Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
:smh: I hope he tries to do it.

CNN)President Donald Trump has begun polling advisers about whether he has the legal authority to fire Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, according to two people familiar with the matter, who described the President as newly furious at the Fed chief as markets tumble.

Earlier this year, Trump's advisers told the President that it was doubtful he would have the law behind him if he fired Powell. But Trump has renewed the issue after the Fed again raised its benchmark interest rate this week.
So far, the White House hasn't come to a final legal determination on Trump's authority to fire his Fed chairman, whom he nominated a year ago. The law states the President can fire a Fed governor for cause, but it hasn't been tested on the firing of a chairman.

Top West Wing economic advisers have warned Trump that firing Powell would only exacerbate the problem the President is ostensibly trying to solve: nose-diving markets. The unprecedented move would likely cause more turmoil.

Bloomberg first reported Trump's latest frustrations with Powell.
CNN has previously reported that Trump's anxiety is mounting about the economy as warning signs of a global slowdown emerge. On days when the market is down triple-digits, Trump has surveyed his team about whether he'll catch the blame. Many have told him he likely will.

Whipsaw markets and a string of steep dives have spawned a pervasive anxiety in the White House, according to senior officials, where for the past two years the strength of the US economy has provided steady reassurance amid even the deepest of political crises.

As Trump faces fresh vulnerability — most aspects of his life are now under investigation just as Democrats are preparing to assume control of the House — the economy no longer offers the same comfort it once did, despite rising wages and the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, according to interviews with multiple White House officials and people close to Trump.

The volatility comes after several disappointments, including General Motors' decision last month to shutter plants in Ohio and Michigan -- a business move that struck deep in the heart of MAGA country, where Trump wooed voters away from Democrats with repeated pledges to bring back lost manufacturing jobs.

Trump's trade war with China has also generated mixed political results, with tariffs biting Trump's loyal base of farmers. The President, whose advisers promised him Wall Street would love a resolution with Beijing, has been irritated that markets instead tumbled after he revived the threat of escalated tariffs if the ongoing negotiations don't bear fruit


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trump lives his life, just like that show "The Apprentice" :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He has spent almost 2 years claiming credit for trends that were obamas created by obamas policies. .

Now the market is starting to crumble under chumps policies and he us panicking asking advisors if he can file bankruptcy. ..

Stupid fukka just had to do no harm but his hate for black people in general and obama in particular wouldn't allow him to do that...


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Hey for the last time Trump cannot fire the Federal Chairman. The only way you can fire him is impeachment by Congress only


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
The POTUS can fire a fed governor. It just has to be for a just “cause”. There is no explicit prohibition against removing a fed chair. He’ll try it and no one will stop him.

Something being explicitly legal or not has never stopped Trump. He’ll definitely try it. I hope he does.

Federal Reserve Act only permits the President to remove a Governor “for cause” and historically this authority has never been abused by the President.

In technical terms he cannot fire him without congresses approval that’s how I’m reading it between the lines


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
historically this authority has never been abused by the President.

So you're saying you agree with me?! :lol:

That's the whole point. The POTUS can abuse his power. He's abused his power repeatedly and then created a just "cause" later. A POTUS legally can't fire an AG and bypass the deputy director to APPOINT an acting AG that hasn't already been approved by the Senate. But Trump did that shit. If the law isn't extremely explicit, he'll abuse the ambiguous nature of things like "cause" and break other protocols. I think people are starting to realize how much of the POTUS' power is guided by norms as to opposed to controlled by laws + checks/balances.


Potential Star
i dont mind watching this shit burn down.

these pretentious privileged pink folks only understand shit when they lose money or lose blood.
You must be a bum nigga (obviously). I don’t want jack shit burning down... I’m not a project nigga like you.

Only poor bum loser niggas root for their own home to burn down.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
This is why I hope he removes the fed chief. It would be more damaging than nuking Mueller. The donor class doesn't give a shit about Mueller. Trump right now is attacking the Military Industrial complex and the GOP donor class. That's who he'll lose GOP support.

"[M]ore GOP leaders will follow. What will move them is not necessarily Trump’s hara-kiri isolationist agenda but the damage his behavior both abroad and at home is inflicting on the financial markets. The sheer uncertainty of a chaos presidency is pushing the Dow to its worst December since the Great Depression. McConnell and his humiliated departing peer Paul Ryan have tolerated Trump’s racism, misogyny, and nativism, his wreckage of American alliances, his kleptocracy, and his allegiance to Vladimir Putin. They have tolerated as well his con job on the coal miners, steelworkers, and automobile-industry workers of his base. But they’ll be damned if they will stand for a president who threatens the bottom line of the GOP donor class."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You must be a bum nigga (obviously). I don’t want jack shit burning down... I’m not a project nigga like you.

Only poor bum loser niggas root for their own home to burn down.

Perfect time to buy. Blood in the streets


BGOL Investor
This is why I hope he removes the fed chief. It would be more damaging than nuking Mueller. The donor class doesn't give a shit about Mueller. Trump right now is attacking the Military Industrial complex and the GOP donor class. That's who he'll lose GOP support.

"[M]ore GOP leaders will follow. What will move them is not necessarily Trump’s hara-kiri isolationist agenda but the damage his behavior both abroad and at home is inflicting on the financial markets. The sheer uncertainty of a chaos presidency is pushing the Dow to its worst December since the Great Depression. McConnell and his humiliated departing peer Paul Ryan have tolerated Trump’s racism, misogyny, and nativism, his wreckage of American alliances, his kleptocracy, and his allegiance to Vladimir Putin. They have tolerated as well his con job on the coal miners, steelworkers, and automobile-industry workers of his base. But they’ll be damned if they will stand for a president who threatens the bottom line of the GOP donor class."

JFK got handled for less.. they letting this chump have his way


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I guess he is looking a Kushner to replace him.

Lmaaaoooo, this shit is too much man. Like, how is this nobody-ass-dude in charge of so much? Middle East portfolio, Prison Reform, Liaison to China, Liaison to Mexico, Government Innovation, Opiod Crisis...

Lol I don't get how this isn't alarming af. Dude is a 36 yo "Secretary of Everything" who has clearance issues an FBI recruit couldn't hurdle and it's ok.... because nepotism??? :confused:

What the actual fuck
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