
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Literally Pharrell runs Louie V lol

The reach extension is hilarious

Heads the fashion agenda yes, runs shit NO. Anything that he even thinks of has to be approved by a shit load of folks around & above him. And I highly doubt dude is really doing that much design wise, this shit is sort of like the Rhianna Fenty thing. After Virgil (someone who was actually a fashion designer & had worked his way up through the indusrty) died they needed a splash & someone who had instant reach & appeal to the hip hop crowd & bamm you get Pharrell & these hideous femine designs.


Rising Star
This is emasculation I don't care how much he's getting payed . Smh

You can tell by my post above that I absolutely agree w you……….but….

Is this that bad that you don’t have a price….

I mean….to me it’s effeminate but it’s not blatant fa99otry.

I mean Pharrell ain’t the most masculine person in the world.

It ain’t a full blown skirt………yet….l

Carry on…….

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
You can tell by my post above that I absolutely agree w you……….but….

Is this that bad that you don’t have a price….

I mean….to me it’s effeminate but it’s not blatant fa99otry.

I mean Pharrell ain’t the most masculine person in the world.

It ain’t a full blown skirt………yet….l

Carry on…….
Emasculation is more than making a man effeminate. It's making a man into a boy. Like some people may feel that hip hop culture turns somenmen into perpetual teenagers in a constant state of immiturity. I meant emasculation in that sense
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