Time to let bitches know fake asses are horrible.

Backlash andetc hoes know this ain't cute

  • Yes

    Votes: 74 86.0%
  • No, I'm so thirsty I'll fuck a blow up doll at this point.

    Votes: 12 14.0%

  • Total voters

older version

A version older
When did that happen?:confused:

That is the point, they have not and won't

:lol: at the poll. I didn't need the blow up doll reference to vote against fake asses.

Maybe if we only dated flat asses, and stop oogling over big ones, sisters would see the truth.

Sisters just need to get in shape!

They think that when we tell them we love their big ass its because we like big asses. In most cases, we HAVE to say that especially with pillow talk because we're not gonna say "I love your "
"Ugly assed feet"
"hairy legs"

We can only fix the hairy legs by sending them to the spa and shit., but you can't fix the others including flabby asses.

II Dxnum

Rising Star
wrong as long as lazy strippers who think getting fake body parts will up their bread there will be fake body parts..as long as regular girls allow strip club culture to affect there lives and try to use them as a guideline there will be fake body parts..more than 90 percent of the girls on here posted with fake asses are someway connected to the adult game so once again why should dis have an impact on regular chicks..a man selling bottle water in harlem should have zero effect on the way nigs in florida take a piss..juss like a broad that gets fake parts for the game should have zero effect on a reg chick but somehow it does:smh::smh:

I'm saying that dudes ultimately influence regular chicks to get fake parts.

You're saying that regular chicks are influenced by stripper types to get fake parts.

Now tell me who influences these strippers types to get fake parts and then after that tell me I'm wrong.

Dudes like fake parts --> stripper types get fake parts to get dudes to come up off their bread --> regular chicks see the love and attention fake part stripper types get so they get fake parts to try and get the same love and attention.


Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
I don't know what's funnier. The idea that you think that Dj Truth nigga is me or the fact you're shaped like Mike Jones.

dude can u please stop making sense because if u do the debate will end early and dats not the point on why some people get into debates..they like to debate for the sake of arguing or to agree with their opinion even if it's wrong..debates are no longer about truth and more about agreeing with false concepts in order to make somebody ego's happy..see geech or fuzzy mcnuts post for refrences

You aint lying tho. :lol::lol::lol: Mugs using these arguments for affirmation of their ego's and the bullshit they believe.


" Your pussy isn't all I want, UNLESS THAT'S ALL YOU GOT. "

A sizeable portion of the female populous, enough for a man with half a brain to notice, aren't better than the pussy between their legs, and a sizeable portion in that portion are BARELY worth the effort to just get the only thing she's good for.


All that being said I love hoes, sluts, groupies, pros, THOT's, and jumpoff's; they are fun and funny!


But just because I like gardening doesn't mean I want dirt in my house. The hoe stays outside in the tool shed when I'm doing using her...i mean it.

IMO of course...but I feel some will agree.

* two cents *

I hope you compiling a list of all these sayings/idioms/proverbs you be dropping. :cool:

I want to see chicks die.

Wait a minute, what? :lol:

For having fake asses?


Support BGOL
That's the only way it'll stop.

A lot of undesirable shit can be stopped, but 'we' lack the gnads to go as far as necessary.

For instance, if I had a prison, and was allowed to run it my way, no one would EVER come back.

Wait a minute, what? :lol:

For having fake asses?

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
That's the only way it'll stop.

A lot of undesirable shit can be stopped, but 'we' lack the gnads to go as far as necessary.

For instance, if I had a prison, and was allowed to run it my way, no one would EVER come back.
What other undesirable shit can be stopped and how far should we go to stop it?

There have already been cases of women dying from getting tire sealant pumped into they buttocks but it hasn't stopped or deterred any of these women from getting implants. Remember that bitch on that movie 7even with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman who had to destroy her beauty or kill herself? Most of these women are like that they'd rather die, risk death and dying over losing their beauty.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I ain't gone front like I haven't drooled over some fake shit.

On rare occassion, some of those build-a-ho bitches look good. But that shit ain't gone last.

Most of them hoes look stupid as fuck. Especially when they O.D. on the ass shots.

Give me a real ass any day, flaws and all.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I can't support flat ass, tho.

I don't care if she got the prettiest titties in the world, she gotta have at least two handfuls of ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are limits to any surgical improvement.

The "Full Diaper" look is ugly. But some doctors have been able to craft some magnificent "Build a Bitch".

I will support your movement, to a point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:yes::yes::yes: i agree with you again. women do want to attract men.

the problem: most women spend 99.875% of their effort on what the man sees... and that's about it; they pay no attention to what it takes to KEEP the man. none.

