Trump supporters behaving like the bags of ass that they are


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I am surprised at is the idolatry of such an obviously weak and flawed man like Donald Trump.

In the end, the Republican party doesn't try to understand why they lost or won an election, they just decide to incorporate the reason they think they lost/won into their system and then amplify it.

Obama won because he's Black? Let's get Michael Steele and Bobby Jindall out there to show we also have minorities in our party!
Obama generated a lot of merchandise and pop culture buzz, so let's make sure the next candidate has an even bigger impact on culture!
Trump won because he tells it like it is, so let's make sure all our people we run next election have a similar MO!
Trump is pushing that the election was stolen so let's keep leaning into that feeling!

I guarantee you. If Harris wins, and it's by a significant margin the next frontier will be the promotion of minority women into a bigger public role. If it's close, we'll have one more round of Trump-style politics, if not one more round of him running in 28. They'll just keep the cheating scandal in play until they can come up with something better, or another grifter comes.