TRUMP INDICTED! TRUMP CONVICTED! GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES! ... and more convictions yet to come!!!


Transnational Member
June 16, 2015 - President Trump announces his Presidency for the United States going down escalators

June 17, 2015 - Dylan Roof starts blasting away in a black church


I always found this odd, I remember this because I was supposed to be at an event on June 16. I don't know his role, but this is an old playbook.

He spoke at CPAC along with Nikki Haley, the next thing I know, I am dealing with a Satanic Tesla that would have obliterated me if I had exited off the freeway. With it huge frunk and rapid acceleration, this might be the weapon of choice to take fools out by them and survive. I am just tired of escaping these assassination attempts by WS.

People attack the Biden administration for having the IRS show up on the day Matt Taibbi was supposed to testify, and nothing suspicious about it, than you need to flag this event. This is why I have become socialist since starting a business is impossible in the U.S., I am going to try in other countries and see how it is before giving up completely.

Before they start running up into black churches or crashing their cars, this is why he being indicted. This was a federal case where he gave sworn testimony against President Trump that dragged DANY into this mess. They have to look into it to maintain the appearance of being objective. How are they going to prosecute other people if they let it slide.

I film myself with fentanyl, selling it and collecting the money where I put the video on Youtube. I am a well known popular person on Youtube and the DA does not nothing.

This ties up the hands of the DA to go after other criminals peddling drugs, causing overdoses.


Transnational Member

I had to look back in time on this, it actually started with her Stormy Daniels. This is against man code, you can approach a women with her child to offer her more money but if you did something you need to drop on your sword and admit what you did.

Why are people protecting/condoning this behavior? This is effeminate behavior that I can't stand by. Than you want to blame Alvin Bragg forced to look into this because of the federal conviction and testimony.

They are either stealing valor from people like me or threatening women with their children leaving the grocery store or gym.


Transnational Member

The drug cartels dropped these fools off after realizing what they have done. When is the white community going to drop Trump off with a note, we don't threaten women speaking the truth putting their baby in the car. This ho ass effeminate behavior is rampant in the white community. He has not condemn what has happened to her nor denied it.


It does not look like a witch hunt, Alvin Bragg was dragged into this mess and performing the duties of a man in the white community.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bill Clinton and George Bush did more damage to the so-called black community than Trump could dream of and you have not made one post calling for their arrest. You fake pro-blacks are mentally ill.
Xcactor my man! You stay patrolling these streets for anti Trump sentiment. I know his pending imprisonment will hit you hard. Understand this Bill George and Trump don't give a shit about black people. Trump gave cacs permission to show the racism that was just below the surface. He encouraged them to stop hiding they racist pos nature. He is their president. Yours too apparently.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cats like you overlook the 1994 Crime Bill that Biden authored. The bill that locked many blacks people up. You only look at one side. Like I said before it’s selective outrage. You overlook one racist party for another. The overlooked racist party is the one who’s done lore harm. Trump didn’t sign any crime bill. It would be different if you judged all equally.
Cats like you on that fair and balanced shit. I judge each party by what they do. Trump and the Maga party trying to suppress my vote, steal my resources and dictate how I should live my life. I will oppose that every time. My freedom is mine and you free to kiss my ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I don’t get is… For the Trump Cum guzzlers in here Who keep bringing up the 94 Crime bill( which damn near all CACS bring up - which makes me look at you suspiciously) but you cool with Trump threatening( verbally and by posting pictures of holding a baseball bat) at head Prosecutor Alvin Bragg( a black man) who’s just doing HIS JOB! Funny how these Trump MUTHAFUCKA’s all bout
“ Law & order “ EXCEPT WHEN IT’S Directed at them

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Cats like you on that fair and balanced shit. I judge each party by what they do. Trump and the Maga party trying to suppress my vote, steal my resources and dictate how I should live my life. I will oppose that every time. My freedom is mine and you free to kiss my ass.
Cats like you on that fair and balanced shit. I judge each party by what they do. Trump and the Maga party trying to suppress my vote, steal my resources and dictate how I should live my life. I will oppose that every time. My freedom is mine and you free to kiss my ass.

Where is the info that Trump is trying to suppress the black vote, dictate your life and steal black resources, etc? Where is this happening?

I noticed you avoided the Biden crime bill I mentioned. That’s something that actually harmed black people systematically. You’re hung up in somebody who ain’t even president. Selective outrage. Trumps words are more of a threat than Biden’s crime bill that again locked black people up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where is the info that Trump is trying to suppress the black vote, dictate your life and steal black resources, etc? Where is this happening?

I noticed you avoided the Biden crime bill I mentioned. That’s something that actually harmed black people systematically. You’re hung up in somebody who ain’t even president. Selective outrage. Trumps words are more of a threat than Biden’s crime bill that again locked black people up.
Sir this tread is about yo daddy Trump getting indicated. You trying to whatabout democrats in a Trump going to prison thread. Why don't you post a thread about the Biden crime bill and then I will share my thoughts on it. In the meantime let's enjoy the fact that that fat orange idiot getting that work from the NYC DA. Georgia you on the clock.


Transnational Member

Here is a breakdown of what happened. Michael Cohen, attorney/fixer makes this hush money payment to Stormy Daniels out of his pocket. He goes back to his client President Trump and gets reimbursed. President Trump through business filings claims this as a business expense reducing his tax liability.

If he had done the proper way of paying out of his personal pocket, than this would prove knowledge of the hush money payment. He is trying to make it look like he is paying for legal fees and not to evade taxes. By burying this expense with the normal background noise of business nobody would be the wiser. I don't think it is tax evasion, it is President Trump not wanting to hand sign a check to Michael Cohen with his name, not having layers of accountants he can blame. (Update) It looks like he did sign them but was using his business to provide cover for him.

