This bat shit crazy, rambling incoherent madness ... we are in trouble !!!
He is stroke talking
This bat shit crazy, rambling incoherent madness ... we are in trouble !!!
OK Trump out of office will not be nearly enough in November that's why not very many people here on BGOL are not really all that excited about these interviews and political polls and that is if he loses, this name-calling and showing glee from his snafus don't mean much, the positive thing Trump has done for us all is he brought out into the open the numbers we are dealing with when it comes to those who hate us and they still don't know why they feel this way but they just do. Think of the Trump administration as a giant spider filled with foreign spies and sympathizers as its spider eggs. If we remove the giant spider from the cave we still have to deal with the infestation of the offspring. Then there are 35 million staunch supporters who will be activated after the election is over regardless of the outcome. Not only do they believe and feel as Trump does they will carry on his belief far into the future and next time they will produce a more polished neo-Trump and with the mega power of 35 million strong it will be 2016 all over again, don't understand why people think this group is just going to fade away, they have tasted the power of being in control and if the Democrats trip, their numbers will swell. Our only recourse is to separate and have our own. Corporations, Medical support system, Police force, Education system, out of sight out of mind but for some strange reason I feel they will even have a problem with us doing that.
the boy spent $800million on facebook and bullshit, proof once again he is a shitty businessboyGotdamn