trump is done, son.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Nixon was a crook and they elected the peanut farmer. And then they picked another crook to be their president.

That’s the thing with conservatives: they never really learn. They knew Dubya was a crook in 2008 but gave back control to the republicans in 2010.

There is a Russian manufacturing plant in Kentucky.
What is the plant?


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
4 years we've been hearing this and he's still here. White privilege at its best... Disgusting
Again the Republicans in the Senate is keeping Trump afloat but they are feeling the pain now it is too late for them to do anything about it.....they should have impeached Trump but they didn’t so they have to pay the price in November.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Out of sight out of mind, just like the USS J.McCain. He is so petty and predictable.

President said ship bearing the name of his nemesis was blocked during Japan visit ‘because they thought I didn’t like him.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When this clown leaves office, can a citizen just randomly challenge him to a fight and just whoop his ass??? Just an old fashioned ass whooping would let many of us breathe easier. Or better yet, handcuffs as soon as Biden is sworn in. Take this muthafucka's dignity while the world is watching. Is this too much to ask for?

da Stroka

they get protection for life


Rising Star
OG Investor

They crucified Pres Obama over non existant death panels.....and this dude literally said "vote for me before you die. Vote for me even if its the last thing you do"....

"All we are gonna say is we love you and we will remember you always".

Dude's blatantly a selfish asshole. This is his accidentally funniest shit yet.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Don’t underestimate the loyalty of his minions and their support of him.

And don’t go believing these polls. Hillary was leading the polls from June thru Election Day on Trump and in a lot of polls she had high double digit leads.

I don’t know if you have seen Trumps recent campaign commercials he has released this month. He had one released earlier this month focused around the protests and stating Biden is gonna let the protests go and allow complete anarchy.

He just released a new one yesterday with a old white lady sitting home alone and noticing somebody trying to break in her home. Thru-out the commercial the narrator is talking about defunding the police and they won’t be available and 911 will have you on hold. At the end the burglar breaks in and approaches the scared old white lady. The burglar you can not tell what race he is but it’s made out to look like he is Black or Latino.

His commercials are working on his MAGA minions fears of the scary Black Man.