This y'alls queen?!?
Not directed at you LS but MODS we need a vomit emoji
This y'alls queen?!?
Not directed at you LS but MODS we need a vomit emoji
This y'alls queen?!?
Whenever Tariq on the verge to rekease pro FBA anything, I've noticed you anti FBA tethers vitriolic comments increase...STAY MAD
that's definitely a slur but the meaning is whatever you take from it as that is literally not a definition of the word "tether" in any officially recognized dictionary anywhere. In fact, whatever the context of its use defines its meaning in that instance because it's a slang term, like fuck or nigga.they like to lie about the use of the word
The first time I heard it was when racist cacs were using it to describe the offsprings of illegals. We all know Tariq doesn't make up anything. He co-opts.that's definitely a slur but the meaning is whatever you take from it as that is literally not a definition of the word "tether" in any officially recognized dictionary anywhere. In fact, whatever the context of its use defines its meaning in that instance because it's a slang term, like fuck or nigga.
Currency... thats a great analogy but it isn't flattering.I've been saying for literally YEARS that voting is currency.
Not voting is not strategic. Voting for a third party who can't win is not strategic. Voting is currency. In order to get something, you have to spend/invest it in a candidate. It can't be banked to grow interest. Holding it does nothing but leave it for the moths to eat. To send a message, you don't SIT OUT, you spend your money elsewhere (cast your vote for another or back your own candidate.) The problem is, the non voting/third party voting as strategy advocates aren't following the concept fully or at the right times.
We are past the days when sane republicans existed, so WHEN you do this matters, so as not to concede power to the GOP. The Tea Party gave us the blue print for this years ago, and they still have members in congress making headaches for the GOP and the rest of us under the name of the Freedom Caucus, but we aren't as engaged/committed or organized as they are. When they had a candidate that they wanted to put pressure on, they gave them notice. (Giving notice is telling the candidate directly, not fussing and moaning on twitter and other social media.) Then if they didn't comply with whatever demand they had, the Tea Party primaried them with their own candidate to make them work for it, BUT IF THEIR CANDIDATE LOST, THEY STILL VOTED FOR THE GOP CANDIDATE IN THE GENERAL. They didn't sit out or let a dem gain power. Many times they won and unseated the establishment candidate. AND THEY HAD THE GROUND GAME/ORGANIZATION/CONSENSUS OF OTHER VOTERS ALL ON THE SAME PAGE, SO IT WASN'T AN EMPTY THREAT.
So vet the nominee, get their promises and commitments. Monitor for progress, keep the pressure on, and if they don't keep their commitments or show no evidence of trying to bring them to pass, then primary them and pull support. Set an example so the next candidate doesn't make the same mistake. But, if they win the primary anyway, vote for them to maintain dems in power and primary them again next cycle. We stop at the first step and then complain. It has to start EARLY and we have to get qualified candidates ready to primary EARLY. I've said before, candidates don't have to be our friends to work our agenda. They don't have to like us or we them. If they won't do the right thing because it is right, then they can be forced to do the right thing, because it is in their interest and benefits them to do so. (Keeping their job). You should know by the end of the first year whether or not someone is trying to keep their promises. Sitting out, especially midterms when all the racists vote, isn't the answer. That's how all the crazy candidates get elected.
Now the above scenario is how it would work, AS STRATEGY, in an ideal world. The REALITY is we don't PRESENTLY have the organization to pull this off to where the candidate is getting the message and able to notice and measure the effects (votes going for the other candidate in great numbers, having a candidate to primary them to begin with). So just telling people to sit out and not vote isn't going to have the intended effect that you want it to have. Ideally, we would also be able to get white voters or other PoC on board, as black folks are a subset of dem voters, and unless they are in an area with a significant black population, even an organized campaign of non voting or third party would not necessarily be NOTICED.
We live in a racist country. Racism is so ingrained that both white and black folks, as well as other PoC have been socially conditioned to view black folks negatively to some degree or other. Anytime the black community seeks assistance it is often seen or framed as begging. White folks dismiss anyone fighting for a cause that has a race component that doesn't affect them. As soon as they hear its for the black community, they not only tune out, they become hostile toward the message. Opposing what will benefit us is framed as denying black folks who are undeserving or stopping black folks who are stealing what belongs to white folks. Everything is framed that if black folks do better, it is at the expense of white folks. This has always been true, and is used to get white folks to vote against their own interests. In the past the GOP leadership at least paid lip service to equality, but no longer.
