TV Discussion : Evil - new supernatural series on CBS starring Mike "Luke Cage" Colter UPDATE: 4TH & FINAL SEASON!


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I was interested in the idea that Leland has been protecting Kristen all these years, or at least that’s the perception. Can you talk about that a bit?

Michelle: Well, I think there’s an ambivalence there. He does love her, as much as he is capable of love. Or at least he’s hot for her, so he’s not been able to entirely focus on his mission to destroy her.

Robert: It seems like he, in seducing her, was seduced in return — when I say “seduced her,” seduced her towards corruption. Whenever she holds a knife on him, he keeps saying, “I’ve never been so hard.” He clearly is someone who wanted to guide her towards the evil that he thinks is essential for the mother of the Antichrist. But also, he’s kind of fallen for her a bit, because she is sexy when she’s violent. She is sexy when she does mean things, and evil things. So I think Leland has always been a little torn, which is why he has to drink so much of his root beer when he goes there at the end to kill her. And listen to Roger Miller.


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Is the djinn that was tormenting Ben gone?

Michelle: I don’t think you can ever assume in this reality that any demon or djinn is actually conquered. The best you can hope for is a reprieve.

Robert: The thing we were implying is that he was waking up to real life again, now that he was not an assessor. Like, something was haunting them as they were doing this assessment job.


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What was the reason you were given for the show being canceled?

Michelle: You know, the talk is all money at this stage. It’s not lack of affection for the show, or any other thing, it’s that there’s an industry-wide contraction. And it’s certainly being felt at Paramount Global, as you’re seeing with all these layoffs, and shows had to be put to the side.

Robert: I do think, this was before it went on Netflix, the paradigm still seems to be about subscriptions, and a show that has so many episodes, they’re always talking about shelf space — almost like we’re shoe stores. So there’s not enough room to make room for the new shoes, so you push the old shoes to the side. But we kept pursuing it, because we saw that it was doing so well and bringing more attention to the third and then the fourth season on Paramount+, that we kept pushing for more.

But I do think Paramount+ didn’t have its ducks in a row about where it was going, and what was going to be. The safer choice was to cancel it. I don’t know. We would argue it’s a worthy one to bring back, even if it means changing things up slightly to do that.


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Robert King: You’re trying to honor the truth, as Michelle said. You’re also trying not to answer every question, because that just seems like bad writing to say, “Oh, this is solved; this is solved,” and you’re just going down the list and going check, check, check.

In theory, if Timothy is indeed the Antichrist, and Kristen covers for him, it works for a lot of what has happened in the series. Kristen has four daughters, and now a son. If Kristen’s mothering instincts are going to continue, and she hides things from David because of that, it also answers a lot of questions about Kristen’s daughter Lexis—all those things kind of fall in line. You don’t have to believe [the visitor in Episode 11 who claims to know what will happen to the Bouchard family] was from the future to go, OK, some of this stuff probably makes sense in the mythology of the show.


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But with all this, those lines between David and Kristen in the bathtub after they’ve sheltered there during a hurricane, in Episode 10—David says to Kristen, “I wish I had two lives. One for God. And one for you,” and Kristen says to David, “I wish I had two lives … both of them for you”—those, I think, are going to be instantly iconic. Who was responsible for those?

Robert King:
The strike happened in between the original shooting of that episode, and we still had six days to shoot at the end of the strike. And when we went back to it, Michelle and I realized we didn’t think it had gone deep enough with the emotion of these two. It all seemed to be about the girls and Sister Andrea praying, and not about how silent that room would be, in the aftermath of a hurricane, and the way true disasters bring out the deepest in people. So I do think, Michelle, it was you and I talking that we need something more there.


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Katja Herbers tells PEOPLE she believes Kristen would have “killed” Leland without her friends’ intervention.

“I think what they [David and Ben] do is very sweet. They prevent her from having to do it. We know she [Kristen] has killed before," says Herbers, referring to the murder of Orson LeRoux (Darren Pettie). "She killed a man who certainly deserved it, one could say, because he was trying to kill her family and nobody was doing anything and he was a serial killer.”

“You could say that it's justifiable that she kills him, but I think killing is not good for the soul,” the actress, 43, continues. “Even if you kill someone who deserves it, even if you kill a rapist, murderer, whatever, it cannot be good for you. And we've seen Kristen, that whole second season, dealing with the reckoning of that she had killed someone — and it is hard on the soul.”


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