trailer for my new show The Lazarus Project


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I'll wait till it starts and tell you.... I thought that it had started and then realized that it was a four-minute preview that my TiVo recorded



X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
just finished the whole season...loved it!

more people should be talking about this show

I'm glad i binged it because it's a mind fuck. hard to keep everything straight in your head


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yep. I’m on episode 7/8. Shit is hard. Totally unexpected raw gem lol. Went way left from the pilot in the best possible way. Hope it’s either a tidy wrap up in these last 2 hours, or a guaranteed and coming soon S2 for this joint.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season One
Episodes 1 - 4

Binged these last night while at home before going to bed.

This is a pretty decent Black Sci-Fi series dealing with Time/Space in a different way that’s been done prior.

The series touches on “The Butterfly Effect” slightly.

The series kicks in with the time stuff within the first 15 minutes of the first episode and maintains a good pace, giving insight on how things are playing out with the premise of the series. Character development is done as the series plays out giving backstory on certain characters.

So far with these first 4 episodes, the time jump is easy to comprehend and shouldn’t lose you. With movies they have to cram it all in within 2 hours and shit doesn’t make sense and brings up questions, this series allows the subject to spread out.

I’m gonna let these 4 episodes soak in and finish up the rest in November.

If you looking for some decent Sci-Fi to get into, being no new shit is coming out due to the actor’s strike, this should give you something good to watch.

Looking forward to finishing it.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
The first couple episodes were cool, been meaning to finish this one and Class of 09.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season One
Episodes 4 - 8

Got stuck today getting unloaded up here in Oregon cuz the receiver was short on manpower…cuz mofos don’t wanna work. That’s a discussion for another thread.

George kicked into gear to bring back his girlfriend and like expected shit did not go as planned. It brought up a shit load of issues.

We got more backstory on a number of main supporting characters that gave some in-depth information on what is going on in current time.

The question of who is calling the shots was brought up with Wes earlier in the season, she basically blew them off. No information was given but it seems too governmental people around the world are involved with The Lazarus Project. To what extent is unknown.

The season ended with China doing what they do best which should be the main plot for the second season.

DVR is setup to record season 2.

Definitely looking forward to it!


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Still no word on when it debuts in the US.

The Lazarus Project series two review – the spectacular action scenes are worthy of Bond

This twisty time-loop thriller gets even more dramatic in its second outing. Paapa Essiedu’s George is a jittery joy in a smart, sharply scripted show that’s lots of fun to watch

Leila Latif
Wed 15 Nov 2023

Spoilers In Below Link
