Trainer gets caught on Camera being a "Pervert" at the Gym


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


she full of shit



Rising Star
A lot of these younger generation women haven t had good teaching....

A man looking at a woman is as natural as water being wet.

True and a lot of women definition of who is a perv is based on who they are attracted to. It's not the first time she has noticed someone looking at her at the gym. It just wasn't who she wanted it to be.

Reminds me of all them chicken heads getting pissed at Shaq for commenting on Meg Stallion live.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Why does this wack cunt have a video set up in the gym? I hate all these attention whoring bitches who “gym” it’s like a fucking trend. Every tik tok whore “gyms” and posts videos trying to look cute while looking like hoes but get mad when a man looks which is what they want. I swear I would have gone in on that stupid bitch


Rising Star
Why does this wack cunt have a video set up in the gym? I hate all these attention whoring bitches who “gym” it’s like a fucking trend. Every tik tok whore “gyms” and posts videos trying to look cute while looking like hoes but get mad when a man looks which is what they want. I swear I would have gone in on that stupid bitch


Thats why she was dressed like that to begin with. She was gonna post her "work out" on social media for clicks.


sometimes I go to a white gym and it’s really weird up in there. One time I was looking straight ahead when I was on the elliptical. There happened to be a black shorty working out where I was looking. This white girl intentionally steps in front of her to block my view. I wasn’t really looking at the black shorty. She just happened to be in my view. I just shook my head and keep looking where I was looking and she gave up. It’s funny the gay dudes up in there can stare you down though, but you can’t look at the women.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I've always told my boys, "If you want to be seen, go to the gym. If you want to get your work out on, work out in the garage."

I'm old school my Uncle used to lift weights in So Central LA with Raymond Burns and Craig Munson (CT Flectcher did an interview on Craig).

Everything we need, we have in the garage. I don't care if you need cardio or weights, they're here.

No Karens allowed.