IMO that narrative has to change. Demands need to be framed differently.
When I speak of lobbyists, I'm not speaking of professional lobbyists in Washington. There are hundreds of groups that support immigrants and lgbtxyz. Hundreds of superpacs. We have some black organizations, but I don't see the level of national organization like you see with the other groups who get "tangibles". I could not find one black superpac, and the ones I did come across where actually white ran for black conservatives. IMO, democrats are a major lobbyist for black folks, but a desire to pass xyz means nothing without the votes to do it.
Of all the groups that you mention who got tangibles without voting, did they or did they not have organizations keeping the pressure on in Washington, filing lawsuits, doing TV appearances and holding protests?
I live in the hood.
I've never traveled first class. I don't have ends like t hat.
I've noticed you're starting to fall back on the "liberal elites" GOP talking point. Interesting.
I was here for the beginning of the ADOS discussions on this board. The non ADOS members are responding to hostility that was initiated toward them. BGOL was always international to some degree, and I take personal offense at long time beloved members being attacked because of the rhetoric being peddled around here. Some of our best and longest members are from immigrant families. See the two posts below and the search inquiry I posted. This is just from one poster.
Trump absolutely hijacked the party. The GOP made the same mistake with MAGA that they did with the Tea Party: They tried to harness their energy for votes, and got taken over. We had the GOP giving winks and nods to the Tea Party and not denouncing racists and racism because it excited their base. They said their feelings were valid and should be expressed. Then Trump, to whom they willingly gave a platform because they didn't think he stood a chance to win, showed up and not only got elected, he went full Klan. We got hate crimes against black folks, native Americans, Muslims and every other race not white. There is a contingent of BGOL folk who are perfectly fine with radicalized white folks tho, because they like their racism "out in the open."
A lot of the GOP were forced to follow Trump if they wanted to maintain power (I have a personal conspiracy he has dirt on some of them) but they ALL could have made a choice to put the country first and DID NOT DO SO. Some may have wanted to remain because in their view it was better for them to be there instead of a crackpot that would otherwise get voted in, but if they had not given him a platform to begin with, none of this would have happened, and they have coddled him and cheered him on as he did his worst, and did not stand up to him. They are still not standing up to him. We just had a GOP debate where the candidates are only just now starting to attack him as a political opponent because they are so afraid of his base.
The dems who are so comfortable with their avacado toast and cushy lifestyles? Those are the ones who didn't vote for Hillary and could afford a protest vote because their lives don't change regardless of who is in power. Everyone else who was worried about healthcare and practical everyday concerns tried to keep him out of office.
I still don't under stand why it is vote OR have a code, more structure, families, less crime. Voting takes place 1-2 times a year. Why isn't it a multifacted approach instead of just one way? I can't vote and have a code? I can't vote and be for a family structure? I can't vote and desire less crime? It should be both, and. Not either, or.
Can'tBruh serious question....... many spanish trannies you gonna bring to the US when you get your reparations check?
they like to lie about the use of the word
Can't wait foe the new doc to drop!
People need it
Camille be like: shut up and vote for the democrats
Then Camille be like once they get in: The democrats aint gon do shit for us unless we form a super pac and lobby, and also we need to fill out form 2433-124 and to turn it on 3rd Wednesday of the winter solstice on a non election year, then we'd get our demands met!
This is really disingenuous and I'm trying to understand the motivations since I hope and believe you don't harbor ill intentions.Explain to me how legislation gets passed by dems, GOP or anyone.
Include the math.
Then explain to me how ANYONE gets ANYTHING passed without the votes to do so.
The time to vet dems is when they've announced and during the primary. Once the general is set then it's usually either a republican or Democrat.
Yall want to wait until the general to fuss and moan about policies. It's too late then if you don't want to concede power.
You can always put pressure on a candidate, but threats are empty if you don't have a challenger in place. Of course if you are willing, like yall did in 2016, to let the GOP win and roll back progress then that is an alternative. I'm not willing to let them win when it affects the quality of my life and the life of loved ones in the NOW.
