Tricks Women use to sucker you in ®️


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
These the type of women that become victims of One Hitter Quitters. Aint no way you gonna go back for seconds once you see what you workin with, with them cloths off. :smh:

You can't tell lop-sided titties, stomachs that are flat but look like oatmeal raisin cookies, and other shit by hugging them.

Weaves are no issue cause you don't "discover" them right before you hit.

Lol I don't know how I've missed this thread, full of comedy and yeah women been fooling dudes for years with all these "enhancements". I can tolerate most things listed in here like oatmeal raisin stomach and even little gut but I found one thing I just can't get through are the flat droopy tits where the nipple is at the bottom pointing down, shits feels like a nightmare every time I think about squeezing them and they feeling like I'm rubbing 2 pieces of skin together :smh:. I can look at a woman cleavage and tell from how the skin is looking if her tits are flat or not


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
A simple smile and eye contact can make a mofo lose all common sense…



" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Just sheer deceit! Women are full of..

They have mastered the art of lying they are zen masters when it comes to lies!