"Pussy's not all I want, unless that's all you got.-Patrice O'neal

Seriously. Some women are like chocolate easter bunnies...once you bite into them, you realize it's completely hollow inside. The woman that wonder why they can't keep a man need to analyze themselves before they label men pieces of shit.


International Member
:lol:@ the consensus now being against fake asses

unless the shit looked obviously distorted and catoonish (like pebblez:puke:) yall gave no fucks...now the theme is i always hated fake asses.:roflmao:

yall think 'pawgs' came around simply because they started eating different?:lol:
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2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol:@ the consensus now being against fake asses

unless the shit looked obviously distorted and catoonish (like pebblez:puke:) yall gave no fucks...now the theme is i always hated fake asses.:roflmao:


I'm one of the only niggas on here who has held firm on fake body parts from day 1.

I cut a bitch go after she told me she had lip injections Years ago


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm saying that dudes ultimately influence regular chicks to get fake parts.

You're saying that regular chicks are influenced by stripper types to get fake parts.

Now tell me who influences these strippers types to get fake parts and then after that tell me I'm wrong.

Dudes like fake parts --> stripper types get fake parts to get dudes to come up off their bread --> regular chicks see the love and attention fake part stripper types get so they get fake parts to try and get the same love and attention.


dude u are wrong..dudes don't like fake parts..take a girl with big natural tits than take a chick with flat chest..a chick with flat chest would say if i had big tits i would get more love or the same amount of love as the girl if i had big tits...so she get fake ones and find out no she dosen't get more love or the same amount of love so now she stuck with fake tits...like i said the fake ass bitches were chicks for the most part that had no asses to start they believe that once they get 1 it will all of a sudden change for them but it dosen't..like i said i kno a lot of chicks who thought the game was gonna get easier and what happen they got surgery/shots and was stuck in the same position they was in b4...instead of working on they skillset they thought they had an easy ticket out but in the end they was wrong..it's like one big illusional prank...there is some that surgery worked but that percentage is way lower than the successful stories

oh yeah reg girl see what she thinks is a "model" but really is a stripper and gets influenced by her..u kno how many reg chicks think all these instagram, twitter, urban mag are really models and not strippers..u'd be surprise how misinformed they are..i see both sides of the picture dealing with this game and all the false info that's out there..mad reg chicks think these chicks get paid to do mags a lot of free sites..lot of reg chicks think these broads get paid to do these music vids..a lot of these chicks don't kno these mags were pretty much made to sell in the prison system..it's a bunch of other shit..i've had to inform a lot of reg chicks what the real is and stop letting a culture that wasn't meant for them to influence their lives..hell u kno how many reg chicks ask me bout how to get down with mags and what not and i had to be real and tell them what it is..hell i had chicks literally speechless when they found out the truth and find out the world they thought exist wasn't what it is
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
lol so......http://www.bgol.us/board/showthread.php?t=807050


But ya know... it's just us women who THINK dudes like it.

It's just us women who dont' see guys like it.


Man fuck. There is not a shred of logic to u people. Not a single damn iota

once again is the standard of the modern day female is to be men's skeet rag?? so dudes want to use her as a skeet rag are chicks like yeah let me go get ass shots so i to can be looked as one to...4get about being a quality female and bein taken seriously i want to be a nut target..the twilight zone era continues the regular girls now are jealous of the sluts


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I get mad . Literally mad when I see it. When i hear people call fake asses perfection. I want to throw a TV at them a 37 inch jawn non flat screen. The old crt large back jawn that weigh like 200 pounds. Just drop it on their face.

What he said:lol::lol:


Rising Star
once again is the standard of the modern day female is to be men's skeet rag?? so dudes want to use her as a skeet rag are chicks like yeah let me go get ass shots so i to can be looked as one to...4get about being a quality female and bein taken seriously i want to be a nut target..the twilight zone era continues the regular girls now are jealous of the sluts

My Point: We(women) are not the ones who set what the standard and method of attraction IS.

We didn't do it.

We just try to meet what's there cuz that's how society makes it. If it came around to ever say... black women being natural with hair and all that

was the pinnacle of beauty? And we SAW it? As in if we SAW YOU GUYS... swarm a sista with natural hair? We'd do it that way

What we see ya'll go for is what we'll emulate. We don't see some shit and be like "I'll just make up what guys like.. in my mind...." Nah it doesn't work that way bro.

I know this from actual lived expeirence. I've never once seen another woman and been like guys will like her so i'm gonna try to look like that.

Your Point: "regular" women want to be desired by men.

More often than nto they won't get surgery to do it. But i guaaaarantee if you got with so called "Regular" chick and she don't have an ass

and she peep up behind u or catch u jackin to Nikin Minaj fake ass she's gonna PROBABLY say

" so that's what u like?"