I'm not a single issue voter and if I were, reparations wouldn't be that single issue. Regardless I'm not stupid, so I don't expect an outcome that is currently mathematically impossible.
IF you actually want the agenda (reparations) you SAY you want. (I don't believe it but let's pretend) AND the only way to get it is via the current two-party government we have, THEN it makes sense to increase the number of people willing to pass your agenda until the numbers work in your favor.
If you dont think changes can be made via the current system, fine. Yet you don't offer an alternative besides "dont vote." You and the rest of the BGOLDVC continue to fuss and moan in multiple threads you can't seem to stay out of even though it's something you don't support. List the steps of how you get what you want or what you say we as black people should want.
You won't though. You'll just deflect and give a snarky reply and continue to try to talk the rest of us out of voting.
This is really disingenuous and I'm trying to understand the motivations since I hope and believe you don't harbor ill intentions.
THEY ARE ! no need to go on twitter, we can literally see it on bgolI equate his followers to cult members.
when they say"TETHERS" and use in reference to not just an individual but to a country , and even continent ,even food that immigrants & africans eat, they use it describe their food, culture ,even their musicthat's definitely a slur but the meaning is whatever you take from it as that is literally not a definition of the word "tether" in any officially recognized dictionary anywhere. In fact, whatever the context of its use defines its meaning in that instance because it's a slang term, like fuck or nigga.
This comes off condescending. Y'all "that's not how government works" people are the worst.Explain to me how legislation gets passed by dems, GOP or anyone.
Include the math.
Yall say all of the things that the democrats can't do for us, then in the same breath try to scare us on all of the things the evil Republicans WILL do to us. One is a helpless powerless party, the other is limitless and will "roll back what we did get" and pUT uSz BaCkz iN chAInZ..Then explain to me how ANYONE gets ANYTHING passed without the votes to do so.
You make it seem like no one asks for shit until election year lol. We literally been asking every day for 60 years lol.The time to vet dems is when they've announced and during the primary. Once the general is set then it's usually either a republican or Democrat.
See above. But conceding power is the cost of elections dear. Yall don't seem to believe that the candidate that actually earns their constituents votes usually is the one that wins.Yall want to wait until the general to fuss and moan about policies. It's too late then if you don't want to concede power.
And that's the problem that yall voteps don't understand for some reason. The dems KNOW that they got yall vote without offering a damn thing in exchange lol. Our position is simple, earn our vote with some TANGIBLE benefit and you'll elected. Fear is not a tangible my dear . I'm not one of these scary negroes you hangout with.You can always put pressure on a candidate, but threats are empty if you don't have a challenger in place. Of course if you are willing, like yall did in 2016, to let the GOP win and roll back progress then that is an alternative. I'm not willing to let them win when it affects the quality of my life and the life of loved ones in the NOW.
We know, yall love crumbs and symbolism. It's not much that'll get yalls vote.I'm not a single issue voter and if I were, reparations wouldn't be that single issue. Regardless I'm not stupid, so I don't expect an outcome that is currently mathematically impossible.
More condescending talk lol. You want me to vote for people that YOU want in power. People who have made NO promises About reparations, and have for the most part shown the SAME vitriol as the Republicans? Are you insane? Or do you think I'm as slow as yall are?IF you actually want the agenda (reparations) you SAY you want. (I don't believe it but let's pretend) AND the only way to get it is via the current two-party government we have, THEN it makes sense to increase the number of people willing to pass your agenda until the numbers work in your favor.
As I've stated 1036282 times, I'm not a "dont voter" (though I don't get mad when people choose not to) if these candidates were out here doing things that would help close this racial wealth gap and be KNOCKING ON DOORS to get these people elected. Why do you and @GayonThis keep asking that same shitty question? When yall look up quid pro quo, lemme know and then I'll give yall civics 001. Or another coloring book at least.If you dont think changes can be made via the current system, fine. Yet you don't offer an alternative besides "dont vote." You and the rest of the BGOLDVC continue to fuss and moan in multiple threads you can't seem to stay out of even though it's something you don't support. List the steps of how you get what you want or what you say we as black people should want.