By not prosecuting President Trump this threatens the ability of all municipalities to be able to raise money and fund their operations. Anybody can go out and lie on the business filings, and not pay any taxes. What I am concerned about is the Dylan Roof assembling their bombs or stockpiling weapons thinking the black community had a hand in taking down their hero. It is the U.S. DOJ Southern District of New York, handpicked by President Trump, Stormy Daniels (White), Michael Cohen (White).

Some idiot Congress person was talking about this being federal campaign laws, that he does not know what he is doing and it is not, the reporter did not correct him at all. As an OG, I have been through race riots, somebody needs to speak the facts. This is why we need Tik Tok look at how Youtube is being turned against us.
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Transnational Member

Here is a breakdown of what happened. Michael Cohen, attorney/fixer makes this hush money payment to Stormy Daniels out of his pocket. He goes back to his client President Trump and gets reimbursed. President Trump through business filings claims this as a business expense reducing his tax liability.

If he had done the proper way of paying out of his personal pocket, than this would prove knowledge of the hush money payment. He is trying to make it look like he is paying for legal fees and not to evade taxes. By burying this expense with the normal background noise of business nobody would be the wiser. I don't think it is tax evasion, it is President Trump not wanting to hand sign a check to Michael Cohen with his name, not having layers of accountants he can blame. (Update) It looks like he did sign them but was using his business to provide cover for him.

By not prosecuting President Trump this threatens the ability of all municipalities to be able to raise money and fund their operations. Anybody can go out and lie on the business filings, and not pay any taxes. What I am concerned about is the Dylan Roof assembling their bombs or stockpiling weapons thinking the black community had a hand in taking down their hero. It is the U.S. DOJ Southern District of New York, handpicked by President Trump, Stormy Daniels (White), Michael Cohen (White).

Some idiot Congress person was talking about this being federal campaign laws, that he does not know what he is doing and it is not, the reporter did not correct him at all. As an OG, I have been through race riots, somebody needs to speak the facts. This is why we need Tik Tok look at how Youtube is being turned against us.

Cohen transferred that money to Daniels less than two weeks before the election. And then after Trump won, Trump reimbursed Cohen, including with his own personal checks. Trump has denied having had an affair with Daniels, although he has admitted reimbursing Cohen for money paid to her.

The Trump Organization said that those reimbursement payments were for legal fees, which is not true. In New York, that's a felony if it was done to cover up another crime — in this case, probably the violation of campaign finance laws, Wehle says.

As a Class E felony, a conviction on falsifying business records could come with a prison sentence of up to four years, Wehle said.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what does criminally charged mean? WTF! This is all a show. Niggaz going crazy over a show or another form of symbolism. Nothing is gonna happen to him cause it’s nothing but a show.

Exactly...folks celebrating over indictment/charges..that mean absolutely nada w/o conviction/prison time.



Rising Star
This is foolishness so you don't get a thoughtful response just fuck you and have a nice day.
Stop playing, you know you scraped the last turd off the bottom of that outhouse you call your brain to come up with that little zinger.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
If a 76y/o fucker gets 10-15 they usually die in clink...thank you for helpin me to dream again rainbow coalition as they escort homie to fed.

he'll be placed in confinement at his home.

hes not seeing a real jail.

this is set up to normalize him being indicted.

MORE are on the way.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Where is the info that Trump is trying to suppress the black vote, dictate your life and steal black resources, etc? Where is this happening?

I noticed you avoided the Biden crime bill I mentioned. That’s something that actually harmed black people systematically. You’re hung up in somebody who ain’t even president. Selective outrage. Trumps words are more of a threat than Biden’s crime bill that again locked black people up.
This bullet head fucker talking about the crime bill but ignoring the Central Park 5 and the discriminatory housing practices the decade prior to that. Both are DIRECT racist actions of Trump that affected Black people and especially Black children directly.


Rising Star
That fuck you must have stung huh? In my defense I did say have a nice day.
Nah bro, just calling out you cac perpetrators on your ceaseless bullshit. Trump got elected, which means a plurality of your whiteboytexas compatriots were already resonating on trumps wavelength. As Black people know, this country and it's dominant ethnic group have been on this bullshit. Blaming Trump for where this country is at is like blaming a fart for causing a hurricane. Take responsibility whitey!

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
All this energy you niggaz putting into this Trump indictment you should be directing that same energy at Butthead Biden. The man you put in office, who been in office over two years and has done nothing but ignore you fools. But you’re so concerned about somebody who isn’t even president. You see how backwards the shit is.

Biden is pro police too but you don’t want to acknowledge that. Just as long as they pretend to like you you happy. Cause you hate someone who’s bold to your face on how they feel.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah bro, just calling out you cac perpetrators on your ceaseless bullshit. Trump got elected, which means a plurality of your whiteboytexas compatriots were already resonating on trumps wavelength. As Black people know, this country and it's dominant ethnic group have been on this bullshit. Blaming Trump for where this country is at is like blaming a fart for causing a hurricane. Take responsibility whitey!
My black ass is white huh? Meet me in the hand verification thread maybe that will slap some sense into you.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
All this energy you niggaz putting into this Trump indictment you should be directing that same energy at Butthead Biden. The man you put in office, who been in office over two years and has done nothing but ignore you fools. But you’re so concerned about somebody who isn’t even president. You see how backwards the shit is.

Biden is pro police too but you don’t want to acknowledge that. Just as long as they pretend to like you you happy. Cause you hate someone who’s bold to your face on how they feel.
You mad huh.