And she'll probably feel some type a way about it. I know MAAAAAANY friends who've brought this up

And i've spoken to MAAAAAAAANY friends who've caught their dudes checkin out some different bodied chick and they get upset about it in some form.

Feel insecure about themselves some way.

You're trying to make a division, and i'm gonna keep saying we go by what we see you desire.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
My Point: We(women) are not the ones who set what the standard and method of attraction IS.

We didn't do it.

We just try to meet what's there cuz that's how society makes it. If it came around to ever say... black women being natural with hair and all that

was the pinnacle of beauty? And we SAW it? As in if we SAW YOU GUYS... swarm a sista with natural hair? We'd do it that way

What we see ya'll go for is what we'll emulate. We don't see some shit and be like "I'll just make up what guys like.. in my mind...." Nah it doesn't work that way bro.

I know this from actual lived expeirence. I've never once seen another woman and been like guys will like her so i'm gonna try to look like that.

Your Point: "regular" women want to be desired by men.

More often than nto they won't get surgery to do it. But i guaaaarantee if you got with so called "Regular" chick and she don't have an ass

and she peep up behind u or catch u jackin to Nikin Minaj fake ass she's gonna PROBABLY say

" so that's what u like?"

And she'll probably feel some type a way about it. I know MAAAAAANY friends who've brought this up

And i've spoken to MAAAAAAAANY friends who've caught their dudes checkin out some different bodied chick and they get upset about it in some form.

Feel insecure about themselves some way.

You're trying to make a division, and i'm gonna keep saying we go by what we see you desire.

tell ur friends male vision is like a food menu..juss cause we love tuna don't mean we don't like crab cakes or interested in the salmon..juss cause a man is in a relationship dosen't mean his eyes become blurry and his women becomes the monopoly of his vision..as long as his eyes work he gonna use them to his full advantage,,deal with it..if ur over the age of 10 and can't understand dat idk what to say


8 vs 80
OG Investor
per my 3 lovely sisters...

women do all that shit to COMPETE with other women... they try to out-do the other broads in looks: hair, nails, body, teeth... EVERY-FUCKING-THING they feel men will chase.

they DO NOT do all that shit for men. most men know NOTHING bout all the shit women do in the bathroom getting all dolled-up. nothing.

they do all that shit to one-up the other broads competing for a man's attention... so they will get chosen by him for whatever: fucking, marriage, etc., etc.

my response: it must be true bc that's why the hair goes from relaxed to BLOND and relaxed... then blue, gold, multi-colored, etc. and the make-up gets lighter and lighter... and the tits and ass go from normal to injected silicone, cement, etc. broads have DIED over this shit. :smh::smh::smh:

men would put a cap on these extremes and would say, "ok that's enough." but women... oh, they're gonna keep getting more and more overboard with it. :lol::smh:


8 vs 80
OG Investor
Outside of strippers and pornstars I dont see many women with fakes asses :dunno:

i work with one brazilian and one white gal... both have had the ass surgery.

let me tell ya... the strippers and porn stars go OVERBOARD with it bc these two broads have VERY nice, natural-looking/moving/shaped butts; they look good.


Platinum Member
My Point: We(women) are not the ones who set what the standard and method of attraction IS.

We didn't do it.

We just try to meet what's there cuz that's how society makes it. If it came around to ever say... black women being natural with hair and all that

was the pinnacle of beauty? And we SAW it? As in if we SAW YOU GUYS... swarm a sista with natural hair? We'd do it that way

What we see ya'll go for is what we'll emulate. We don't see some shit and be like "I'll just make up what guys like.. in my mind...." Nah it doesn't work that way bro.

I know this from actual lived expeirence. I've never once seen another woman and been like guys will like her so i'm gonna try to look like that.

Your Point: "regular" women want to be desired by men.

More often than nto they won't get surgery to do it. But i guaaaarantee if you got with so called "Regular" chick and she don't have an ass

and she peep up behind u or catch u jackin to Nikin Minaj fake ass she's gonna PROBABLY say

" so that's what u like?"

And she'll probably feel some type a way about it. I know MAAAAAANY friends who've brought this up

And i've spoken to MAAAAAAAANY friends who've caught their dudes checkin out some different bodied chick and they get upset about it in some form.

Feel insecure about themselves some way.