As I said, I don't care if you vote or don't. Just make sure them people earn your votes and you actually get something out of it. If not, you can stay home understandably and hopefully the political system takes you seriously enough the next time to earn your vote.You won't though. You'll just deflect and give a snarky reply and continue to try to talk the rest of us out of voting.
folks are paying attentionThe first time I heard it was when racist cacs were using it to describe the offsprings of illegals. We all know Tariq doesn't make up anything. He co-opts.
In marketing parlance I believe its called franchising. He operates under their brand now.... We all know Tariq doesn't make up anything. He co-opts.
So musty mad?yes, in the words "keep quiet & let us manufacture a narrative about africans/black immigrants & if u dare pushback its becos ure mad about whatever" ! yes that it !
mad about not keeping quiet & letting yall push yall hate xenophobia antiblack antiafrican agenda!
The fact is they don't support those positions regardless of all the make-believe scenarios you keep insisting be entertained. It doesn't seem like you want us to do a whole hell-of-a-lot of pretending to you?Disingenuous? How so? If the POTUS and EVERY dem in congress came out in favor of reparations TODAY and produced a bill TODAY, explain to me how it gets passed in the house and senate to make it to the POTUS desk. Let's pretend we had a functioning house with a speaker in place. Let's also pretend Manchin and Sinema would vote for it in the senate.
Explain how geneology is a "scam" again. What does the acronym ADOS stand for?I don't think ADOS was intended to be a scam
Tariq Nasheed's FBA was certainly the virus that infected it and changed its direction and probably the reason it'll never be fully effective
So musty mad?
This comes off condescending. Y'all "that's not how government works" people are the worst.
Yall say all of the things that the democrats can't do for us, then in the same breath try to scare us on all of the things the evil Republicans WILL do to us. One is a helpless powerless party, the other is limitless and will "roll back what we did get" and pUT uSz BaCkz iN chAInZ..
Is it oochie wally or is it one mic?
You make it seem like no one asks for shit until election year lol. We literally been asking every day for 60 years lol.
See above. But conceding power is the cost of elections dear. Yall don't seem to believe that the candidate that actually earns their constituents votes usually is the one that wins.
And that's the problem that yall voteps don't understand for some reason. The dems KNOW that they got yall vote without offering a damn thing in exchange lol. Our position is simple, earn our vote with some TANGIBLE benefit and you'll elected. Fear is not a tangible my dear . I'm not one of these scary negroes you hangout with.
We know, yall love crumbs and symbolism. It's not much that'll get yalls vote.
More condescending talk lol. You want me to vote for people that YOU want in power. People who have made NO promises About reparations, and have for the most part shown the SAME vitriol as the Republicans? Are you insane? Or do you think I'm as slow as yall are?
As I've stated 1036282 times, I'm not a "dont voter" (though I don't get mad when people choose not to) if these candidates were out here doing things that would help close this racial wealth gap and be KNOCKING ON DOORS to get these people elected. Why do you and @GayonThis keep asking that same shitty question? When yall look up quid pro quo, lemme know and then I'll give yall civics 001. Or another coloring book at least.
As I said, I don't care if you vote or don't. Just make sure them people earn your votes and you actually get something out of it. If not, you can stay home understandably and hopefully the political system takes you seriously enough the next time to earn your vote.
I don't think ADOS was intended to be a scam
Tariq Nasheed's FBA was certainly the virus that infected it and changed its direction and probably the reason it'll never be fully effective
The fact is they don't support those positions regardless of all the make-believe scenarios you keep insisting be entertained. It doesn't seem like you want us to do a whole hell-of-a-lot of pretending to you?
Joe Biden said fuck reperations long before he was elected so let's stop trying to pass the buck to two funky booty ass senators, it's way more Democrats on that train than those two.
Its this simple, money runs politics. Without financial equity your vote really DONT mean shit because your candidate will never see the light of day. We need money, not currency. Currency is easily debased. They made black people fall for the equality trap when equity is what we needed.
Equality would have worked but these CACs just had and continue to keep cheating and resetting the game by just taking the shit from us and our ancestors. Even how the did niggas during the drug wars taking property that had nothing at all to do with drug trafficking ruining peoples lives by setting them back years with asset siezures. Shit is a cycle, them drugs didnt pump themselves into the hood.
How can yall be quiet when the mustiness is so loud?Yeah we should keep quiet while yall formulate a narrative about Africans n in this case being “musty” we know what that means.. the same thing white people dehumanize black people in the same context !!