Upcoming space tonight: Why are Black Bluechecks Monetizing Black Male Grievances? If you are on twitter you can set a reminder. 7PM EST.
This isn't being recorded, so if you want to listen, listen live.
Upcoming space tonight: Why are Black Bluechecks Monetizing Black Male Grievances? If you are on twitter you can set a reminder. 7PM EST.
it was a good space I tuned in for a bit, D always keeps it 100% we basically know these grifters & who they are &what they do from TorraineWalker to MajToure to Hotep Jesus etc.. SandyB been on them for a long time, SandyB was one of the first ppl pushing back against black magas & lying republican shills &FBA ADOS over a year agoThis isn't being recorded, so if you want to listen, listen live.
u should visit a marcel, Yvette or Tariq page or space! and now this "tether D**--smuggling in da booty" grifter wants u to pay to see his documentary on "tethers" so he can get more $$ to spend on his "tether" fiancé getting "oxtails" & jollof rice !Tether is used by like 10 people on the internet. Shit is not in anyone’s everyday vernacular. The internet will have you believe this ignorant shit is actually worthy of an in-depth discussion. It is not.
I guess voting does matter.
I guess voting does matter.
And bgol is full of ignorant footsoldiers that are aiding in the psyop but too stupid to see it.
Lol is that footloose?
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