I'd start preparing for a world where Trump remains in power fellas. Do everything possible to resist it, help anyone who hasn't registered to do so
NOW. Push and fight against this with all you've got. Having said that, it looks to me like this ship is going down... be ready for that outcome.
No amount of catty tweets or clever campaign ads is going to prepare Americans for dealing with the reality of fascism. Facists don't give af if Nancy Pelosi
calls Trump "Mr. Makes Matters Worse."
smh They don't care about sternly written letters from 173 Congressional Dems. They don't give af about subpoenas, traditional norms, decency, laws, fair play, democracy or anything else that isn't named
POWER. And right now they're stealing the election
in plain sight. Republicans are literally waging a war against democracy and folks are.... tweeting.
If by some miracle Trump is voted out (I'm guessing all their fuckery will shave Biden's lead into a stalemate forcing a redo of 2000s hanging chads fiasco -- placing the election squarely in the hands of a corrupt SC) we need to recognize that this isn't a guy who's going to go quietly into the night. Those three months until mid January will be the absolute wildest yet. Can you even fucking imagine it? He will burn this shit to the ground and will likely find some way to stay in power beyond his term. Facists excel at this shit, they're playing a whole different game while we wring our hands about how unprecedented this or that awful thing is. We're in an unprecedented situation (at least for the US, we've seen this story before all over the world) and a lot of folks are using an outdated lens... talkin bout Allan Lichtman's predictions and shit lmao. We're fucked, prepare yourselves accordingly.