TRUMP INDICTED! TRUMP CONVICTED! GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES! ... and more convictions yet to come!!!


Transnational Member
Biden interfering with this local prosecution by sending surrogates like Robert Deniro to do press conferences outside the courthouse.

It would be no different than having KJP standing outside.


Trump did bring this onto himself by sic his DOJ after local prosecutor pissing them off.


Transnational Member
Why are people shocked about this? I talk about the criminal acts these politician engage in on the regular on here, and people act like I am crazy.

1. Murder attempts against me
2. Stolen Intellectual Property
3. Disseminating Healthcare Information to news outlets (PHI) such as Newsnation
4. Insider Trading
5. Foreign Agent/Foreign Bribery
6. Burgularly (Nixon)
7. Illegal Surveillance

These are low life pieces of shit attracted to a low paying political office for financial gain. I packed up and left DC once I saw how horrible many of these people are. Now it is about getting rid of them, I do not want any contact with these pieces of shit.

I am liking the symbolism of a convicted felon being in political office. They are interacting with their own kind now, Robert Menendez or George Santos is not a one off event. I can't wait until Biden gets his prison sentence from a Trump DOJ to make it full circle. Our political system is so corrupt, it is nearly impossible to do business in the United States.
