Tiddies N Puzzy in Movies


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Discussions about this movie are interesting..

From what I've read, most agree that it could never be made today due to the amount of frontal nudity,

Could you imagine that today,....

"Hey we need you to go in the dressing room with us and let us stare at your breasts for a few minutes so we can make it through the scene without looking.....also bring some whip cream" haha


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What sucks about the streaming wars is that what should have been an arms race of new subscription networks trying to gain an audience with the tried and true method of uncensored language and nudity instead gave us very little nude content due to MeToo fallout and media consolidation under conservative corporations. Thank goodness for OnlyFans allowing these women the chance to show out in a way that Hollywood won't these days.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Monica Bellucci - How Much Do You Love Me


There was a time in Monica Belucci career when she would wake up in the morning and say " Another day, Another great reason to take my clothes off on film and show this perfect body" She knew she had an asset and never once shied away from showing it and still was considered an artistic actress.

Salud Monica

stixx passin thru

International Member
Screens... Abbie Cornish in The Virtuoso...



She put on that Aussie size ..