!!!
Facts. A homey lives in Red Hook and commutes. His rent there is around $4000. Lot of those companies have housing for transient employees and write that shit off on their taxes. That’s why property is so damn expensive there; corporations own or lease that shit and deduct it. Altanta is that way. Lot of movies being filmed in Atlanta so these studios rent high end penthouse and houses for these celebs and to stay in for 3-6 months and they pay whatever you ask.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
“They would die if they woke up with your money”
I’ll keep my money and intellect and turn it into what they have.

A millionaire is a false equivalent. Yeah, many NBA players get traded often, so they rent; but many own a home somewhere and just rent where they play. That’s different than a blue collar person. Rich people don’t have to concern themselves with building a future—they’re already won. A blue collar person doesn’t write their rents off on their taxes; it’s what they HAVE to do. Meanwhile, NYC ninjas rep their city hard, renting, and but down own shit. That’s how cacs took Brooklyn from you ninjas. Jews owned all that shit you all rented for $4000 a month. Same with Cali. Can’t afford a home where they rep. But, but…had someone in their fucking family gotten out of the broke ass mentality of renting, homes could be passed down. The homey ok San Diego lives in a 1,300,000 house because his parents owned it 40 years ago. Now he and his wife own TWO houses worth a total of a million because they owned one when his mom died. Now, her parents are still alive so that’s ANOTHER free house because she’s an only child. His son will an automatic million when they die and own 3 homes in the most difficult market to buy in on whatever salary he earns.. These are hardworking blacks worth $2 million in their early 50’s. Rent enriches your oppressor, but keep trying.
Europeans been in nyc for centuries.. Jews been owned mad property here in NYC.. America is runned by cacs.. so cacs And Jews been owned lots of properties.. they got whole documentaries that goes several decades back about slumlords.. the movie the super was based on an actual true story about a Brooklyn Jew landlord.. burning down buildings for insurance Money goes back b4 you were even born .. so cacs taking Brooklyn ain’t no surprise.. you think you gonna win the war fighting wolves barehanded in their den? Welcome to amerikkka … by the way mr gullible the people that were paying 4000 for lots of locations were cacs and cacs transplants.. when you see hole in the wall apts it’s cacs renting them.. the nyc they show you is from white people perspective that’s why us ny lifers laugh at all the dumbshit out of towners believe..nobody paying them high prices but the gullible cac..always has.. lots of black people own brownstone and townhouses in ny.. bx,bk, Harlem, queens, etc


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Buying shit you can't afford, then have to move somewhere else cheaper because the rent was too high.

Makes no sense and isn't a flex at all.

I understand people want nice things but be mindful of what you get because that shit can put you in debt if your aren't careful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Buying shit you can't afford, then have to move somewhere else cheaper because the rent was too high.

Makes no sense and isn't a flex at all.

I understand people want nice things but be mindful of what you get because that shit can put you in debt if your aren't careful.

Yep, I see it all the time with these women!!...Sad Shit!!... :smh:


Rising Star
I see why women are the ones in the debt the most.

Exactly…..those emotional purchases.

Also, too lazy to do any research before you hit them streets.

The internet ain’t only for instagram. Geez.

Hey, we don’t know how her paper stacks so…….

Her body her choice…….i meant money. Lol

Carry on……….


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall counting this hoes money?
You know some rich white man is paying her rent right?

Yall don’t know shit and you looking right at it.

Nothing is in her name.

This illiterate hoe can’t even put 2 sentences together to describe the place.

“I love black green and gold”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
BGOL slipping today. On page 2 and CSI hasnt blessed us with an IG or basement pics of those titties. They must be all on their Fantasy Drafts.