TV Debate: What show are you STILL watching just out of HABIT? (The Strain)


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Rightfully so.

But The daughter had magnificent breasts.

another former Nickelodeon show star..




A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
I've gotten much better about dropping shows. Between sports and every channel dropping original content, fuck watching a show that is chore.

I've dropped Gotham, Blindspot, Masters of Sex and Orphan Black.

All decent shows but personally not worth the investment.

The Strain and Fear the walking dead are on the block. And forcing myself to get caught on the walking dead before the new season.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I've gotten much better about dropping shows. Between sports and every channel dropping original content, fuck watching a show that is chore.

I've dropped Gotham, Blindspot, Masters of Sex and Orphan Black.

All decent shows but personally not worth the investment.

The Strain and Fear the walking dead are on the block. And forcing myself to get caught on the walking dead before the new season.

I understand...and I need to follow your lead

I can speak to Gotham a little I didn't like and still don't love it but I UNDERSTAND what it is now an updated version of Batman '66
I caught 2 episodes of Blindspot and was done.
I actually heard real good things about Masters
and I plan to binge Orphan Black especially since its in its final season.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Queen of the South.

For some reason i thought the chick would take over the cartel. So far it hasn't come close to that.
I don't know where they are going with that, but he show has way too many filler moments, and every show is the same thing, the bitch get fucked over by some strange unfortunate incident, then saved because of some lucky ass bullshit, then its back to the real story of the Cartels...
Was fucked up is the give you just a little bit of a nugget to get you thinking, hey things may turn around, but after the last show of the season, I couldn't help but to think that with tighter writhing they could have summarized this whole season condensing it into four shows leaving more time for better action and better character development..
And that talking to her future self, has no purpose what so ever other than to make you shake your head and call it stupid!!!

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
At this point, I feel like anything I watch that's not Game of Thrones, is only me watching out of habit. GoT is the last show on my radar that was at the G.O.A.T. level. Like The Wire, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Shield, etc G.O.A.T. level.
And that's not to say that there isn't other 'good' shows on TV right now. But every year GoT ups the bar and makes it a little harder for me to get invested in other shows.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
At this point, I feel like anything I watch that's not Game of Thrones, is only me watching out of habit. GoT is the last show on my radar that was at the G.O.A.T. level. Like The Wire, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Shield, etc G.O.A.T. level.
And that's not to say that there isn't other 'good' shows on TV right now. But every year GoT ups the bar and makes it a little harder for me to get invested in other shows.

There are shows as good as GOT...

I would put mr.robot, luke cage, Atlanta, the walking dead, stranger things just off top.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
this further proof

these networks would be GREATLY benefited form giving these producers an end date as EARLY as possible.

cause The Strain has GREATLY improved ow that they know its over.

(OK that ain saying MUCH, but at least its a fun watch again)