You're trying to make a division, and i'm gonna keep saying we go by what we see you desire.


per my 3 lovely sisters...

women do all that shit to COMPETE with other women... they try to out-do the other broads in looks: hair, nails, body, teeth... EVERY-FUCKING-THING they feel men will chase.

they DO NOT do all that shit for men. most men know NOTHING bout all the shit women do in the bathroom getting all dolled-up. nothing.

they do all that shit to one-up the other broads competing for a man's attention... so they will get chosen by him for whatever: fucking, marriage, etc., etc.

my response: it must be true bc that's why the hair goes from relaxed to BLOND and relaxed... then blue, gold, multi-colored, etc. and the make-up gets lighter and lighter... and the tits and ass go from normal to injected silicone, cement, etc. broads have DIED over this shit. :smh::smh::smh:

men would put a cap on these extremes and would say, "ok that's enough." but women... oh, they're gonna keep getting more and more overboard with it. :lol::smh:



8 vs 80
OG Investor




one day, you'll meet a man who :lol:at all that silly shit women do... knowing that what he sees means about 5% to why he REALLY likes you.

until then, keep buying into the hype and spending your money trying to look like whoever is 'hot' on tv.

if he's with a woman for her body and looks... it's probably due to the fact that she has NOTHING else to offer = trophy wife.

just keep living...


Rising Star
tell ur friends male vision is like a food menu..juss cause we love tuna don't mean we don't like crab cakes or interested in the salmon..juss cause a man is in a relationship dosen't mean his eyes become blurry and his women becomes the monopoly of his vision..as long as his eyes work he gonna use them to his full advantage,,deal with it..if ur over the age of 10 and can't understand dat idk what to say

Most women believe the dumbshit is all

Social conditioning and belief in fairy tales. Even us black ones.

We believe that guys will be this way and that way and then we make concessions and then the pressures of just the world in itself.

And sometimes it takes a minute for the realization that there will never be that world that they told u it was gonna be.

Some of us learn in our teens and a little late... some don't really accept it till much later. Depends on what u get exposed too i guess.

I learned from my bro long while back, men are not what i was told they would be. And he taught me what to really expect. Lot of women don't have that.


International Member
That is the point, they have not and won't

Maybe if we only dated flat asses, and stop oogling over big ones, sisters would see the truth.

Sisters just need to get in shape! THIS !!!!

We can only fix the hairy legs by sending them to the spa and shit., but you can't fix the others including flabby asses.

flat ass> fake ass

WELL, According to BRETT miracles can happen. Even with flat asses.
Get a good PT and incorporate barbell hip thrusts into your workouts. and its done.


From zero to relevant..


I've seen so many women who have better potential then Casey Bergh
All they gotta do is put in the work (sleep, diet workout).


8 vs 80
OG Investor
WELL, According to BRETT miracles can happen. Even with flat asses.
Get a good PT and incorporate barbell hip thrusts into your workouts. and its done.


From zero to relevant..


I've seen so many women who have better potential then Casey Bergh
All they gotta do is put in the work (sleep, diet workout).

lots of sisters are born with the curves, thighs, hips, etc.

they just need to stay toned and to not be lazy.

the brazilians know the deal. they have the curves but hit the gym and KEEP/ENHANCE them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of it has to do with age and when someone grew up.....if you were a person born before 1982...you probably don t like fakeness at all......

Because those folks didn t grow up with the silicone fake tits...fake everything....women were real...even with an A cup they were real.....

nowadays these younger cats don t care cause they grew up with fakeness....
I'm saying that dudes ultimately influence regular chicks to get fake parts.

You're saying that regular chicks are influenced by stripper types to get fake parts.

Now tell me who influences these strippers types to get fake parts and then after that tell me I'm wrong.

Dudes like fake parts --> stripper types get fake parts to get dudes to come up off their bread --> regular chicks see the love and attention fake part stripper types get so they get fake parts to try and get the same love and attention.


My Point: We(women) are not the ones who set what the standard and method of attraction IS.

We didn't do it.

We just try to meet what's there cuz that's how society makes it. If it came around to ever say... black women being natural with hair and all that

was the pinnacle of beauty? And we SAW it? As in if we SAW YOU GUYS... swarm a sista with natural hair? We'd do it that way

What we see ya'll go for is what we'll emulate. We don't see some shit and be like "I'll just make up what guys like.. in my mind...." Nah it doesn't work that way bro.

I know this from actual lived expeirence. I've never once seen another woman and been like guys will like her so i'm gonna try to look like that.

Your Point: "regular" women want to be desired by men.

More often than nto they won't get surgery to do it. But i guaaaarantee if you got with so called "Regular" chick and she don't have an ass

and she peep up behind u or catch u jackin to Nikin Minaj fake ass she's gonna PROBABLY say

" so that's what u like?"

And she'll probably feel some type a way about it. I know MAAAAAANY friends who've brought this up

And i've spoken to MAAAAAAAANY friends who've caught their dudes checkin out some different bodied chick and they get upset about it in some form.

Feel insecure about themselves some way.

You're trying to make a division, and i'm gonna keep saying we go by what we see you desire.


Anyone saying the opposite of the 2 above posts doesnt know what the fuck they are talking about at ALL