Once again, California can't elect the president. So she lost places that Obama won in two elections because of ignorant racists? Is that your argument? Or did she lose in the places because she simply isn't likable nor is she deemed as trustworthy. And that's saying a lot given her opponent is a world class asshole. And folks keep overlooking the fact the arrogant bitch wouldn't even visit Wisconsin. Folks also overlook how voters in certain areas ain't on that TPP and NAFTA shit.
Funny, because Bernie would have related to the folks in PA, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin more than Hillary. But the DNC fixed the shit for her.
The propaganda from the left about the popular vote is just as bad as some of the shit coming out of the Trump camp. She didn't win the popular vote in states that mattered. She could have carried California by 80 percent and folks would be like
"She won by 5 million votes, the electoral college is crooked!"
I hate Trump, but I'm just disgusted Hillary was forced on us by the Democrats. Hopefully, we will have a real candidate in 2020.